
The World Behind The Well

A girl wakes up to find herself being called Princess Robin Everson.The last thing she remembers is hitting her head on a well. Will she decide to be Princess Robin or will she runaway to live a normal life?

fireyn · Fantasy
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18 Chs

My First Look

"Princess,come on and hop on the wagon!"said Envy quietly.

"Coming!" I said as I leaped on the back of the wagon.

It was filled with dragon eggs that looked like they were ready to hatch. Grik started to drive the wagon.

"Envy, why are there dragon eggs back here?" I asked.

"I May or May not be a criminal who is on the run." She said very seriously.

"Oh,great, so you're a fugitive. Damn I am with a fugitive! Oh God! How will this make me look to the kingdom! My parents are gonna be pissed!" I screamed.

"Princess, I am so very sorry!" Envy snapped back at me.

"I don't know what to do Envy! Why! No! This is a Nightmare!" I screeched.

"Calm down!" Envy said, trying to calm me down.

"I will calm down when I am ready!" I snapped "Prikess I thinc you need to calm dowu!"spoke Grik.

"All right, what language? "I asked.

"Orgeron!" Grik said.

Some time later we arrived at a small village filled with elves. It is called the Enchanted Village. Grik gave me a brown shirt and blue pants to wear. I guess so nobody would recognize me. Since everyone who knows will be deeply punished. I met a young elf girl.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am a commoner who is simply working with a fairy, and an ogre!" I told her.

"My name is Mulan, What is your name?" I asked.

"Well I don't have a name yet I am 50,002,We have ceremonies were elf children get their names chosen!" She replied.

"Gosh you poor thing!"I remarked.

" Don't be I am excited to get my name! I hope it Blossom since I love Blossoms!" 50,002 said.

"I hope you get Blossom!"I spoke

We ended up spending the night there. We left early in the morning while all the elves were asleep. We rode for hours. I saw many creatures like unicorns, fairies,gnomes,elves, mermaids, and even plant people. We found a small cabin by a swamp. It turns out the owner was gone. We stayed there and caught some fish. We ate the fish and left before nightfall. I eventually drifted away while listening to the noises of the night. When I woke up I was surprised to see a big city with cats walking around. Cats that looked so magical. They were wearing clothes, dancing, and even singing. Envy told me that we hit Mythical which is part of the forest towards the ocean. Here Cats live and play.