
015- N-No...Way....

'Alright, I guess its time to head south.' Said Seiya with an annoyed voice.

He had been walking for 5 minutes, wanting to conserve his energy just in case. When the ground started rumbling like before, but much harder.

'No, please don't tell me he's already back!'

Seiya spun around looking for the groin-less giant just to find much more than expected.

'N-no....f*kin' way...' Seiya looked around himself to spot 9 titans surrounding him in a circle.

"Looks like Yala wasn't lying."

"Yeah right, like he would dare lie to us."

"Well he's royalty so he's not affected by the Founding Titans powers."

"Well what's most surprising to me is that it really is a slime, the Titanus Guu's were supposedly destroyed when Jormenheim made it to this world. Who would have thought there would be another one."


Each and every Titan, somehow being taller than Yala, was criticizing him, or just plain old examining him.

"Hey, we should probably introduce ourselves." The biggest titan spoke, it looked like a huge stone golem with a fat stomach If Yala had been there, he doubted he could even reach its knees. It had moss covering basically its entire body. It was by far the tallest Titan out of them all.

"I'll go first." It said once again, scaring Seiya. Its voice was definitely the most menacing thing he had ever heard.

"I'm the Founding Golem, The Green Demon. I'll even give you some extra information, I have the second strongest body out of every titan. I could guarantee that even if every single titan here unleashed their strongest attacks I would at most only lose half of my body."

"Ho-ho, do you want to test that." Spoke a dragon like titan, cracking its knuckles. This titan looked closest to an elf, with draconic scales and a tail on its body. It even had wings that seemed to longer than The Green Demon itself.

"Sorry, I guarantee that I could take every titans strongest attack here, except for Rajahs, and I would at most lose half of my body." Hearing the menacing titan take back its words like it was nothing, made Seiya extremely wary of this 'Rajah'.

"That's better, since I'm already talking I might as well introduce myself. I'm The Founding Dragon, The Chaos King Rajah." This purplish black draconic humanoid, proceeded to introduce itself after giving a evil smirk the The Founding Golem.

"I, most definitely, have the strongest magic output, strength, or whatever you would like to call it. I can guarantee that if used [Hakai] I could utterly obliterate everyone here, besides The Frost Titan that is." He said while looking at the gap between the titans on the opposite side of him.

'Is there someone over there or something?' Seiya questioned himself while he followed Rajah's eyes.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to stop it." Seiya heard a voice coming from where he was looking, comparing it to the voice of the Golem... It made the Golem sound like a child. He could feel his soul being pierced as he heard its voice. He saw the space distorting where he was looking. Almost immediately he saw a Titan with dark blue skin, hiding hints of purple in it. It had 6 arms like Yala, and 2 wings that seemed like they could cut even the wind. It's tail had blades that you could see shining on it. Claws sharper than anything Seiya had ever seen, skin glowing blue and purple, giving off a the coldest aura one would ever see.

'What the hell is that!' Screamed Seiya in his mind.

"That's not very nice, I just let you see me, Well whatever." This monster of a being, had a somewhat carefree attitude.


It was silent for a while until another titan spoke.

"Don't worry about him, he's just...Cold?" The pun the titan was trying to use was not the slightest bit funny.

"I'm bored already! you can just appraise the rest of us, I need to get back to Gehenna." Said a Titan that was burning in blue flames.

"'I guess, you guys probably have things to do anyway." Seiya spoke for the first time.

"Oh so he does talk, what a surprise." Said the 'Frost' Titan.

"Well, I'll get along with it."



[Name: Aries]

[Race: Titanus Predator]

[Class: God | Subject of The Creator]



"Ho~, it looks like I accidently let you see more than needed." Seiya [Inspected] The [Frost titan] first.

'Titanus Predator is a race too?'

"Yup it sure is, I've also noticed that you are a Titanus Predator, but not by race." Seiya could see Aries looking at him but his mouth wasn't moving.

"Dont worry, no one can hear us right now."

"So, I happened to accidently let you see my class. You wouldn't mind if I just..."

Seiya saw Aries twirl one of his fingers, and a blinding light appeared in front of Seiyas vision.

'Guh!~' Seiya spoke one sentence and right after, was immediately knocked out.


"What did you do Aries?!" Screamed Rajah.

"I happened to let him see more then expected, I couldn't let him just know." Aries responded nonchalantly.

"Well since he won't be awake for a bit we might as well leave, there's nothing else we can do." Said the founding Golem without a care in his voice.

"Your right, I should leave something to let him know what happened." Aries spoke once more.

He held up his finger and twirled it once again, before he spoke to everyone.

"Alright, its done, Time to go everybody." Said Aries while he threw his hands up and everyone disappeared in a blue light. Before he left he turned to Seiyas unconscious body and spoke for the final time.

"You better watch out, your days are numbered."