
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Ability improvement

After Zhang Yi returned to the shelter, she went directly to Lu Combustible's studio.

Before he will Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang body armor to Lu Combustible, let her study it, see if it can be copied.

The army-style armor was very good, lighter and better defensive than the body armor Zhang Yi herself wore.

Under the bite of the demon cat flower, it did not bite Liu Ziyang's body in two, which shows its amazing defense.

It is a pity that Liu Ziyang's dress has been split and can not be worn directly.

And Xie Huanhuan that piece is too small, Zhang Yi can not wear.

Zhang Yi just want to let the land combustible try, can not imitate a set out.

Or help fix Liu Ziyang's suit of armor, so he can keep it for himself.

When Zhang Yi came to the studio, Lu Combustible was studying the two pieces of white armor.

Zhang Yi walked into the room and placed the chemical materials she had found in her work room.

He ransacked so much that Tianhai's largest chemical warehouse was emptied.

So I just took some of them out, and they filled a corner of the studio.

Lu Can Ran looked dumbfounded, "Big brother, where did you find so much ah?"

Zhang Yi just smiled faintly, clapped his hands and said: "These don't need you to worry about." I told you, I'll take care of the materials, you just help me turn them into bombs!"

Lu Combustible took a look at the materials and patted his chest with confidence.

"Don't worry, brother! It might be hard for you to get me some sophisticated weapons. But if it were just a bomb for demolition, it would be too easy to make!"

During the Ice Age, the enemy could not come with tanks or tanks, but only in the form of infantry.

Then, even the most common soil explosives will cause great damage to them.

Zhang Yi's eyes fell on the two armor above, he asked Lu Can An: "How, this degree of armor can you build out?"

Lu Keran smiled and said: "Of course no problem! In addition, this type of armor has to take into account the cost, and the performance is not optimal."

"Big brother, you should understand that mass production of things to consider the cost performance, rather than the most cutting-edge performance!"

"If I build it specifically for you, the defense force is definitely above these two pairs!"

"But in that case, more materials would be needed."

Zhang Yi smell speech eyes suddenly lit up.


The last thing he needs is materials.

"Combustible, you go ahead and do it. Do not need to consider the cost, can use the material is added to the inside. I don't need cost performance, I just need cutting-edge performance, got it?"

Lu Combustible is also very happy.

As a mechanical genius, what she craves most is the sponsorship of such an atmospheric boss to help her realize all her crazy ideas.

"Understood! I will definitely build you a suit of the world's best -- top armor!"

"Come on! Brother watch over you."

Zhang Yi patted her cheek gently, his eyes full of encouragement.

Sure enough, Lu Combustible's small face suddenly red up.

Zhang Yi left at the right time without taking up any of her work time.

Zhang Yi went to take a shower, then changed into a light suit for sports, and then went to the stadium three floors below the ground.

On weekdays, people from the shelter come here to exercise when they are free.

But when Zhang Yi comes here to practice her powers, no one is allowed to enter.

To this day, no one else at the shelter knows exactly what Zhang's powers are.

Zhang Yi closed the door of the stadium and took out a compound bow from the different space.

Since absorbing the power of Xie Huanhuan, he can obviously feel that the activity of cells in his body has become stronger, and there is a positive force emerging from the body.

He wanted to see just how far up his powers were now.

Zhang Yi Zhang bow and arrow, a flash of white light in the right pupil, invisible colorless powers wrapped in arrows.

But in his eyes, it seems that he can see the existence of this invisible and immaterial force.

Faster, sharper, more powerful!

Zhang Yi aimed the arrow at the target 500 meters away, a distance he had never tried before.

The composite bow in my hand pulls like a full moon, and the arrow goes "Whoosh!" Out with a bang!

In an instant, as far as the eye could see, the target was smashed!

It was not until the target broke that the sound reached Zhang Yi's ears.

His arrow speed has exceeded the speed of sound!

Zhang Yi is now surprised by their different abilities.

He looked at his hands and muttered, "I can't believe that the strength I get from looting is faster than what I've been doing for more than a month!"

Now the arrows in his hand were more powerful than ordinary firearms!

Zhang Yi thought of a move, put the arrow away, and then took out from Liang Yue there to take the sword Longming.

"Double speed!"

The power deepens, and Zhang Yi's speed is directly increased to twice.

But this time, Zhang Yi felt that the strength of the promotion is far from the limit!

"Triple speed!"

"Quadruple speed!

The use of the power continues to force, and finally Zhang Yi realized that it was difficult to reach four times the speed.

He brandished the treasure knife in his hand, leaving a shadow in the air that blurred his vision!

Zhang Yi did not stop, he took out some wooden man piles from the different space for practicing swordfighting.


Under four times the speed, the sharp Longming directly cut the wooden pile of the thickness of the calf neatly, and the incision is smooth as a mirror!

Zhang Yi maintained the rhythm of this battle and continued to unleash his powers.

It was not until twenty minutes later that he felt his body begin to lose strength.

Zhang Yi quickly put away the powers of the body, take out some energy bars to supplement their physical strength.

"Now I am much more combative than before. Even if you meet some fighters who are proficient in fighting, you have the power to fight!"

"Of course, the best use of this ability is to run. My long-range sniping ability is so steady, who can play hand-to-hand combat with them!"

Zhang Yi soon clarified his method of fighting.

Run when you can, never initiate a close encounter!

Pretend to be very weak in close combat on weekdays.

But if you have to, if you really need to fight hand to hand, hey! Then he can definitely surprise them.

"It would be even better if I could find a master to learn some tricks in the future."

Zhang Yi so sigh, only hate themselves not perfect, can not be a hexagonal warrior.

Because of this, he has always maintained a cautious mentality and will not take any opponent lightly.

Even if a lion fights a rabbit, he will use all his strength.

He himself did not know, at this time he had brought the western mountain base how great panic!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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