

Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, System, Over Power, Romance. Chen Lin is the best student at Huaxia University. He is famous for his cleverness in programming and his good looks. When he was 21 years old, Chen Lin founded a VRMMOPG-based game company and was included in the ranks of the world's richest people. But unfortunately, when he was on his way home from work, his deputy killed him. Unexpectedly his soul crossed over to the world of Cultivators, where the strong reigned. Chen Lin occupied the body of the Lin family's disabled Young Master. But it turns out that his artificial A. I also followed him into the world of Cultivators as a System to help him. Stages: mortal : Body Building (1-9) Core Formation (1-9) Qi Refinement (1-9) The Perfection of the Spirit (1-9) Heavenly Path (1-9) Heavenly King (1-9) Heavenly Emperor (1-9) Nirvana (1-9) Mahayana (1-9) Half Saint (Low-Medium-Peak) Immortals : Saints (1-9) Holy Saints (1-9) Dao (1-9) Holy Dao (1-9) Monarchs (1-9) Holy Monarch (1-9) Venerable (1-9) Holy Venerable (1-9) Immortal (1-9) Half God (Low-Medium-Peak) God : •Warrior of God White God (1-9) Yellow God (1-9) Purple God (1-9) Red God (1-9) Black God (1-9) General of the Gods Iron God (1-9) Bronze God (1-9) Silver God (1-9) Golden God (1-9) Jade God (1-9) •King of Gods God of Water (1-9) Earth God (1-9) God of Wind (1-9) God of Fire (1-9) God of Thunder (1-9)

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs


Many townspeople turned their heads toward the little girl sitting on the tiger. They all looked at her with sparkling eyes.

"Look. The little sister is lovely," said the middle-aged woman.

"Does he want to be my son?" said another.

"It's better to marry that young man, he seems to be the sister of the girl," said another, seeing the young man with long hair hanging down to his waist.

The young man's lips twitched when he heard the conversation between the young women and homemakers. He turned to the little girl who was casually sitting on the tiger, "Yi'er. Look, you're attracting a lot of attention," said the young man, who was none other than Lin Chen.

"Tee. Come on, 'Brother,' buy some food for your little 'sister,'" said Yi'er, who blinked her left eye.

"Huh… Alright! I'll buy whatever you want. Let's go for a walk, Bai Hu can you shrink your body?" said Lin Chen resignedly.


As soon as Yi'er's eyes lit up, she quickly went to various food stalls with Bai Hu, who had already shrunk. Yi'er bought quite a lot of food.

Watching Yi'er from behind, Lin Chen began to feel sorry for going along with Xue Ying's wishes.

A few hours later…

The sun has descended to the western horizon, and the street lanterns have lit up.

"Yi'er. It's getting late. Let's find an inn," said Lin Chen catching Xue Ying, who wanted to run away.

Xue Ying, who wanted to escape Lin Chen's grasp, started to bite Lin Chen's hand, but before she could succeed, Lin Chen stopped her.

"If you don't obey, there won't be any snacks," said Lin Chen, glaring at Xue Ying.

Even Xue Ying, who was threatened, just resigned herself to being carried by Lin Chen like carrying a shopping bag.

They headed to a large 3-story inn with several pillars on each side and a beautiful interior.

After ordering a room, they headed to the second floor.

"Yi'er. Please buy the Array Master job and rank it up to Divine Level," said Lin Chen, sitting on the bed.

Hearing Lin Chen's request, Xue Ying, playing with Bai Hu, snapped his fingers.

[Ding~ Purchasing the Array Master Profession cuts 1 million System Points]

[1%… 30%… 70%… 100%]

[Successfully purchased Array Master Profession]

[Raising Array Master Profession. Bypassing 1.611 million Point System]

[1%… 35%… 85%… 100%]

[Ding~ Successfully raised Array Master Profession to Divine level]

Lin Chen sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes.

