
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

An experiment

After listening to the words of the big law, Zhang Yi secretly scolded in his heart, it is really a group of old Yin b.

The snow is teaching these people how to think very well.

These words are equivalent to their standing on the sidelines, and then wait until Zhang Yi and other major bases hit a rush, and then rushed out to collect heads!

And, when the time comes, whether they will strike depends on how strong Zhang Yi and others show.

If Zhang Yi and they are quickly defeated by the allied forces, then the worship of snow will pretend that nothing happened.

This is tantamount to a penis plot.

And Zhang Yi, there is no way to refuse.

For over a certain enemy and a possible helper, he must choose the latter.

"I see. If what you're offering really works, then I'll agree to what you're proposing."

Zhang Yi decided to take a look at the effect of the ice and then make a decision.

Grand Decree smiled and said, "I am sure you will not be disappointed!"

"Yes, now that we have shown our sincerity. Should Mr. Zhang Yi also express your sincerity?"

Zhang Yi sneered and asked: "The most difficult battle is that we are fighting, what else do you want?"

Big Decree quickly waved his hand: "You misunderstood our meaning. We do not need any supplies from you, except that you will agree to allow the religion of Snow worship to preach in your territory after the battle is won."

"For the snow worship religion, it is our lifelong wish to let more people join the glory of the snow God!"

Zhang Yi muttered, "Missionary work? It's really in line with the cult style, isn't it just pulling heads?"

Zhang Yi does not have any opinion on this point.

As long as it does not harm his interests, he does not bother to ask what others do.

The key to an easy life is to mind your own business.

And with his character, he had no time to take into account all the people in the two regions of Xishan and Lujiang.

So he said, "As long as we can successfully repel the enemy, your terms are fine."

Big Law was very happy, and after a few polite words, he went back happily.

And at this time, Zhang Yi's heart is also a little more enlightened.

He had thought that after he defeated the West Mountain base, he would easily become a target of public criticism, and be considered and attacked by other forces.

But now it seems that he is the center of a intrigues power competition.

But doing so also gave him some of the style of the four powers.

Green creeping base stable and cautious, not keen on expansion.

It has something to do with the fact that their leader is a conservative steelworker.

The snow Worship church looks small and weak, but it has great potential for growth and ambition.

The Chaoyu and Yangsheng bases are the most enthusiastic about expansion, and the others are unclear.

"Now, the green base remains neutral, there is a chance for them not to shoot. The Worship of Snow is to cooperate with me and stab other forces."

"Things are getting interesting!"

Zhang Yi's mouth revealed a meaningful smile.

Although he can not fully trust these two forces, but as long as the interests are appropriate, let them betray the rain, Yangsheng two sides is also very simple.

Then it will not be the four sides to encircle Zhang Yi.

But Zhang Yi waiting for work, and undercover inside and outside to give them a heavy blow!

But now, Zhang Yi is most interested in the two ice spirits.

Fat Xu said: "Boss, how to dispose of this thing?"

Fat Xu held a small wooden box, his heart was a little nervous, he was afraid of putting a bomb inside.

Zhang Yi said: "Don't worry, you walk to the door here."

Fatty Xu carefully carried the small wooden box to the door.

Zhang Yi directly put it into the different space.

Even if it's a spy device or an explosive, it can be handled well in a different space.

Zhang Yi opened the wooden box to see, and did not find something strange.

He saw only two white globular crystals, with wisps of white chill, and every now and then a slight wriggle.

"Is this the ice Spirit?"

Zhang Yi looked at it and fell into thinking.

All four bases have used something, which means that its stability is guaranteed.

Four bases are not stupid, if it has any abnormal role, people will not use it at all.

Zhang Yi has also seen Li Jian after using it, there is no abnormal situation.

"Is the ice soul of the original empty night really the key to help people unlock their powers?"

After talking to herself, Zhang Yi suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Are you kidding me? I don't believe there is such a good thing in the world."

"If only the four bases had used it. But the problem is that the big decree used it on Li Jian."

"In the last days, everyone is in danger, and everyone is thinking about how to make themselves stronger, so that they can protect themselves."

"Who would be selfless enough to help someone?"

Maybe there are some selfless people in this world.

But the nature of this sect, let Zhang Yi will never believe it!

"Even if you are really selfless, I don't believe you are trying to educate the world."

Zhang Yi's thinking principle is very simple.

He was suspicious of anyone and anything but himself.

He was never willing to take risks.

However, with two ice spirits, we have a chance to create two inhumans.

Such a great temptation, he can not remain indifferent.

Just as Zhang Yi was thinking, several fiery eyes fell on his body.

Zhang Yi felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere and could not help but look up.

He saw Zhou Keer, Yang Mi and Lu Keiran, all looking at him with great anticipation.

Zhang Yi and Xu fat dialogue, we all heard, also know that there is such a good thing ice soul.

The three women have no powers, so they work as support staff at the shelter.

Yangmi, in particular, had the strongest desire in her eyes.

She's the least effective of the other women.

Now he is basically a nanny in the shelter, responsible for doing housework and helping Zhang Yi relieve pressure.

She's the one who wants to get ice and be inhuman.

And the same ordinary people, Yang Xinxin's performance is relatively calm, from her eyes can not see what changes.

With Yang Xinxin's intelligence, it is natural to think that there may be unknown side effects of ice soul.

Several people could not keep themselves down, Yang Mi took the lead to say: "Zhang Yi, the two ice soul... Do you want to use it?"

There was caution and humility in her inquiry.

Such a good thing, she worried that she was not qualified to use it.

Lu Keran tightens her lips, her face is a little embarrassed to speak, but her eyes are still hot.

Zhang Yi looked at them, in fact, the heart already had an idea.

It would be a shame not to use it now that we have it.

But he wasn't sure about using it on an important partner.

So someone needs to do an experiment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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