
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Maybe i shouldn't have done that? (1)

Where was i on? Oh, right, very important and strong people opened an entrance to the facility and were preparing to go in!

What was Kerren doing? Preparing to go in too! What? But he's a porter! Why would he!? He will get noticed immediately! Yes, that is the case, it's not like he has some miracluos magical artefact that will conceal him from the world, right?...

Yep, absolutely, he's poor, what artefacts? The only artefact he had was a ring with a level 4 inspect enchantment. But, then how will he enter it? That's simple! The entrance is not guarded! W-what? It is not? But why? What if something happens?

Well, that's because they have a barrier encircling porter camp and the entrance! They're completely safe even from S class monsters! Well, that is unless a mythical beast comes... Not only it's highly unlikely that one even exists in a dungeon, if it does - people have a way to notice their presence!

So, in conclusion, entering the facility is not a problem at all, the problem is what comes after that, it might happen so the flow of time inside is different, so even if he comes a few days after attack squads entrance - he will still meet them at the very start! What would happen then!?

Nothing! Well, maybe, Kerren will, most likely, try to lie his way out of this situation, it's not like he'll get killed for that, people are not that cruel towards each other... Well, they are, but not those... i think...

Damn, now even i dont know what will happen to him! I guess the only way to know is to wait and see!


-* Okay, plan 4 seems fine, go in, if i stumble on them - i'll just say that i fell here when i was going to take a piss in the woods, if they kill me - so be it, if not... i can get lots of benefits! -- he was already thinking about benefits again... how greedy of him...

-* Hm... but what if i get far away from them? It's not like i have a way to protect myself, so in general going in is an insanely bad idea no matter how you look at it! I'm not even a C rank, which would allow me to defend myself for some time... -- he was unsure and it was fine, after all he was about the make the greatest gamble of them all - gamble away his own life.

-* But again, if i do enter, i will be rich, i will not have to work a day more in my life and will just spend my time in some brothels or playing that VR-MMO i've seen... Hmm... -- even though he didn't want to show it on the outside people could would be able to notice that he's deeply in thoughts, but none did, not a single one of them cared about Kerren.

-* Okay, fine, i've decided, i'll go in, if i die - whatever, it's not like my life is great or i have anything to lose, if i dont? Well, i will be rich! Or powerful! Maybe i'll find a skill book or a potion that will allow me to ascend above others! -- he was happy even though he just made a plan, it was somewhat foolish but i, for example, agree to him, it was it to motivate yourself that way.

-* It's time to use my sacred potions, in total they will give me a buff for around 30 minutes, main one will wear off somewhere in that time, so if i dont find anything in 30 minutes and i will be deep inside the facility my only way out would be waiting until attack squad finds me... if... they find me... -- he concluded his thoughts after that, of course he didn't use those potions rights now, it was not the time.

Some time later attack squads merged and regrouped, making a single attack squad ready to conquer the facility. They didn't know what waited for them inside the facility, neither did Kerren, but they held their heads high, because if they didn't do that they only thing that would be left for them would be accepting their cruel fate.


-* It has been around 3 hours now, they must already be deep inside the facility, if time flow is not different i will be able to enter safely... -- saying that, he started walking towards the hole.

- Hey, little guy, where are you going? -- one of the big three asked.

What big three? I decided to call Chief Porters like that, it sounds fun, and it's not like that matters anyway.

- W-what? I-i am just walking! My legs got tingly so i decided to give them something to do -- Kerren explained

- Huh? And why is that u're going towards the hole? Mind explaining the reasoning you're going in that direction, and not, let's say -- he then looked at the forest -- in the forest? -- he added.

- Because that forest is used as a toilet, why would i want to go there? To smell crap and piss? That's not exactly my thing, i'm sorry! -- he said with a hint of confidence in his voice, that's who he was really, he was afraid of the strong and never feared the weak, whoever it was, even if those "weak" had monstrous guilds or families behind them, only strong could tell him what to do!

- Well, you dont have a choice! Lady gave us a mission to protect the hole from curious people like you! -- he raised his voice -- Especially you! She mentioned that a little porter will try to do something funny if she's not around! -- he squinted his eyes as if locking on to his prey.

-* Damnt that b*tch! Ruining my plans even here! - Kerren cursed in his mind.

- I dont know man, looks like u've got a wrong person! There's lots of small porters like me, how do you know i'm the one she was talking about? -- Kerren tried to gaslight the big man into thinking he got the wrong person, will that work, ever?

- Hmm... U're right! I would've belived you! -- he said -- But, i've seen that you were carried around by her, so if that's not you, who else could it be? -- His smile got wider and wider to the end of the sentence.

- Oh, right! U're right! Sadly, i dont believe you, your eyesight is bad! I just came here with attack squad 2, i've never even seen her after entering the dungeon! -- Kerren didn't give up, would you?

- Little guy! If you continue lying to me - i will beat you up, enough with it! I know it's you, go back! -- he started getting angry with all the audacity from the little man.

