
The World Begins Anew: Legend of the Soul Eater

After a devastating event swallows all ten billion people on Earth, you follow in the footsteps of Joe, a software consultant who was revived in the distant future as a Soul Eater.  A mysterious voice urges him to endure and survive the deadly magical world of Earth, granting him an ability to resurrect the ensnared souls of his era.  Prophecy of his arrival strikes fear into the peaceful nations, as Joe attempts to reshape the world with the knowledge of humanity and discovering the secrets of the Soul Eater legend.

JoeOfTex · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: Responsibility

"Soooo, are you going to explain why your shirt disappeared?" Harry seemed impatient to ask.

"Hah, remember the void where the screen appears? Well… I was practicing my magic and used it as a prop. Seems the void is not a dream," my voice faded towards the end.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up, chills ran through my body. The moment I mentioned 'dream', my intuition felt like something had been forgotten.

"For how long was I collecting mana on the carriage?" I looked at Dean.

"About half an hour," Dean shared.

Did I fall asleep?

My thoughts wondered, but were interrupted as we entered the city through a short tunnel, seeing a muddy road which stretched to the north wall about a kilometer away. Buildings hugging each other, lined up on both sides with signs advertising their business, perhaps this was the market district. There was smoke glowing from the moonlight and visible flames of fire to the west.

Looking around at the new crowd of faces staring at us, it seems these were the people who were trapped by the king. I was going to have to repeat myself, but my voice was exhausted from yelling, when Harry jumped in front of us.

"People of Sarconia! Your king has fallen, you are free! Celebrate your freedom!" he shouted with glee.

Murmurs sounded through the crowd, when a small girl pushed and squeezed her way to the front. Big blue eyes with brown unkempt hair wearing a shabby pull over and barefoot, calmly asked with tears building in her eyes, "Are you here to punish us?"

My heart sank, she brought back memories of my daughter when she got in trouble. I slowly moved in front of Harry who looked dumbfounded, and kneeled in front of the girl.

"Never, ever. We are the lost ancients. My name is Joe, what is your name?" I calmly spoke with enough volume for the crowd to hear.

"Marsha," she said with her head facing down looking at me, holding her hands together.

"It is nice to meet you Marsha. My friends need a place to sleep tonight. Do you know where the King's castle is?" I asked, changing my tone into a friendlier voice.

She lifted her arm and pointed to the street to our east that ran somewhat parallel with the wall, and added, "We aren't allowed to go there."

"Thank you Marsha. Why are you not with your family?" I was concerned.

A tear crawled down her face, and she said with voice breaking, "My mom was taken by the nobles, and I have never met my dad."

Anger welled up inside me. The nobles of this kingdom have no concern for the common people. This whole situation was my fault. My heart felt the weight of responsibility building up.

"Those bastards fled to the King's Docks to the south!" a yell came from behind the crowd.

"They took my brother too!" another added.

"They robbed my store of all its food!" an old lady's voice joined in.

As the cries of the people piled on, I stared at Dean and Harry, then turned back to Marsha.

"I will find your mother, what is her name?" I patted her head.

"Maria… she works for Viscount Jerome.", tears rained down her face.

Wrapping my arms around Marsha and whispering, "I will bring her back," Marsha cried with her face pressing into my shoulder, as I watched the crowd become restless.

I stood up while gently positioning Marsha in front of me, and turned around to look at Harry. The newly arrived ancients seemed to have entered the city as they were all bunched up at the entrance behind us, watching this scene.

"Harry, you are in charge of taking over the King's castle. Start with finding shelter and food for the ancients, teach them about magic, but please don't destroy the castle. We need intel about this world, locate their national archives or libraries, and watch out for potential enemies," I commanded. He was about to speak, but I raised my hand to stop him. I knew Harry wanted to join me, but I needed him here.

"Dean-" I was about to speak, when he interrupted, "Let's go."

A young girl with straight dark hair in a ponytail, wearing khakis and white shoes, came running up from the group of ancients and picked up Marsha's hand. "I will take care of you, think of me like your big sister," she smiled.

I had no choice but to leave my trust in this girl for now. I turned back to Harry, "I am counting on you to be a proper Lord." His smile widened and his eyes twinkled.

I turned to gaze at the restless crowd inside the city and prepared my voice, "People of Sarconia! Please be strong! We will bring back your people!"

Turning and leading the way back out of the city entrance with Dean by my side, I waved for the ancients to continue moving into the city. Harry, who could be heard enthusiastically taking on his new role, faded behind me.

As we exited the tunnel heading out, scores of commoners and some merchants seemed to be trying to make their way back into the city. This seemed like good news I hope.

Scanning the area, I see the commoner who drove us here taking care of the horses. Pointing in that direction for Dean, we head over.

"Hello, thank you for helping us earlier. Would you do one last favor for us?" I bowed my head.

"Ahh, no sir, you don't need to bow for me, sir," he was embarrassed.

"Please, may I ask your name?" I asked sincerely.

"Timothy, but people call me Tim, sir."

