
The World Is Falling

A high school student named Eiji Lewyiin at the spade kingdom school, where there is a developed country and full of wealth of knowledge, but the rulers of the sky appointed the earth to be a scenario place for humans, making Eiji Lewyiin have to survive with his new friends, andbeing the vessel of the King of Darkness, they all must be ready for the changing era.

T_Moriarty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

011 #Bad Feeling


The view in front of me was completely destroyed, brutal monsters attacked without looking at what they were attacking.

With the sky so dark, I couldn't see any hope for this Kingdom, how the Arthorsi Kingdom could be any more survivable than Eiji.

Tap...Tap....!! The sound of someone's footsteps.

"Do you think it's over?" I asked, I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I don't know, I'm not sure." Eiji walked towards me, and stood next to me surveying the destruction.

"I got the news from the system, it's not over yet, and your opponent will be smarter." (Sherlyn)

"Smarter, huh? It's like I know who I'm going to fight." A very confident evil grin radiated from Eiji.



We were walking towards the meeting room, not knowing what the purpose was, I had a bad feeling about what would happen next.

I pondered, looking ahead blankly, my brain only thinking about whether Eiji would survive.

"Loraine, are you okay?" Tessia replied, she held my shoulders, slightly bringing her head closer to mine, "Don't worry, we are with you."

"Thank you, Tess." Before I knew it, we were already on the 7th floor corridor leading to the meeting room.


Phew! My task is finished, now I have to go to the meeting room, I walk towards the elevator, the elevator is not far from where I am on duty.

I walked towards the elevator. heard the sound of footsteps, no one was active in the palace except the seven of us.

I was still observing the corridor where the footsteps sounded, my steps slowed down, looking in that direction, there were two girls with pink and light blue hair.

It was the Glades members, Akylaa and Kylaa



Derrr!!! *The sound of a lightning strike. The weather seems to be getting worse, in this bright meeting room, I can feel how dark it is outside.

The sound of the doorknob being opened, I reflexively turned towards the door, two girls with pink and light blue hair entered the room, Glades Akylaa and Kylaa.

"It turns out you guys are already here." Kylaa smiled, this was the first time I saw the two Glades smile, her beautiful face covered her great strength.

I smiled back, Kayla and Kayla pulled chairs near me, they both sat in the chairs on the right side.

"Am I late?" His deep voice came from the door, I looked towards the door followed by the others who also looked towards the door.

Wein walked towards the chair, I was still confused about why men could be calm in conditions like this, Eiji and Wein's faces were very calm, even though Eiji's calmness was beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans.


All this is crazy, what is the purpose of the system, why do they want to wage this crazy war, they want to leave the strongest to rule? I, with a slightly emotional gaze, was walking down the corridor towards the elevator.

Tension that I had never felt before, the sound of lightning flashing everywhere, making noise around the kingdom.

The corridor felt dark to my eyes, even though there were many lights on each side of the corridor.

In front of me was the elevator door, I pressed the button to go to the top floor.

Derrrr!! *Lightning sounds, loud sound, Ting!! *The sound of the elevator door bell opening.

I stepped into the elevator, with the lightning that made me a little surprised by the situation outside.


Tall!! The elevator doors opened to the opposite side, I stepped out and walked towards the meeting room in the corridor, the sound of my feet stomping accompanied by the sound of lightning striking every few seconds.

I was in front of the meeting room door, my hand moved to touch the doorknob, pulled it down and pushed the door forward.

Stepping in, with all eyes looking at me, everyone is already in here.

"The situation is getting worse, the weather is unpredictable." I spoke in a calm tone and even gaze, walking towards my special chair.

I immediately sat down in a single chair, not on the right or left side of this long table.

"What is your purpose in gathering us all here?" Sherry replied, her gaze slightly glazed.

"Make plans for the future."

"Plan?" Kayla looked at me, her hand that was placed on the table hit the table lightly.

"Do you know how dangerous the monster attack was?" I leaned back in my chair, raising my right leg above the top knee between my thighs.

"That monster has strength equivalent to rank B but intelligence equivalent to rank s." Akylaa looked at me, her gaze seemed to be asking me.

"That monster can manipulate sound." Tessia replied, her eyes looking at the table and her hand holding her chin.

"How do you know that?" Kylaa looked at Tess, they both looked at each other, Tessia with her eyes shaking slightly.

"When you hear his terrifying screams, suddenly the sound in my ears shrinks and disappears." (Tessia)

"And why there are times when I can hear again." (Akylaa)

"Don't say, fire is his weakness." (Akylaa)

"And Eiji knew that, that's why Eiji asked the Magician and Archer to shoot fire towards the battle." Sherry replied, turning to Sherry who was sitting next to the dashing man, Wein.

The conversation stopped, making the room quiet in less than 1 second, they all looked at me with strange looks.

"Why didn't you tell us about that?" A slightly wavy tone from Kylaa, if there was something nearby she would have thrown it at me.

"I just found out, this is my fault for not digging up information before going to war." Closing my eyes, making the atmosphere a little tense, I continued my words. "I underestimated the enemy too much."

I opened my eyes again, they weren't looking at me anymore, looking at the black haired girl with her golden eyes.

Is he using his Sage eyes? what does he use it for?

NOTE: Sage eyes are the newest version of the lie detector eyes found in chapter 02 #THE SKY CHEIFS.

Her mouth was curved, her smile was sweet, I saw her eyes which were also smiling.

"You never lose your habit, Eiji." (Loraine)

"It seems someone knows Eiji very well." (Akylaa)

"How long have you two known each other?" (Kylaa)

"We are from the same school." (Loraine)

"He helped me survive the first quest, and was also the one who was always with me before meeting the others." (Loraine)

"But during the war, you weren't that close." (Akylaa)

"Eh, don't tell me–" Akylaa looked at Loraine and looked at me, looked at Loraine, looked at me.

"No, we don't have any relationship." Loraine spoke in a doubtful tone, her pupils slightly dilated, her cheeks flushed.

Derr!! *The sound of a large lightning strike. Making the entire building shake, followed by a powerful earthquake.

I looked around me, nothing had fallen, only we were shaking.