- You will beat me up?? Bahahaha! Dont think too highly of you! I might be afraid of the strong, but whoever weaker than me dares to spout such words will know my wrath! -- What is he even saying? Playing a hidden expert here? What bullsh*t!

- Okay, now u've done it! -- The whole "big three" stood up and started running towards Kerren, well, rest in peace little boy!

-* Nice, how for the final part! -- he thou... wait, what? he had a plan all along!?

A strange bottle with transparent liquid appeared in Kerrens hand, he quickly broke the upper part with his hand and drank everything he could from it.

Then, a strange phenomena occured, wind instantly grew louder and stronger, it seemed like a Wing God descended on earth!

Some of the smaller porters flew in to the sky! Even bigger ones had problems with standing firmly, so Kerren must be flying somewhere, hahaha! W-what? He's just standing there? IT's... Uh... What?

It turns out it was all a part of his plan. That potion that he drank was called "Windy Day", it intensified winds around whoever drank it! Was it magical? Not really, it just casted certain spells using users mana to do so, as soon as the pool dried up - so would the effects.

Strangely, Kerren didn't run straight to the hole, instead, he ran towards the big three! Maybe another effect of the potion that he drank was insanity!?

Nope! He still knew what he was doing! Little guy nimbly took whatever was lying on the ground and put it in his inventory! Sadly, those bags were almost empty since one of the big three had an inventory skill which level was 9! He was an elite among the elite! Even the Lady's sword mastery skill was at level 8, and this guy got his inventory at level 9! What a monster! Truly an S class porter!

Why am i astonished by it? Because as far as i remember the space inside level 9 inventory is so insanely big that he could fit a city inside it! Not a small one at that! Imagine just going in to a forest and with a wave of your hand taking it whole! That's what this guy could and was doing! He was at the top!

Well, that's all he could do, after all apart from this inventory skill he didn't have any fighting ability or something like that, he was rich, yes, even compared to A rank Protectors, but that's all, he was just a really big inventory space that could walk, even tho he had a lot of protective gear - it was not effective against the wind, thus Kerren stole their bag so easily!

After stealing their bags Kerren ran off to the entrance to the facility! After all, that was his main goal, and since he knew that just going in is almost impossible due to the Lady taking care of it, he decided to profit some more from those people!

Was it risky stealing in broad daylight? Yes it was! Did he care? Not really, after all, even wtih all the positivity of his thoughts and meticulous planning he did - going back alive was almost impossible, so what if he took another risk?

Soon, he closed to the hole, he was basically inside and... nothing happened! Imagine that, there were no protection on whatsoever! Maybe because it was impossible or nobody thought they would need to do that... Kerren was inside!


-* Hmm... To be honest, even with my "great" eyesight i cant seen to understand what metal that is -- he thought as he was sitting on the ground looking at a piece of metal below him.

-* From what i can see, it must be some sort of an alloy, which is... duh, obvious, but what exactly was it? BA2? CB? CA? None of those! Magic conductivity is above all i know! Even BA3 is inferior! -- you might ask - what the hell are those? BA2? BA3? CB? CA? Just what??? Well, those are the names of alloys, BA means - Behrillium Arichone, letter at the end of it means quality, the higher - the better.

Also, a bit more about alloys, those that he thought about are the highest level ones known to humanity as of now, hence the confusion he has. This metal he's standing on is way above those! BA3 is used for S class equipment, and those people used something even better to make floor!?

Sadly, even though he was fascinated, he had no way of taking it with him, even with one small piece of it he could, potentially, get the whole formula, even though it sounds insane to you, getting a whole formula from just a drop of something, in Kerrens world it was not as hard, reverse-engineering was at it's best!

-* Well, i'm sure they will take all of it with them if they have time, and since they didn't do so right now, just for the sake of it - they couldn't, and if they couldn't - i'm not worthy of even thinking about it -- he concluded after some time.

Next, he decided to take a proper look around, since since the beginning he just glued himself to that piece of metal on the floor, not even caring about his own safety properly, he was not careless, it's just that i was exactly the same place he has seen the attack group in when they entered, so chances of it being dangerous here were slimmer than his chances of survival.

He didn't see anything worthy of his attention, of course, there were a lot of things, just as lantern that had insanely big crystals insane, or strange-looking metals everywhere, but was he worthy of taking them? Nope, so why care? He was looking for something that is not glued to anywhere, preferably just lying there and waiting for him.

Sadly, he didn't find anything like that, the whole facility seemed barren and lifeless, even tho it was clean, which is strange, since this place was definitely old, why is that it's not dirty or crumbling? Well, the first explanation that came to Kerren's mind was - automatons!

What are they? Or who? Well, basically they're robots, but built using magical techniques, usually semi-immortal as long as they had access to abundant sources of mana... Wait... There's a literally infinite source of mana here... This place is filled with those things!