
The World I Want To Live IN


Moodkiller09 · Action
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12 Chs


Later that day...

Kai was thinking about the conversation which he had with his father.

'It says a lot about this world, apparently, they even know about planets and could travel to one another' This information was somewhat confusing as he knew that technology wasn't really developed here.

In his hometown, at least, there weren't any advanced technic known to him. If he had to compare his past life to this civilization he could say that it was on 15th century's civilization level.

In his hometown, there were mostly stone houses with their own farms, barns and etc... but his house was wooden yet he could tell that it wasn't normal wood he could feel power wuthin those wooden walls.

Talking about his house, it was quite big with 4 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, and a living room.

His room was somewhat empty, he hadn't anything exciting only a bed, desk, and wardrobe.


'He didn't mention much what magic humans use, he only mentioned that they had elemental manipulation, if they only had that, beasts would annihilate them in single hand movement as they are much more powerful physically, that's only if my past life game experience is at least close to the truth' Kai deduced.

'Also I think it would be impossible for us to survive if we only could steal someone's ability... I think there's is more to it ' He wanted to ask his father about his questions- how they traveled from one planet to a new one, more about humans, more about other races, and most importantly about his race abilities- but his father went hunting after they ate so he decided to train until he came.

He did push-ups, squats, and abs each 10 times every hour as he had still a 4-year-old body, that was as much as he could do in one go. He was motivated after hearing about the hero, he wanted to become someone like him, someone powerful enough to change course of war.

After he exercised for 4 hours he decided to train with spear and sword as he felt more comfortable with them than other weapons.

He could still use bow and daggers at high level for his age but he didn't like them as much as spear and sword, hence his decision.

He trained with them for 1 hour each and after 10 minutes his father finally came.

He dashed forward to him and looked at him while searching for wounds. "Don't worry little one, I am alright..." said Allaric with a smile while caressing Kai's hair.

Kai still looked at him with concern but soon stopped. He called his sister "sister May father came back"

"Dinner will be ready soon" Meira didn't show any concern because she knew if something was wrong Kai would have told her immediately.

Allaric has gone to a bath, he wanted to clean up before dinner.

While Allaric was taking a bath Kai was thinking about what to ask first but he felt sudden pain in the place where his core should be. He couldn't help but scream while clenching that place with his hands applying pressure on it "Aaaaaaarggghhhhh"

'Thud '

He fell to the floor.

When Meira heard his scream she quickly came with a worried face and shouted "What's going on?! What happened?!"

Kai couldn't even make a sound after the scream because the pain was so severe he could only roll from side to side while his face was full of agony. He started sweating profoundly and breathed heavily. Meira didn't lose any second and ran in direction of the bathroom

"Father... fatheer" she shouted while banging on the door. Allaric quickly came out, he could already tell that something happened with Kai at first glance so he rushed to his side.

Upon seeing Kai in his sorry state, Allaric knew what was happening but couldn't believe his eyes.

'that wasn't supposed to happen now'

Kai was undergoing Core awakening phase. It was phase similar to hibernation and as important as it. This phase marked awakening of one's core which meant the core was ready for assimilation.

If Kai pulled through now he would be able to finally use some magic after core absorption.

Allaric knew all that and didn't waste any time, he stopped Kai from rolling and told him "Kai listen to me you undergoing core awakening and you must connect your body with core or you will die"

Kai couldn't tell if his father was joking because he felt like core was going to eat him whole, how was he supposed to connect it with his body?. But seeing Allaric's face he understood he was serious so he focused on his core while feeling like a potato that was being chopped.

He dived in. upon doing so he started going deeper each second to reach the core and he found it and entered.

When he entered he could see nothing but an empty white room but he could feel the power surging through it and it thrived for more. He ignored its demand and remembered Allaric's words and concentrated..... now he felt it even more but searched for something to connect it to and that was the moment when he remembered how he channeled the same power 4 years ago before hibernation started.

He focused and somehow cleared his mind, he didn't even lose a second to try and do the same as before but it was much harder now as his core was more powerful, so he persisted even more and finally got something out of it.

He could see the path... path to connect his core with his body, his body was like a lake and his core like a river but they didn't cross each other.

Kai tried everything but to no avail-forced lake to become like a river to move it to another one but it didn't work, then he forced the river in lake's direction but again... nothing.

Finally, he moved a portion of the lake and portion of the river to each other, and to his surprise, it worked, distance between the two disappeared and it became a waterfall.

He felt his energy stabilize and the pain faded away. He opened his eyes and could feel his previously still energy moving through his whole body providing it with power.

He looked at his father and sister and they were both as shocked as he was.

Allaric managed to tell everything Meira about the process of core awakening while Kai was undergoing it so she knew what happened.

"Congratulations son! you did it! " Allaric regained his composure and said with a proud smile on his face after which Meira hugged her little bro

"Don't make me worry like that again" she said whilst almost starting to cry but she held as a big sister should.

Kai felt loved by their words and smiled broadly but his father said something which made Kai's expression get one of puzzlement.

"You did you again... I guess we don't need that potion anymore" he sighed "what should I tell them now ?...that you already awakened your core at age of 4 while standard age is around 7?!"

"What potion? and what does core awakening do?" Kai asked

"The potion of forceful awakening which Cass gifted you when you were born, it was supposed to awaken it if you took too long with it. I actually planned to use it when you turned 6 but seems like it's not gonna happen"

Kai understood now but Allaric still hasn't answered his second question so he asked again and Allaric said "You should go to Cass tomorrow and she will inform you of everything"

Kai understood that his father was already tired by hunting and was half-naked because of him so he didn't insist.

After dinner, everyone headed to their respective rooms.

Kai was going to sleep now but stopped and checked his core one last time before going to bed.

Upon closing his eyes he felt energy moving in his body as blood did, it gave him much needed power boost, he was tempted to try and punch the wall as strong as he could or jump as high as he could but refrained himself and saved his experiments for later.

After an hour or so Kai could be seen dreaming with a smile on his face while mumbling

"I will defeat you and save her....."