
The World Is Falling

A high school student named Eiji Lewyiin at the spade kingdom school, where there is a developed country and full of wealth of knowledge, but the rulers of the sky appointed the earth to be a scenario place for humans, making Eiji Lewyiin have to survive with his new friends, andbeing the vessel of the King of Darkness, they all must be ready for the changing era.

T_Moriarty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

012 #Disaster (3)


"Do you think this will work?" I'm a little unsure about Eiji and Kylaa's strategy.

"I'm sure the General, who started it, will have thought this through carefully." One of the soldiers

It's true, Eiji is not a careless person who doesn't do things without thinking and planning, defeat will be his responsibility, and victory will be fully celebrated.

The troops were preparing with shields in their right hands, and several small weapons in their left hands.

Those behind me were preparing their steps even though there was no attack at all.

We are between the main wall and the reserve wall, we are the ones who could potentially be attacked first.

No, Eiji and Kylaa are the ones who could potentially be attacked first.


Eiji shouted loudly, followed by arrows sticking into the top of the first and second walls, with screams starting to rumble above.

"Get ready, Shield" I shouted, ordering all my troops to get ready.


"Should we go down?"

"No, this will waste the soldier's stamina."

Eiji stepped forward, only a few steps left until he could see the entire lower floor from above the main wall.

I don't know what he means, but he doesn't show his hopeless decision, that's the kind of person he is, I also know his strength.

But it would be crazy to be able to kill all those people alone.

Eh– wait a minute, during the first part of the scenario I felt this royal battle was too short, I also couldn't see what was happening.

Don't tell me he killed all those monster beasts by himself.

Eiji's "Dark King Cleave" gives an aura of darkness to those who see it.

I turned to Eiji, saw that there was a purple floating crown on his head, his eyes had become purple and there was an aura of purple and red flashes around Eiji.

Looking at the enemy soldiers who were still intact, I thought this–

No, it's impossible, the scene of mass slaughter, where all the enemy soldiers were cut in half in a matter of seconds, I also felt the cruel aura of that slash.

They lay with their bodies separated, followed by darkness that enveloped the kingdom.

It's scary, this is the first time I've seen this strength, is it because he's this strong that so many people bow to him?

Even when I felt his aura I wasn't sure of his strength, and after seeing this, he could have celebrated the members of the Glades alone.

"Okay, now give the signal to rest for a moment." An order from Eiji, but I still didn't respond, my legs were shaking when I saw it starting to move.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Ah, No, Nothing." I walked down the stairs with shaking legs, and I was still wondering what that power was.



"What's wrong Kylaa?"

I was under the stairs with Akylaa, I planned to let something go.

"Do you know Eiji's strength? he just killed all the enemy soldiers in less than a second."

My expression seemed exaggerated, Akylaa was a little confused about what I was talking about.

"Yeah, I know, he flattened all the monsters in the first part of the scenario in the blink of an eye."

"But he told me not to spread this power, now it applies to you."

Of course he would ask to hide, how could humans kill his species in the blink of an eye, and it wasn't just one person who was killed, but thousands of people.

How terrible would he be? he could even rule the world, No– this is too much.



I saw another bad sight, seeing many corpses with their bodies split apart made me remember a little about when I was at school.

This should be just a bluff from one of the three kingdoms, even if they see this they will change the aim of attacking me, or even look for my weakness.

But for now, I've done the right thing, soon the Arthorsi kingdom will be attacked from all directions.

"What's wrong Eiji? Why are you brooding?"

A soft voice pierced my ears, I turned to the left, where there was Loraine who was climbing the stairs towards me.

"It's dangerous above, if you want to talk below."

Loraine smiled slightly, approaching me, she was wearing battle clothes for magicians.

He seemed to ignore my words, his gaze made me shake a little.

Loraine touched my hand, pulling it up parallel to hers, Loraine let out a light green light from her ring, I don't know what its use was, but how did she know this.

"I'm confused, why didn't you run out of spirit energy when you released a force of millions of spirit energy."

Loraine put my hand back, she bent down and sat next to me, leaning her shoulder against mine.


Why can I release millions of spirit energy, can he judge how much energy the surroundings emit?

"Yeah, millions, I was worried about you earlier, so I went upstairs to check on you."

"I can judge how much energy is released from humans, monsters, powers, auras and even inanimate objects. When I feel pressure I immediately use it like before, exactly when I saw the numbers, which are millions or even almost billions of the energy you release. "

Loraine leaned her head on my shoulder, my thoughts which had been restless now began to disappear, we stared at the corpse that was torn apart in front of us.

"How much energy does a human emit on average?"

Loraine acted up again, she grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.

"Ten thousand average human spirit energy, and twenty thousand average spirit energy from the Glades, whereas you touch nine hundred and thirty six million spirit energy, not only is your strength that, but your aura can give off half of that."

"That's big, I didn't know my power was that big."

Loraine turned to me with an unusual gaze.

"I don't want to be far from you, whenever that is, you promised you wouldn't be with me until the end?"

What does he mean by saying this? there was no way he would ask this if nothing would happen, no matter how the feelings that arose and the words he said would come out during the war.

"Eiji, I Love–"

Loraine had not finished speaking, the sound of whistling arrows came, right before the eyes of both of us.

Loraine quickly didn't continue her words, she chose to point her hand towards the arrow.

"Come down, I'll take care of you down."

"Eh, Bu– But."

"Come on."

I covered Loraine with my body which was covered in shadow, we walked towards the stairs, still after many magicians who had already started shooting their magic.

We started to walk towards the stairs, but I heard the rapid whistling of arrows, I ignored the arrows, thinking that I would now be untouched.

Turns out I was wrong, the whistle got closer, the arrow stuck in Loraine's palm.


We were silent for a moment, after that I picked him up and took him running to the stairs.

The blood spilled around Loraine's hand, I thought her body had been shot, but when I looked at where the blood was coming from, it turned out to be from her right hand.

I saw Wein who was getting ready, it was time for me to take him to the medical place myself.

"I can still walk."

"I'll take you, you just stay still."






