
In the Begining

Eventually, after 10 long minutes of procrastination, Hans had finally come to a conclusion on how to go about the situation. Instead of studying the room for hours, which became quickly evident did absolutely nothing - only after staring into the black sphere for 10 minutes, Hans would boldly reach out and just interact with it.

He strengthened his resolve, ...took in a deep mental breath, and spread his conscious will upwards to interact with the massive room.

It didn't respond back.

This confused the dungeon. Why didn't anything happen? ... He mulled it over in his head, when he came to a sudden epiphany.

Wasn't this supposed to basically be another dimension?

If that's the case, he shouldn't be able to just reach out and touch it. Hans probably had to travel to it, or enter into it somehow, the problem was... he had no idea whatsoever how to accomplish that.

He turned away from the black orb to look at Veef's little room. It was also an [Inter Connected Dimensional Room]... just infinitely smaller....

At first he didn't notice, but upon zooming into the area behind the tiny door, there was a little black cube floating there. And even more difficult to see was the thin thread of grey energy funneling from the little cube onto the 1 foot door to Veef's dimension.

'What is that? Thin mana flow?'

Hans shook his head.

'No. It doesn't look anything like mana... so what is it? A connection?'

The dungeon felt something resonate inside of himself, telling him he was correct in that assumption. It was greater than a gut feeling, and harder to ignore.

'So its a connection huh?'

Based on that information, Hans organized some possible truths about the matter, and came up with a theory in his head.

'So I need to create a connection between this dungeon and that room before I can use it? It seems like that should be the case... I mean... It kind of makes sense'

Hans thought over the idea continuously before trying to test it out. He had no Idea weather this would work or not, additionally he hadn't the slightest idea how to execute the action. Inwardly, he was debating weather or not he should ask Veef about it.

He looked back up to the gargantuan sphere above. It still swarmed with clouds of ghastly energy.

'Here goes...'

Hans reached out with his mind to envelop the space around the sphere. It took a while before it was completely observable. Hans felt the subconscious urge to back off, being this close, but he held himself in place with pure willpower.

The same resonating gut feeling came again, but this time - instead of affirmation, it felt like it was telling him to do something. Urgently.

And so he did... kind of.

Hans' conscious will pulled harshly on the massive room. He tried dragging it, moving it, leveraging it, forcing it, until he realized he was doing it all wrong.

Hans simultaneously discovered that every time he tried to affect the black sphere, nothing happened to it. But each and every time, the grey cloud of energy surrounding it would move inconsequentially.

'The mist? Am I supposed to use that?"

The dungeon core felt many sudden revelations come to mind, alongside those resonances, which Hans was beginning to find quite strange. He hadn't been feeling them before... so why now?

Hans acted on his new ideas. Instead of forcing the entire room to move, he manipulated the cloud surrounding it instead. The Idea was; If the misty energy surrounding the sphere were connected to it somehow - like they seemed to be - and, they were the only malleable bits available, then chances were - he needed to utilize them instead!

Correcting himself, Hans, removed his attention from the sphere itself, and directly onto the grey clouds surrounding it. Now that he noticed, their color matched that of the thread of energy connecting Veef's room to her dungeon door.

He concentrated his mind, focusing on gathering the condensed clouds of weird dimensional energy. It felt much easier than trying to move the sphere, but more difficult in the sense that the grey energy blew away from his conscious interactions like leafs in the wind.

So he stopped, thought about it for a moment, and began to utilize his conscious more like a suction. He came to the conclusion after accounting for the energy's clouds gaseous traits.

The gas began to swirl into the shape of a funnel; latched onto the room, moving in the direction of Hans' conscious force

'It worked?'

Hans wasn't actually expecting this degree of success. He was now stuck on what to do and where to place this thing. From what he'd guessed earlier, once he placed or attached this to a part of his dungeon, a door would appear like it did for Veef's room.

He came to the conclusion that the door size would be relative to the room size, but he didn't know to what extent.

How big was this room going to be again?

The question scared Hans. The amount of mana he placed into that single room was so close to 10 trillion that it might as well be. Veef's room took up less than 100 mana....yet her door was already a foot tall and half as wide.

How big would this door be? Would it even allow him to place one in his smaller rooms?

After drawing the grey whirlwind of energy which still linked itself to the black sphere towards his dungeon, Hans attempted to gently connect it to his core room.

The energy splashed against the walls of his dungeon, causing the room to shake, worrying Hans. The gold, silver and cheap gems flew wildly around the place, even the 200 mana sword was ripped out of the pile it was stuck in.

No door appeared. And Hans began to worry about the collateral damage that might be caused putting this door in place!

'A larger room then?'

His core room was already the size of a medium room at 10 x 10 units/ meters, so he marked them and small rooms off the list of possibilities. That left only large rooms and the extra large rooms.

He dragged the tornado-esque stream of energy over to the large room, where his kobolds and goblins were resting after continuous wrestling matches.

'I'm sorry...You guys don't deserve this... So I'll have to make it up to you later!!!'

Hans slammed the spiraling cyclone of energy into an empty side of the large room.


The whole room rocked violently. The kobolds and goblins screamed as they were thrown into the air and tossed into one another. Some hit the walls, or tried digging into the tiled dungeon floors with their crude weapons, failing miserably.

A spark of light glittered on the wall before dying out entirely. Failure.

Hans made the energy retreat from pummeling the wall, leaving the sore kobolds and goblins on the floor. They crawled to their brethren checking their pulses. They could do that?! Some ventured over to help the other species, lifting them on their backs towards the others. A heart-warming seen of unity after disaster.

'Well. At least they're alright.'

The dungeon core was left with one option: the extra large room. He felt pity, watching the poor little ugly bear and wolf cubs play with one another. He even started to think he was a terrible person for what he was about to do. The swirling end of the grey energy peeked over his shoulder, waiting for Hans to give the order.


When the energy slammed into the wall of the extra large room a massive explosion of energy shook the entire room, much like it did for the others. Except this time it was much worse.

The whole dungeon was shaking, turbulent winds grew in the large rooms, pouring over into the smaller ones. Monsters were sent flying, losing more and more health. Some traps were destroyed altogether.

Even Veef, who was in her own little dimension, came out, waving her head wildly every which way.

"Yo-You Dungeon!!!! What WAS that?! What did you do?!!!"

But Hans wasn't paying attention to any of those things. He couldn't rip his gaze away from the massive wall he attached the energy to.

During all of that commotion, he witnessed something spectacular. The energy tore itself into his dungeon, creating an enormous hole. It then began to solidify into a strange shape, covering the opening entirely.

The shape got bigger and bigger until it coated more than just the hole, but a large portion of the wall itself!

'Is it working?!'

Familiar ominous pressure descended on rooms inhabitants, the same pressure Hans felt from the black sphere above. Did this mean it had worked?

He noticed that the winds had died down, the blighted monster cubs were all gathered once more, but this time they were kneeling towards the fluid form on the wall that seemed to be solidifying. The form now took up over half of the 100 unit tall wall.

The core watched silently as the shape came to slowly resemble a gargantuan arched double door. Once completely hardened, Hans was surprised to see that it was... wooden?

Furthermore, upon detailed inspection, it was embellished with thousands of gold markings, straight out of a master artists dreams.

He found it increasingly hard not to be in awe of the door for its sheer size, not to mention its beautiful design or the grand pressure it was discharging.

He also felt extreme shock, curiosity, amazement, and... fear?

Why would Hans feel fear?

Then he realized that they weren't his emotions... but the first of many he would feel through his soul-bond with Veef.