
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Allied forces

Torture day hands in the pocket, slowly from the workshop to go out.

It was freezing outside, and the snow was terrible, but he didn't see much cold.

There are workers in combat uniforms standing guard around, when they see the punishment day will salute him.

Xing Tian smiled and waved at the brothers, and then slowly all the way to the factory office.

It was hot inside, and there was no shortage of coal in the steelworks.

Now that they don't need to make steel anymore, they use it to heat the water, which is very easy to heat.

At the door of the office, a girl in a small combat uniform squatted there, holding a wooden stick in the snow to write and draw.

In front of her squatted a huge white Wolf dog, its body size is more than ten times the size of the ordinary dog, and the giant flower flower are almost.

At this time, the giant dog obediently lay on the snow, looking at the girl writing, the appearance of the low brow without a hint of fierce breath.

Instead, there was a little cuteness in her eyes.

Seeing the punishment coming, the big dog raised its neck and gave a loud voice.

The little girl in the snow also raised her head, and at the sight of the punishment, a sweet smile appeared on her round white face.


With a smile, he strode over, picked up the little girl, and then tightened the hair around her neck to protect her face.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't come out. It's too cold. If you do come out, put on your hat and scarf."

The girl's name is Zhou Lingling. She is the dry daughter of Xing Tian.

Her father was a fellow worker who died in an accident a few years ago, so he adopted her.

Zhou Lingling smiled sweetly: "It won't be very cold! It's warm inside the steel mill."

Torture day pinched her little face, "When the time comes to give you cold, you will suffer the old sin!"

He put Zhou Lingling in front of the big dog, "You play with Lele for a while, Daddy go and do some work, and then come and accompany you."

Zhou Lingling nodded cleverly, and then continued to squat down, while writing on the ground while the milk voice said: "Lele, this is one, this is two."

The big dog Lele was downcast and embarrassed.

It really can't learn this thing!

Punishment day into the office, this is the former director of the site, which is decorated very gorgeous, and is the kind of low-key luxury.

It does not look brilliant, but the mahogany table, rosewood coffee table, blue and white full set of palace tea sets, can make people realize what is polite.

Torture walked in, and the communications staff was waiting for him.

"Boss, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Torture day went to sit on the sofa seat, "she asked me to do something, let her wait?"

Having said that, he reached over and pressed the connect button.

The communicator's screen immediately showed Xiao Honglian's delicate face.

She held her cheek in one hand and looked impatient.

"It's really not easy to find you! I can't believe it took me so long."

'What you say!

Torture day disapproving smile, face with a ruffian, "no one can guard the communicator all day!" I was busy. Why do you want me? Just say it!"

Xiao Hong practiced the corners of her mouth.

She knew that was the nature of Torture.

After all, before the coming of the end times, he was just a very ordinary team leader in Qinghuanyan Steel plant.

Most of these workers are forthright.

Xiao Hong practice will tell him his purpose directly:

"The Xishan base has been destroyed, I don't know what you have in mind?"

Xing Tian sucked his teeth and said casually: "The northeast of the Xishan District borders us, I think you should not be interested there."

"Anyway, their territory is so big that no one can eat it for a while." So let's discuss how to divide it up!"

Xiao Honglian smiled.

"That's easy! But there is still a problem."

"On the original site of the West Mountain base, there is a very powerful force entrenched! If we don't clean it up, we're all at risk."

"He killed my men and Wei Dinghai's men."

Torture day heard this sentence, could not help but eyes a coagulate.

"There are really such great characters in Tianhai!"

"Can bite off a piece of meat in the mouth of the West Mountain base, but dare to strike at your two bases at the same time?"

Xiao Honglian nodded.

"There are such great people out there."

"We looked into it, and it's not a big force like us, it's a small but elite group."

"There's a lot of inhumans in there, and they're pretty strong."

"With their backs to a shelter that resembles a military fortress, even the West Hill base can't take them."

Torture day touched his chin, this is the first time he heard of this news.

Qinghu base is the most low-key among the major forces, and has not been in contact with Zhang Yi before, naturally do not know the existence of Zhang Yi.

At this time received intelligence, he is also secretly ponder in the heart.

He cautiously said to Xiao Honglian: "If they are strong enough, we can not rush to attack."

"You have to understand that traveling to fight in an area that is not your own territory is equivalent to losing 30% of your own strength first!"

Xiao Honglian persuaded: "So this time we are inviting you to fight them together!"

"Our Yangsheng base and Chaoyu base have made an appointment, and we will attack together as soon as you nod your head."

"When the three of us reach an agreement, the people who worship the snow must also send troops!"

"The four joined hands to win them and then divide the entire Xishan District and Lujiang District." What do you think?"

Punishment day heard that the four joined forces to attack, the heart a little relieved.

"At the beginning of the uproar with the Xishan Base, is this force you said?"

"The West Mountain base is so powerful, but we can't break their defenses, can we?"

Xiao Honglian know torture day will ask this question.

She replied: "The people who built that shelter were at Yangsheng Base. I will find a way to break through their defenses and fight my way in!"

Punishment day picked up eyebrows, think this thing is very interesting.

When the four major forces in Zhuhai join hands today, what place can not be defeated?

He then thought that Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai invited themselves in the past, just because they could not eat the ground left behind by the West mountain base, and worried about the green crawl base behind.

This is a sure bet. We can do it.

"I'll have to think about it some more."

Torture Day rubbed his stubbly chin. "And I need information about that shelter you gave me!"

Xiao Honglian nodded: "This is no problem, you can think about it, it will be very profitable for you, you will never regret it."

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