
The World I Want To Live IN


Moodkiller09 · Action
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12 Chs

The Hero

3 Years Later...

"Father let's go train! father.... father.."

"ugh.... why are you always excited about training little Kai?" said newly awaken Allaric while massaging his eyes "Most kids your age don't bother with training and slack off"

"Who am I lying to... they can't even walk and talk properly, seems like you are fast learner my guy" Praised Allaric "Okey let's go, show me what have you learned..."

Kai jumped with happiness and quickly gathered every type of wood weapon they had which was also made for him and was his size-Sword, Spear, Bow, Daggers and Axe.

However, there was no shield or some type of defensive tool.

While going out they also woke up Meira. When they were outside already Allaric asked Kai"Are you ready?.. Which weapon are you starting with or do you want to warm up with just fists?"

"I'll be using sword first, then others and lastly bare-handed battle " Kai said with enthusiasm as he held the sword. He really wished to master sword more as it was one level below compared to his spear and bow mastery.

"As you wish..." said Allaric and held his sword in the right hand in relaxed manner.

"let's do this..." Kai said while starting to run toward his father.

Allaric didn't do anything and waited for him to make his move.

Kai swung down his sword and Allaric reflected it, with easy, to his left but Kai utilized his father's power to spin himself to add momentum to his next strike, He directed it to Old man's rib but Allaric dodged it by jumping back and then he ran to Kai.


He struck once and Kai felt his head being hit from above.

"Ouch" Kai exclaimed

His father's movements were so fast that he couldn't even see him, only blur but when he striked his head, he didn't even see that blur.

"That was good trick but you should focus on your form and technique rather than depend on your opponent to make mistake. It's good thing you can utilize their power like that but you will meet someone that doesn't make mistakes so you should be strong enough to left them no choice but to make one"

"Will do father... Now let's continue" Allaric knew his son, if he said he would do something he was going to do it so he didn't think more about it and they continued training.

It was already lunchtime when they finished. "Good job Kai, keep it that way and one day you will live up to your name"

Kai got intrigued when he heard that and asked immediately "Does my name hold some backstory?"

As Allaric heard the question he felt like slapping himself but instead he said "Yes but first of all, before I tell you, don't think that I named you because I want you to be him, I don't want you to feel that you have to live up to that name, you should do what you want... okay?"

Kai got only more intrigued and nodded with the full understanding of father's words and said "Okay.." after which Allaric continued

"It's a tale from very long time but it is still told to this day to the kids to motivate them to get more powerful and serve for this country" said Allaric while both of them sat on the grass next to each other "Do you know how are we different from humans when we don't really look different?"

Kai was really interested in the topic as he didn't know what he was right now but everything he has now he also had in his past life so he thought he was human but it appears it was not the case.

"No..." kai replied "eh... I think it's finally time to tell you. " said Allaric with a sad voice "We are fures also know as Ability Thieves in the universe, our race can assimilate any type of cores and get one random ability from them. To give you an example let's say we have a human who can make fireball and uses it often and we have a fire salamander which also uses fireball often, upon killing them and assimilating their cores we may get their fireball ability." He said the last part with pride and continued "We can't get their elemental manipulation but we can get their one ability and because we can do that we are referred to as Ability Thieves and most of the other races hate us for it"

It didn't take Kai a second to put two and two together and understand why it was so. It was because everyone except them had to work their asses off to make their abilities and develop them but Fures could just get it by absorbing the core.

"So everyone decided to gang up on us and exterminate each and everyone from our race -humans, elves, vampires, undead, lizardfolk, etc.... but most powerful were ... " at that part, Allaric's eyes saddened and there was slight fear in them and it was apparent that he really felt sorry for his ancestors and also admired them " Beasts, as you know, they are the most powerful force in the most universes as they are everywhere but they had different reasons for wanting to erase us which nobody knows but they still joined the war "

Allaric's eyes shone with pride when he said the next part "But that was when he came and when he entered the battle.... whole war was turned around, some said he had over hundred abilities some said he could transform into anything but there were 2 things everyone agreed on... he was powerful and wise" and Allaric's face changed into one of admiration.

"He was so strong that some of the strongest beasts kneeled before him. He was so smart and knowledgeable even most informative and intelligent races felt ashamed. And his name was MALAKAI"

"He almost singlehandedly won the war and kicked out intruders from our planet, he was the first emperor of our race and led us to previously unseen heights and that is why he is our NATIONAL HERO. " This whole time KAi was listening with bated breath, he could only imagine that person, and when he realized he bore the same name he felt pressure from above that threatened to crush him. He realized what the name meant and hence was his reaction.

"Why did you gave me this name if you don't want me to become a hero?"KAi was genuinely interested he already felt uncomfortable bearing this name so he had to ask.

"I don't know... I felt like it maybe? ... hahaha" These words made KAi relax and laugh with him but now he wanted to live up to his name and become strongest but his thoughts were interrupted by his sister.

"Both of you, come home, the meal is ready" at that moment he felt hands sliding on his body and before he knew it, he was already in the air flying. He got scared and screamed

"Aaaaahhh" and he started falling, before he smashed on the ground the same hands caught him "You are too young to think of that kind of things, let's go eat or your sister will be angry and will beat us up" at hearing this Kai felt shiver down on his spine as he nodded hurriedly.

He knew if he was late for a meal his sister would beat him up, he didn't know why but that didn't change anything so he washed his hands and joined the table.....