
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

A long lost reunion

On the other side, Zhang Yi and Xu Chuzi and others are on the way to Yuelu community.

After contacting with Liang Yue, Zhang Yi's face appeared a look of expectation.

"If Liang Yue can really succeed, then in the future against the West Mountain base, we will occupy a great initiative!"

In the back seat of the car sat Yang Xinxin.

"The most important thing is that we can steal all their information and know their cards," she said with a smile.

"I also want to see if they have the ability to mobilize missiles. After all, in the current situation, there is no such strategic armed organization, the strength gap is very huge!"

"The threat to us is different. Isn't that right, brother?"

Zhang Yi nodded in agreement: "Yes, that is the meaning." It is the unknown forces that are the most worrying, but knowing the other side's cards, at least we know how to deal with them."

Lu Combustible thought of Liang Yue, some unbearable in the heart.

Liang Yue had taken great care of these students, and she was a competent teacher.

"Alas --"

Lu gave a long sigh.

Zhang Yi asked curiously: "What's wrong, combustible?" What are you worrying about?"

"I'm worried about Liang," Lu said. Is she going to be okay in such a dangerous place and on such a dangerous mission?"

"If she were found, she would surely be killed!"

Lu Combustible's little face is full of tension.

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not very concerned about her life or death."

My relationship with her is only an exchange of interests, and there is no affection.

Liang Yue success, Zhang Yi naturally very happy.

But she failed, Zhang Yi will not have much loss.

At the beginning is Liang Yue initiative to ask Zhang Yi cooperation, even if she died can not blame Zhang Yi.

"Lucky people have their own heaven, teacher Liang is so kind, God will bless her!"

Zhang Yi smiled and comforted.

Lu Can smell speech, but also eyes firmly nodded: "Well, teacher Liang such a good person, will be fine!"

Zhang Yi heart almost laughed to death.

But he did not say, let Lu combustible retain the heart of that innocence, for him is a good thing.

Occasionally, he also needs to miss the innocent time of his past from this innocent little girl.

Soon after, Zhang Yi and his entourage came to Yuelu community.

More than a month did not come back, the snow on the ground has been much thicker, but because of the reduction of snow, there is no sign of expansion.

The whole city seemed to be covered with snow and ice, and fell into a dead silence, only the howling wind was still sharp and frightening.

Zhang Yi had informed Uncle You before coming, so when the car reached 25 downstairs, he saw Uncle You and Zhou Haimei dressed in thick clothes waiting.

When Zhang Yi got out of the car, her eyes glanced at the surrounding apartment buildings.

There was a dead silence, and he did not see the moving figure.

Presumably, everyone else in the neighborhood is already dead.

When everyone got off the bus, Uncle You and Zhou Haimei came over with a big smile.

Uncle You and Zhang Yi, Xu Fatty are warmly hugged.

"Ha ha ha, we haven't seen each other for a long time! I'm so glad you're all okay!"

Uncle You patted Zhang Yi and Fat Xu on the back, his eyes full of excitement.

He noticed the explosion of the cloud Que manor, was going to support Zhang Yi in the past, but was refused by Zhang Yi.

During this time, he also kept in touch with Zhang Yi, and once any situation occurred that needed his help, he would be the first time to go.

In his heart, he can live up to now because of the help of Zhang Yi, so his life is Zhang Yi!

Not only he is happy, Zhou Haimei saw Yangmi, Zhou Ke and other women are also happy from ear to ear.

After she lived in the safe house, although the food and clothing were worry-free, the safety of life was guaranteed, but for a long time, people were about to burst.

It is difficult for a woman to endure loneliness as well as a man.

Uncle You occasionally went out to look for supplies.

But Zhou Haimei side a talk of people are not, it is inevitable to know the heart inside lonely.

Now, with four girls by her side, can she not be happy?

A bunch of people were buzzing, like it was New Year, and then they went into the safe house.

Back to the long-lost safe house, Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke's face are showing the color of memory.

They could not help recalling the time when the end times had just come.

They had seen too many strange things in the depths of human nature.

So that when I see the white walls of the safe house, I feel extra cold.

Zhou Haimei smiled and said, "I know you are coming, I have already vacated the room." Although there are a little too many people, but the house is big enough, there is always no problem to squeeze."

"This is just as well, many people are lively! We can get two sets of mahjong cards together!"

