
The world called Excalibur

The enemy had suddenly attacked with strange and powerful weapons. They would have all been destroyed if not for the strength and wisdom of their leader. Zhangsun Shan finds himself in a strange world, he remembers on his departure here, he had seen his wife and his two other comrades. His goal was to find them, attain powers beyond comprehension and avenge his sect.

kingfjosh · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Recalling the past I

Twelve years later;

Zhangsun Shan and Qui Si were running as fast as they could in a forest, Qui Si appeared out of breath but Zhangsun Shan looked like he was just going for a morning jog, Zhangsun Shan was dressed in a white samurai robe which had the same color blue designs at the hems of the cloth and also a katana at the left side of his waist, he had changed as he appeared far more mature, handsome and he was about 6'3 in height but he still had only one arm; his left one.

His hair had also changed, the tips of his hair were light green and they brushed lightly against his face, it wasn't longer long enough to reach his shoulder.

Qui Si on the other hand had grown into a beautiful young woman with her black hair flowing past her shoulders, she was dressed in a black robe.

A volley of arrows fell from the sky at their position, Qui Si's face wore fear as she didn't know what to do but Zhangsun Shan grinned, he had a pipe in his mouth.

"Martial arts style; hasty strike" Zhangsun Shan shouts aloud as he brings out his katana with his only working arm, as fast as he could, he knocks all the arrows diverting them away from their trajectory.

Zhangsun Shan looks over at Qui Si, an arrow embedded in lightening was about to her, as fast as he could he dashed in front of her, as the arrow was about to hit, Zhangsun Shan sheathes his Katana, carrying the lightning embedded arrow, he throws it towards the direction it came from with all his might.

Soldiers who were dressed in red robes with the royal insignia on the left sides of their breast pocket were keeping a watch on the proceedings of the war.

One of them had decided to go and take a dump, as he removes his garment to take a shit, the arrow that Zhangsun Shan had thrown hit him directly into his asshole.

"AHHHHRRRRGGGGGH" the man screams aloud as the arrow electrocuted his body causing him to fall unconscious.

There were about seven soldiers beside him, they were first amazed at what happened before one of them began to chuckle, the others followed suit, the laughter was the last thing on their faces as a few nanoseconds later, all their heads were on the floor, with the bodies falling a few seconds afterward.

Zhangsun Shan now appeared directly in front of them, he blew softly into the pipe in his mouth as he blew smoke from a corner of his mouth alongside with smoke emanating from his pipe too, his Katana was stained with blood which he held with his only remaining arm.

"Martial arts style; cleansing the first arc," Zhangsun Shan says aloud, immediately the blood smear which was on his sword disappears, quickly, he sheathes it. Qui Si appears before him, she was breathing heavily as she had run a distance of over 30 km.

Zhangsun Shan had simply just jumped to where the soldiers were once he heard the scream.

"I am so sorry, honey" Qui Si says tears appearing on her face

"You would have taken over the imperial court, it's all my fault, forgive me" she ends.

"My love" Zhangsun Shan says without even turning in her direction, he removes the pipe from his mouth

"It's okay, the imperial court never even liked your guts, they hated the way you disobeyed rules and would go around to cities and villages in need of help and deliver them as it really perturbed their regime, they would have found a way to end you but I was fortunate to use something as a bargaining chip, now we have to go back to my origin; Kraido village, more specifically, Taiyi sect."

"But why," his wife asks.

"There's something about Rui Hongcha that remains a mystery to the entire world, he possesses a different kind of cultivation, after all, I held his sword and what I experienced and the power I expelled, I haven't found any similarity here, I have studied every book, learned every known technique, and yet there was nothing similar to what I felt from holding his weapon and also I am the most powerful Krigo user here."

"Don't you mean me?" a man with blue long hair says, his hair was so long it past his shoulders all the way to his waist, he wore the same red robes as the soldiers but he has seven stars embedded in the chest center of his attire, he held a long sword which was about 15 inches long and three inches wide.

"Mui Li, you finally showed your face, I knew you were hiding waiting for a perfect opportunity for me to lose my guard and then get the jump on me but there's one thing I knew you couldn't resist" Zhangsun Shan has a demeaning grin on his face as he narrows his look at him

"A little taunt" Zhangsun Shan smile becomes even more predatory as he unsheathes his katana

"Before we go into this, I hope the last meal you ate was your favorite as it will certainly be your last."

"You brat" Mui Li shouts aloud

"Marital arts style, giant flambo" he shouts, immediately, his sword quadruped in size and it was covered in blue flames, the flames were so strong that it instantly burnt the entire radius of about 12 km to ashes.

"Awww" Zhangsun Shan smiles adorably

"You just put up a little fire but the sun is still out so the light is totally unnecessary, now the only thing you have done is destroy some trees which had a lot of biological significance and what have you gained, no tell me, what have you gained, clap for yourself, you have successfully won an award; the most senseless Krigo user of all time, you should be awarded" Zhangsun Shan grins at him, Mui Li's face wore great annoyance but he dares didn't strike, he knew Zhangsun Shan, he knew how best to use people's anger against them.

