
Meeting Jupiter

"Where am I?"

Rio wake up and find himself in the middle of white space. As far as his eyes could see it's only white color that greet him, making him daze.

"Ahem... good, looks like you wake up" Rio get startled from his reverie after hearing a genderless voice out of nowhere.

"Who are you?! Show yourself?!"

"Calm down boy, I mean no harm. How about think about your situation for a seconds before I give an explanation."

After Rio can't find the sources of the voice for a moment, he start to thinking about his current predicament. He remember riding his motorbike to go shopping when suddenly his bike getting brushed by other bike in very fast speed before he crash to the ground and his body getting hit by other bikes from behind.

"Looks like I die huh.... So where is this place? And who are you? A god?" Rio ask the genderless voice.

"Looks like you're understand your situation a bit now. This is not afterlife but merely temporary space to hold your soul so we can have conversation. As for me, it is up to your interpretation. If you mean an almighty god that humans worshipped on earth then I'm not. Instead you can call me Jupiter, I'm merely a king of distant ancient realm that regulate the realm I'm assigned for"

'Jupiter? King of ancient realm? I think I heard this once', thought Rio in his mind.

"Hmm, looks like you ever heard me. Well it's not surprising since you're an avid reader of manga called 'The World God Only Knows', you should ever heard me even though I'm merely mentioned once or twice" Jupiter said.

"Ahh, yes. I often heard of Jupiter in TWGOK especially in goddess arc. Are you like the father of the Jupiter sisters? Wait a minute, if this is true does that mean the manga and anime TWGOK truly exist? There is a TWGOKverse?" asked Rio, bewildered by this revelation.

"Yes, it's indeed exist. However instead of TWGOKverse, I prefer to call the the world that I regulate as the 3 realms. It is a realm that consist of: The Holy Realm of Heaven, The Human World of Earth, and The Dark Realm of Hell, where each realm being occupied by different race. Heaven is ruled by goddess, earth by humans, and Hell by devils. Instead of saying 3 realms exist because of fiction called TWGOK it's more apt to said that TWGOK manga exist because of 3 realms. All this time I implant the idea of 3 realms and its plot to the author of TWGOK in order to spread the idea of 3 realms existence. Although there are some differences, it's generally the same to the real 3 realms." Jupiter explain.

"Alright, I think I got the gist so lets get to the point. Since you summoned me here you should have some kind of objective right?"

"Yes, actually I'm kind of dying right now so I need to search for a successor before I'm dead completely. For the time being the 3 realms is in balance even without me personally ruling it. However this situation will not last long, since I'm sure you know about old devils of Hell that planning to dominate 3 realms. If not for me dying there is no way I'll let those bunch of old devil wreak havoc in Hell as they like."

"Yeah, I remember about that plot in TWGOK on some chapter. I'm not trying to be presumptuous here but does that mean you're planning to make me your successor?" Ask Rio.

"Yes, that's my intention. Actually I'm trying to make Katsuragi Keima as my successor, after all he possess high intelect, a cold mind, and a good judgment and planning toward any situations. Not to mention he is in the center of this whole plot. Unfortunately from what i saw, this boy doesn't have any shred of interest to become a ruler of 3 realms even though he like to call himself a 'god'. Well, god of conquest to be exact, since he like to conquer numerous 2D heroines"

Rio smile wrily toward Jupiter, since that is like Katsuragi Keima way of life. He doen't like anything troublesome, however if it related to galge and 2D heroines he'll do anything related, such as playing bugged galge with loop route or playing baseball in batting center that have 2D girl as opponent even though he has weak physique. In his opinion: 'As long as there's a girl and an ending, everything is a galge for me!!'

"Ok, then. Since I'm dead and you're trying to summoned me with trouble I'll heed your order to be your successor. Well what am I supposed to do now?"

"I actually want to directly make you my successor, however trying to do so will be detrimental toward yourself since you possess mentality of mortal. That's why I plan to make you live as mortal in earth while giving you my power bit by a bit every time you clear my missions that will be beneficial toward your mentality. Aside from those I'll give you freedom to do anything you like as long as they're not detrimental toward the existence of 3 realms" explained Jupiter.

"Alright, then how are you trying to give me your power"

"*chuckle*, of course it will be through game system since I hear it's getting quite popular on your home planet. You can call it Jupiter System, since the system will be built based on my power and divinity. As for the explanation you can explore it yourself on earth"

"System huh.... It's quite cliche but I'll accept it nonetheless. So how will you send me to earth? Please dont make me reincarnated from the womb. I dont want to suffer hummiliation as baby with adult mentality."

"Haha, don't worry. You'll transmigated in the body of a teenager. As for whose body, it will be a surprise and my final gift to you. Okay then, I'll sent your soul right now. I wish you to live with a new vigor and ambition, and hopefully able to fulfil my wish as my chosen successor. Farewell my successor.."

"Wait!! I still haven't...." Rio voice getting cut as blinding light suddenly envelope his soul.

"I'm sorry successor, I can't explain anymore than this. You'll find out anyhing by yourself in the future. About the reason that make me dying, or how those old devils have the courage to dominate the 3 realms despite my existence. Well, since I'll transfer all my power and divinity to the boy, looks like this will be the last time I live huh. Honestly I don't have any more attachment to my live with numerous years I live. Though I have to send my will toward those daughter of mine. Hopefully they will accept my successor and help him in the future"

After saying so, Jupiter vanish from the space.