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the women did not seem to come out for refuge, but rather to travel in general, one happier than the other.

After entering the house, Zhang Yi took off his winter clothes and then went to the side to chat with Uncle You.

Zhang Yi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed Uncle You one.

After the two people lit up, they smoked smoke and talked about each other's recent situation.

Although neither of them is a regular smoker, they can take advantage of the effects of nicotine to relieve stress.

"How is the situation on this side of the community these days? Everyone's dead, right? Have they come and robbed you?"

Zhang Yi took the lead in opening, he leaned on the windowsill and asked with a smile.

Uncle You smiled, "Nothing can hide from your eyes! After you left, some time later, they thought it was safe and came running for me."

"At first it was to ask me for favors, begging me to pity them. But you know, after one month of the last days, we won't be saints anymore, so we simply refused them!"

"The guys got desperate and wanted the hard way, so I sent them all away."

Uncle You said the clouds are light and the wind is light.

He and Zhang Yi solved all the troubles of the whole community together, and have adapted to killing such things, so there will be no guilt.

Everyone wants to live. You're right.

But if I kill you, please don't have any complaints.

"But there are a few who are still alive."

Uncle You said suddenly.

Zhang Yi Wen speech froze for a moment, then instinctively said: "Impossible!"

In such an environment, without external material delivery, people in other units simply cannot survive.

They are not like Uncle You, have powers, and Zhang Yi gift snowmobiles.

Uncle You smoked a cigarette and smiled, "It's true, and you are familiar with those people." It is the gang of 18# Li Jian!"

"Li Jian?"

Zhang Yi raised her eyebrows, and her eyes showed an unexpected look.

Li Jian's building did give him some shock at the beginning.

That group of people chose to live together in a civilized condition in the last days.

There was no fighting for supplies, no killing of one another, no eating of one another against the nature of man.

As a result, the people in that building were surprisingly strong to the end, but became the highest survival rate of the unit building in the community.

But Zhang Yi always felt that they could not live too long.

Although they were given some grain seeds at the beginning, they did not think that they could actually grow food.

"Do you know what happened to them?"

Zhang Yi curious inquiry way.

"This... I don't know!"

Uncle You laughed and said, "Didn't you say at the beginning that I don't need to have too much contact with them, lest I be stabbed in the back by them?"

"They are too afraid of you to come, and I don't want to risk it. So I never had any contact with them."

"It's just that in that building, I always see the shadows of the living, and I know they're still alive."

Zhang Yi's heart became more and more curious.

He put his cigarette out in the ashtray. "Turn around and look at this old friend!"

Uncle You looked at Zhang Yi, dark pupils written full of worry.

"What is the situation on your side now? Are you in any danger?"

To especially Uncle Zhang Yi's understanding, this is a less than a last resort, will never come out of his own house man.

And when he does, there must be an irresistible force.

When Zhang Yi came, there was no time to explain it too clearly to Uncle You.

Only then did he tell Uncle You exactly what was going on.

"What? Missiles!"

Uncle You was dumbfounded when he heard the word.

Before the advent of the end times, that kind of weapons and equipment is only very high level military regions have, if you want to use, I am afraid you have to be ordered by Shengjing personally.

Is this the kind of weapon we need to use against Zhang Yi's sanctuary now?

Zhang Yi rubbed his nose and said, "Now it is not clear whether he is cheating me or really there." But to be on the safe side, I decided to come and hide for a while."

"Most likely it's a fake. We'll go back when we know it's safe."

But Uncle You didn't think so.

"Now that you're here, I think you'd better stay a little longer. Such things cannot be careless."

"I'll give you back the safe room, and Haimei and I will move in next door."

Uncle You has a very steady sense of proportion.

This safe house is Zhang Yi lent them to live in, Uncle you will not really take their own as the master.

Zhang Yi looked at Uncle You happily and smiled: "Why do you say this?" You can live in this house in peace. Do you think I can afford a house now?"

The Zhang Yi of now is not the Zhang Yi of the past.

His strength is stronger than at the beginning, and he has many powerful helpers around him.

It's a breeze to switch houses and turn them into the ideal safe house.

He has no shortage of critical heating and food, so he is not picky about where to live.

Uncle You smiled and said, "It's good for you to decide on this matter! Anyway, if you like it, the longer you stay here, the happier we'll both be!"

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