
004- Am I....Gonna Die?

The sun was floating high in the middle of the sky and in front of a big tree there was a rumbling blue blob.

'Wha... what happened?'

Seiya was finally waking up, he remembered what had happened and opened his status.


[Level: 49]

[Hp: 6800]

[Mp: 200]

[Vitality: 68]

[Strength: 50]

[Agility: 28]

[Intelligence: 20]

[Stat Points: 0]

He ignored every Art and searched for one he didn't recognize.

[XX Rank] Assimilation: Absorbs everything that the thing being absorbed has. If the being has useless Arts they will be skimmed over and not taken. If Art is to powerful you can choose to take it and If wanted you can choose to leave the subject alive,crippled.



He was jumping for joy. The skill was ten times better than before. He decided he was going to fuse all the Arts left he could fuse.


[Fuse Arts: [Wind Blade] and [Acid Attack]?]


As Seiya said yes he could feel the familiars feeling of his life being sucked out of him. This time it didn't go on for as long as last time.

[Fusion: Successful]

[Obtained Art.]

[B Rank] Acid Blade: Faster version of acid attack in a blade form. When [Acid Blade] hits opponent, inflicts -400 and continuous -10 for until acid is off of the opponent. If acid gets into wound damage increases by 10x.


He Checked his health and was relieved.


[Health: 5650/6800]

He was Thankful and surprised.

'Is it because the skills Ranks aren't that high?'

He came to that conclusion and just ignored it. He started Crawling around waiting for his health to recover with [Photosynthesis]. He had Healed up but he found a cave. He decided he was going to hide in here because he was going to try fusing some skills.

He went deep into the cave where there were a bunch of huge plants and There was a whole in the ceiling where the sun was shining through.

[Fuse Arts: [Sentient Body] and [Just a Sliver]?]


For the third time Seiya felt like his soul was being sucked out of him. This Time it was Slower then when he fused [Devour] and [Absorb] but it was still fast. He knew he wasn't going to survive, but as he was fusing the Arts he saw another panel pop up.


[Due to being in an area with Enhanced sunlight regeneration enhanced.]

He saw his health rising while it going down. He usually only healed with 10 hp every 3 seconds but now he was healing by 30 hp in 1 seconds!







He was getting scared. It had been going on for a while.

'If i had been in the sun when I fused [Devour] and [Absorb] would it take even longer than this?'

He Had just had to wait.

[Art Just a Sliver: Inactive]


'No, no, no, Noo!'

He checked his health and watched it drop to 0.

'Am i gonna die?'

His voice had been shaky as he watched his health, but he was saved. When he had 'Died his body rolled over and fell onto the huge plant. His body started absorbing the plant on its own.


[Slime Storage:]

[2000 Year Soul and Body Resurrecting Herb: Assimilate or Use?]

Seiya felt like he was disappearing he couldn't see anything besides the word "Use"


He asked himself confused.


[2000 Year Soul and Body Resurrecting Herb using.]

Seiya didn't know what was happening but after 10 seconds he felt his body coming back to him.

[Herb Usage: Successful!]

He woke up and found himself looking at a group of tiny herbs. As he was turning around he heard another familiar noise.


[Fusion: Successful]

[Obtained Art.]

[SSS Rank] Just 2 Slivers?: When taking damage that would kill you, you instead stay at a sliver of health and your strength get a 7x increase. A tiny part of you separates from your main body and gets flung in a random direction, this body is only level 1 until it increases its level or reconnects with main body. Can switch control between bodies at any moment. Needs to hit 50% health before next use. When body is separated you can also switch control between them all.


He was amazed not only did his power increase get bigger, but hes basically immortal!

'As long as i have another body hiding somewhere im immortal!'

As he awoke he looked around and saw a bunch of plants again.

'Didn't it say i got resurrected because of one of these?'

Seiya inspected most of the herbs around him and they said more or less the same thing.


[Type: 2000 Year Soul and Body Resurrecting Herb]

[Cousin of: Divine Herb]


[Hp per Sec: 5,000]

[Mp per Sec: 4,320]

[Heal Time: 30 Sec]

[Vitality: 500]

[Intelligence: 432]


Type: Reinvigorating Herb]

[Lesser Version of: Soul and Body Resurrecting Herb]


[Hp per Sec: 1,500]

[Mp per Sec: 720]

[Heal Time: 1 Minute]

[Vitality: 150]

[Intelligence: 72]

'Divine Herb!'

'If this is here Doesn't that mean the Divine herb will be too?!'

Seiya scrambled around looking around for this 'Divine Herb'. When he couldn't find it near him he went to the back of the cave were it was dark and saw a plant the was touching the top of the roof seemingly trying to break out.

'Is that it! [Inspect]!'

Type: Divine Herb]

[Every Plant in the Titan World Derives from this one.Considered low quality in the Divine World]


[Hp/Hp per Sec: 150,000]

[Mp/Mp per Sec: 16,140]

[Heal Time: Instant]

[Vitality: 1500]

[Intelligence: 1614]

'Yes! I found it!'

'If I can just use [Assimilation]....'

'Im going for it!!'

Seiya leapt towards the huge plant but hit something mid air.


Seiya was sent flying to the patch of Herbs 10 meters away.


Seiya was confused.

'How did i get over here.... and who is that??'


Seiya slowly turned around and was shocked at what he saw.