"So I don't blame you for your unparalleled stupidity as there's a good thing to what you did," Zhangsun Shan says as he sheathes his sword.

"Why did you sheathe your sword, whatever your schemes are," Mui Yi says aloud

"It won't succeed."

"Relax, frustrated virgin" Zhangsun Shan smiles at him as he dashes and reappears again, when he returned, he held a live rabbit in his hand, he was just gone in a picosecond.

He had ran a distance of 8km to catch the rabbit, jogging playfully to Mui Yi's glowing and flaming sword, he put the rabbit there, it was roasting rapidly.

"At least, we all get to eat, you are such a thoughtful subject" Zhangsun Shan grins at him as she turns over to his wife

"Would you care for some roasted rabbit?"

Qui Si just smiled, how her husband was still his usual self after his last devastating failure really amazed her, she felt sad about what had happened as it was all her fault.

She recalled the events of what happened.

It had all began twelve years ago when the duo had arrived in the abode of the emperor which was controlled by the imperial court.

They were still little children, both of them were ten years old each, a soldier called Rai Di had taken them in, the three of them were to appear before the emperor.

The palace was spacious and there were pillars everywhere, the emperor sat on a throne which was obviously made of gold, he wore red robes with so many sapphires embedded in it it didn't take a genius to know he was important, there were two guards at his side.

Also, there were guards at the end of the room and even beside the walls.

The king had asked a question that how was he sure Zhangsun Shan would be loyal to the kingdom, without wasting time, Zhangsun Shan quickly took Rai Di's weapon and drove it deep in his tummy causing Rai Di staggers backward visibly shocked, Zhangsun Shan smiles at him as he pulls the sword out.

Zhangsun Shan grins as he looked over at the emperor, while Rai Di stumbled to his death, his face full of shock and wearing surprise.

"That man here..." Zhangsun Shan says pointing to the person he had just killed

"...is the reason why I still draw breath, and yet I killed him, it's to show you that I would do anything for this kingdom, it's non-debatable" Zhangsun ends with his most haughty grin.

Qui Si who had seen everything was in shock, she couldn't believe what she had just seen.

"I see," the emperor says stroking his beardless chin

"And who is this female that you brought alongside."

"The only being I know more dangerous than me," Zhangsun Shan says with utmost confidence

"With her by my side..."

"Don't you mean in my kingdom?" The emperor asks.

"Well then," Zhangsun Shan says with his most haughty grin

"With her by the side of his majesty, no arm shall ever befall this dynasty."

"Sounds like music to my ears," the emperor says as he claps his arm.

Immediately, a man about 5'9 feet came into the room, he had long blue hair and a very haughty look on his face.

He carried a long sword and walked with so much pride.

"Your majesty, you summoned me," the blue-haired man says bowing down.

"Mui Li," the emperor says in his direction

"You are the best Krigo user in the kingdom" the emperor adjusts his gaze as he points over to the two ten-year-old kids before him

"I want you to train these children, they are from Kraido village."

"Kraido village," Mui Like says aloud his face getting all red with annoyance

"Isn't that where Rui Hongcha is from, that brat."

"I personally heard the white-haired kid..." the emperor says in Zhangsun Shan's direction

"... decimated him without even lifting his finger, if we can get him to learn Krigo, think of how invaluable he would be as we need to figure out the source of Rui Hongcha's power, the knowledge of Krigo manifestation in the Taiyi sect is primitive and Rui isn't known to show any form or technique relating to Krigo but yet whenever the top elites in this kingdom faced him, they were always utterly destroyed, even his sword which anyone other than him held had always died instantly except this boy who wielded it and was even able to draw out its power."

"I understand the boy's worth," Mui Li says as he looks over at Qui Si who had a terrified look on her face, she was visibly shaking and it looked like she could

"How about the girl, why is she here, isn't the art of warfare even forbidden for the female gender."

"It was" the emperor says as he rises from his throne

"I have noticed the behavior of the female since she stepped into here, she was timid and shy, by the way, her body is presently shaking, she is still green and would at best, make a slightly better than average Krigo user but Zhangsun Shan though still a child, if the rumors about him are true, he can't be subdued and the only person he cares about is himself but yet he still defended this girl, meaning he has a thing for her, Zhangsun Shan has goals that most would consider delusional and impossible but somehow, he always brought them into fulfillment, that's why we need a leash..." the emperor ends his statement as he was now directly in front of Qui Si.

"....And she will be perfect for that role" the emperor ends with a cruel grin.

Zhangsun Shan was annoyed internally but he didn't dare show it facially.

This king was beyond anyone he had ever seen, he was so cunning but yet none could ever hope to reach the legendary Zhangsun Shan, he was the supreme being, he will find a way to triumph as he had always done and rule overall.