Instantly in Lin Chen's mind came some knowledge about strange patterns and symbols, how to use them, and the uses of each array, including Killing Arrays, Healing Arrays, Defense Arrays, etc.

Lin Chen opened his eyes slowly, and a smile could be seen on his handsome face.

"Status," said Lin Chen quietly.


[Name: Lin Chen]

[Title: Lin Family Young Master]

[Age: 15 Years]

[Range: Half God Peak (Fake) (100 Thousand / 200 Trillion) ]

[Job: Array Master (Divine) ]

[Cultivation: Star Sucking Technique (2/10) ]


Gold-grade Destruction Sword Technique (100%)

Silver level Shadow Shield Technique (100%)

Gold level Thunder Control Technique (100%)

Heavenly Grade Buddha Seal Technique (100%) ]

[Weapons: White Sword Mountain (Silver Low Tier) and Black Spear (Silver Low Tier) ]

[Artifact: The Moon Goddess Residence]

[Contract Animal: Bai Hu (Guard of the West Wind) ]

[Wealth: 7 Million Taels of Gold]

[Inventory: Purple Qi-Splitting Technique Manual, 50,000 Shopping Tickets, 70% Discount Tickets]

[Point System: 66 Trillion ]





Lin Chen smiled with satisfaction when he saw the transparent screen in front of him, "It's more pleasing to the eye than before which was full of numbers," said Lin Chen, nodding his head.

"I'll try some low-level arrays," said Lin Chen as he started to draw some patterns in the air.

After finishing learning his new ability, Lin Chen decided to sleep, with Bai Hu sleeping on Lin Chen's chest with his body coiled.


Morning, At the Inn.

Lin Chen woke up from sleep because he felt a lick on his face. He opened his eyes slowly and saw a small white furry animal sitting on his chest, "Bai Hu," said Lin Chen, rubbing his eyes slowly.

Lin Chen got up from the bed and washed his face before deciding to continue on his way to the Capital. Of course, Lin Chen didn't forget to wake Xue Ying up.

The journey this time was very different from the previous one. On each side of the main road, there was no forest but a vast meadow.

Several horse carriages passed by on the main road of different sizes.

After a few hours of traveling, which is quite time-consuming, they rested in a small hut that seemed to have been provided as a temporary stop for traders and people traveling outside the city.

"Yi'er. Is there a tool that can send letters quickly?" Lin Chen asked the little girl beside him.

"There is. The price is only 500 Point System," she replied by showing her five fingers.

"Okay, I'll buy 10," said Lin Chen.

[Ding~ Purchased 10 message-delivery birds. Bypass 5000 Point System]

There appeared 10 pieces of paper in Lin Chen's hand which had some unknown patterns on them, "Yi'er. Why doesn't a bird appear but paper?" asked Lin Chen, who was looking at the paper twin.

"Master can write the recipient of the letter, then input Master's Qi energy. Then the paper will turn into a bird and fly to find the recipient of the letter," explained Xue Ying.

Hearing Xue Ying's explanation, Lin Chen tried to write a letter according to the instructions. As he poured some Qi into the paper, suddenly, the paper folded into an origami bird and flew away.

After several hours, they resumed their journey after eating the food that had been prepared.


Lin Residence, Xing City

In a room of the Lin residence, a husband was checking some documents and signing them.

"How is Chen'er doing. Does he eat regularly? What if he catches a cold while sleeping in the wild?" said the middle-aged woman staring out the window.

"That's enough. Our child is big enough," said the middle-aged man.



The little bird entered the room and landed on the table where the middle-aged woman was sitting.

He looked at the origami bird, opened it, and smiled gently as he read the sentences written on the paper.

'Mother. I'm fine in the outside world. I also always eat healthy food. Unlike father, I also take care of my body regularly to stay young.

When I come home later, I will bring a lot of gifts for mom and dad.

I love you guys.

Lin Chen'