"I am Joe, and because of me, the nobles caused trouble for the people. I need to reach the King's private docks south of here."

"Yes sir, I know the place. Do you want to go now sir?"

"Yes, thank you." I bowed again.

"Sir, please don't bow! Let me prepare to leave immediately, sir."

Raising my head and moving to sit inside I hear someone yell out behind me.


"Let me guide you, I know a secret entrance! Or do you have a plan mister?" A boy about thirteen years of age with short brown hair and green eyes, being a smart-ass and smiling, made the request while pointing to himself.

All I could do was chuckle and tell him, "Sure, but you stay outside."

"The name's Danny," he said triumphantly.

The three of us scooted into the carriage and sat down, when Tim tapped on the wall and took off, jolting us from the quick pace.

"So, what is your plan?" I humored the boy.

Danny, looking at the damaged ceiling and blood in the carriage seat he took, shivered his head and said, "There is a place with runoff on the north side that created a passage under the wall near the river. Inside, it puts you behind a storage shed. Oh! And bonus! The boats can't leave until morning when the winds are strong or the river current will take them north!"

This boy must be a fisherman's son.

"Tell Tim, our driver, where it's at, but to drop us off a safe distance away."

There was a big bright smile on his face as he climbed over to the drivers box.

Glancing at Dean, I noticed he was wearing a sword at his waist and holding a bow and quiver full of arrows in front of him. I've been ignoring him, but he is one reliable guy. His aura was so compressed it looked like a deep blue pinstripe outlining him.

"Dean, I can use both red and blue aura magic. Priority is to rescue the commoners. No mercy to the nobles," I stared him in the eyes.

He gives a short nod, when Danny makes his way back inside shouting, "We are here!"

I stepped outside where we parked next to a tree, it seemed there was a commotion going on at the entrance, a bit out of sight, perhaps people hoping to hitch a ride on the boats.

Danny points his finger whispering, "Over there, do you see the bushes?"

It was a bit too dark from this angle as the moon was hiding behind the wall, but as we approached closer it came into view. Invisible behind the bushes was a runoff big enough for Dean and I to barely fit under.

I whispered to Danny, "Thanks, but you need to wait here, we are going to rampage inside."

Hopefully that scared him to stay.

"Oh… okay mister, but please rescue my brother Mark, who is in there with Viscount Jerome," he whispered, pleading and looking defeated.

Again, the same Viscount, this noble must be the worst human being.

"You have my word. Stay with Tim, and thank you," I patted him on the shoulder and slowly stepped into the ditch.

Lying on my back, I felt wet and muddy, but I wiggled up the small opening under the wall and poked my head out slowly. It was pitch black, but turning to the side I could see the faint glow of torches along the wall towards the entrance. I climbed all the way through and waited for Dean crouching with my back against the shed Danny talked about.

Motioning two fingers to my eyes and then pointing them towards the entrance, giving Dean his first task. Moving myself towards the river side, I slowly peek around the corner of the shed with one eye.

One, two, three, four boats, with guards waiting at each wooden ramp on the docks going up to the boats with large pits illuminating the surrounding area. We should probably disable the boats, maybe sink them discreetly with a small hole.

A nagging feeling crept up on me, as Dean tapped on my shoulder.

"They know we are here," he said.

Fuck, my aura! That's how the man with the artifact knew it was me, but why can't I see my own aura?!

"I'll surrender by myself, disable the boats!" With that said, I walked towards the entrance and into the torch light.

A neatly dressed man in a blue coat was walking over holding the same artifact that was white, cube shaped, brown edges with words on the sides. He was accompanied by two guards dressed in shiny armor like the king's men.

I slowly approached, smiling and calmly asked, "What color do you see?"

"You think we wouldn't notice your intense white aura, you must be dumber than my slaves," he quipped.

Instinctively raising an eyebrow, I responded, "If you know who I am, you better kneel down before me. I just erased your King from existence."

His shoulders were shivering and shrinking himself in place, as the guards slowly backed away with mouths gaping. Staring them down with a slight anger in my eyes, I continued, "Take me to Viscount Jerome."

His expression brightened up slightly as he stood up straight, adjusted his coat with one hand, and finally opened his mouth, "Very well, follow me."

Interestingly, he must think the Viscount is a worthy advisory against me. I better be cautious, the noble may have an attribute I'm not familiar with. With too many unknowns in this world, I needed more knowledge and quickly before the world came hunting for me. Hopefully the ancients can help speed things up.

We made our way to a villa's entrance, which was brightened with artificial light shining on marble statues of a past king and queen. Spread out front, was a garden with well manicured shrubbery, some isolated shrubs topiaried into round balls, and a variety of trees, one wearing pink leaves that stood out.

Navigating around the garden, we entered the villa through the grand entrance with spiraling pillars and two giant wooden doors. The men standing guard flinched in shock upon seeing me, but the noble calmly motioned to let us in. As the door swings open, I hear a roar of laughter and excited voices coming through the hallway a few steps inside. These nobles were either clueless or heartless, I was confident in the latter.

Turning through the hallway, people filled the room, dressed in elaborate dresses and suits, casually standing around wooden cocktail tables eating at some dishes that surprisingly smelled really well from this distance.

A tall slender man off in the back noticed us and immediately walked over. "Welcome, welcome! Everyone, the man of the hour has arrived!" the man announced.

All eyes turned on me, while they gossipped with their neighbors. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I focused on the tall man who was wearing the nicest well tailored modern suit by my era's standards, dark with pin stripe and a shiny, light violet, folded pocket square. He had dark black hair with… purple eyes?! Suspicious.

Facing me, the man continues, "My name is Viscount Jerome, and I am the host of this banquet," as he lets out an elaborate bow.

Some of the women giggle in the background. This was not what I expected, my anger deflating, I tightened my right fist and reciprocated, pretending I'm in a business meeting, "Thank you very much, it is an honor to be here. Apologies for my rude attire, but I haven't had a chance to freshen up since my arrival."

""""Ha ha ha"""" the man and the crowd joined in appreciating my response.

If this was going to be a business negotiation, I better bring out all the stops, but what did I have to offer? Being the Soul Eater? The legend should speak for itself. Entire nations could be razed, my presence alone offers benefit or disaster, at least that is what I was led to believe, that fucking king. I better let the man talk, before I make a fool out of myself.

"We heard of your great deeds of slaying the King and saving the people!" the man let out, as the crowd chuckled in unison.

These heartless bastards. I lit up my face with a smile and nodded my head.

"So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" asking as he leaned in towards me.

"Negotiation," I winked at Jerome.

"""Ha ha""" The crowd's laughter changed tone slightly.

"Oh, and may we ask, what are your terms?"

"World war or world peace, the cost is but a penance," I straightened my face and stared him in the eyes. I was telling him that disobeying me would spell disaster for nobles across the world if I were to succeed here. While giving me what I want, the lives of commoners, who they could easily replace from any other country, would bring peace of mind to nobles.

But these people were greedy and heartless, and the response was expected.

"I see, but the cost is far more than a penance, we have lost our land and our livelihoods you see. Look, we have nearly run out of wine!" he joked.

The negotiation has failed. Declaration of war has been submitted. Expect the unexpected from here on out.

"That is unfortunate. Apologies for the interruption. Please enjoy your banquet. I shall take my leave." I spoke with disappointment and turned to leave.

My senses were flaring, I could feel enmity piercing my back as I walked towards the hallway, my aura was agitating me, warning me. I shifted my weight and hopped to the side with mana in my feet.

The wall behind the doorway fractured and exploded in my place. The group I hopped behind attempted to run, but they became collateral damage, upper bodies exploding with floating pools of blood and bits. I raised my left hand to the ceiling above the Viscount and crushed the cement looking material with the force of a giant boulder falling from a mountain.

My left hand exploded, "Fuuuuck!". Stunned from the pain, seeing blood squirt out, and skin and bones mangled, my heart was fiercely pumping in my chest as sweat rolled down my face. I gritted my teeth, I'm still breathing. The ceiling was echoing a groan as it came crashing down into the party. The attendees of the banquet screamed in horror and gasped as many were instantly crushed.

Aiming my right hand forward, I imagined an enormous towering dam holding back a deep sea of water and slammed opened the release valve. A violent burble noise was heard as water gushed out propelling me backwards into the wall. Using my shattered left arm to help support, blood spraying on my clothes and sea water entering my wound, I shouted with my resolve, "Ahhhhhhhh!"

The room instantly filled up with water, rising rapidly along the walls, faster than it could dissipate through the hallway. Floating up with the water, I kept on filling the room until the windows burst and I shut off the valve, as I gradually fell back down towards the ground.

Searching the room for purple eyes, I spotted him in the middle of the room, choking, with leg stuck under the rubble, and seeing his eyes grow wide, as I quickly ducked down and the wall exploded above me hitting my head with shards of rock and wood. It's the eyes!

I imagined a flamethrower dripping with gasoline ready to fire. Slowly repositioning my body to leap to the other corner, I concentrated the mana around my body and moved it into my leg muscles and ankles. Taking a deep breath, I lept in the air, igniting the flamethrower in my right hand as the sound of liquid shot out and burst into roaring flames. Arching over the middle of the room, aiming directly for the Viscount trapped in the middle, the flames slowly reach out towards him as he explodes the ceiling remnants behind me.

"Ahhhhhhhh", his screams echoed through the room as he collapsed, with eyes and face melted, disfiguring the once pristine man.

I crashed into the corner with my back, and fell to the ground. Groaning in pain, I lifted myself up, heart drumming, and limped over to the middle of the room.

"You… have… *cough*... his scent," the man barely delivered his last words. His body glowed bright, as a deafening screeching sound was released and the body turned to ash, leaving behind the remains of Jerome's tailored suit.



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Survival Rank: 4

Conversion Points: 1032

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This one was a bit more technical, as I had to get some facts straightened out. Almost wrote myself into a corner! Thanks for reading, and please tell me how I might improve. I'm an amateur writer!

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