
The World Begins Anew: Legend of the Soul Eater

After a devastating event swallows all ten billion people on Earth, you follow in the footsteps of Joe, a software consultant who was revived in the distant future as a Soul Eater.  A mysterious voice urges him to endure and survive the deadly magical world of Earth, granting him an ability to resurrect the ensnared souls of his era.  Prophecy of his arrival strikes fear into the peaceful nations, as Joe attempts to reshape the world with the knowledge of humanity and discovering the secrets of the Soul Eater legend.

JoeOfTex · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Exploring the Kingdom

Staring directly at his eyes, I told Harry, "We need to fix our diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Doron. If possible, find the mining contract and poke holes in the terms. They are using manite for some purpose, it will help to find the reason at all costs.

Equally important, we need to open communication with the other kingdoms, letting them know we want to remain at peace. We should unite this continent, but we need absolute power."

I thanked him for keeping the ancients and city safe, but as the current leader, he will need to make smart and difficult decisions going forward.

After we chatted for a short while, Harry showed me to a vacant room for resting in the castle.

However, with tremendous energy still broiling in my bones, my muscles felt tense from standing still, so after separating from Harry, I headed outside for some air. To free my thoughts from the headline news we just received, I headed up into the sky, slowly gaining altitude to avoid breaking my neck against the dome. Gently rising up, but the collision never happened.

Reversing and carefully descending, I made contact, but it was still too fast, nearly spraining my wrist. Hah, of course, now I'm trapped outside. Giving up, I figured exploring the surrounding kingdom would help burn some energy.

There was a problem though. It was pitch black, and the moon barely even made a trickle of light. I remembered Dean mentioned an ability to see heat signatures, but that seemed like a step away from night vision.

Concentrating on the circulating mana inside, I guided a narrow amount towards my eyes, settling it in behind the irises. Light slowly blossomed into view, as the shadows below grew clearer and more vibrant. The farms with repeating rows of different crops sprouting out popped into focus. The forest line was a few kilometers away surrounding the farms and capital. Further out, I could see the mountain range in the far east, where the manite was stolen from.

The sky remained dark while the land brightened with color, a bit conflicting for my eyes, but the scenery was as brilliant as in daylight.

Hovering above the city, taking in the view, it seems there was major construction happening by the river on the western side. I remember there was smoke and fire in that direction, which must have been from the riots against the nobility.

The city was split in two. The manors and mansion houses on the eastern side for nobility, and the commoners living mostly in slums surrounding the docks. New construction could be seen in the area, perhaps the ancients creating better housing for the people.

It was difficult to pick out details from this distance, I needed a zoom feature. The ancients had built a few modern tools in a short time, was this the red aura conjuring them?

I remember researching how to build a telescope during my astronomy phase. Magnifying lenses are created using optical glass, which uses a silicon dioxide molecular structure for its purity and uniformity. Their shape is double convex which magnifies the incoming photons by angling them closer to your eyes.

Building a whole contraption may be too difficult, but perhaps I can apply the same principles with my spatial ability.

Closing my eyes, I formed a bubble in the darkness, imagining the universe inside is filled with hydrogen mass. Slowly compressing the matter and continuously adding more filling the empty spaces. I repeated the process until a violent surge of energy attempted to escape the bubble, raging and deforming.

Drawing in more mana from the atmosphere, as a breeze builds around me. I wrap the structure in mana, sealing it several layers thick, binding tightly to the surface.

Peering inside, a blackhole was born in the microcosm, under my complete control. Stretching and molding my new contraption, it settled into a convex formation by squishing opposite ends of the universe, changing the spacetime curvature.

In astrophysics, the lensing effect occurs when photons swing around a gravity well and exit at a different angle on the other side. The theory is that a micro blackhole would be able to do this at a smaller scale, roughly a meter in front of my vision.

As my eyes opened, the marble sized bubble slid forward and I stared around the edges searching for the effect. Nothing was happening. It's possible my virtual universe is isolated from this one. I poked a microscopic cavity at one end of the bubble facing outward.

The air current started rapidly approaching towards this tiny point in space. Incredible pressure was accumulating at the entrance of the hole in the bubble.

The wind was raging around me, vacuuming everything in the vicinity. Hairs rose on my neck, as the turbulence grew out of control. In a moment of hesitation to quickly abort, I crushed the bubble with the silhouette of my fist.

The scenery began stretching as the land swirled around like a whirlpool, echoing away into the distance. All the light and colors began fading away towards a single focal point. Before I knew what happened, I was thrust into a tunnel, tumbling and accelerating rapidly. The walls were far out of reach, glowing cyan, translucent, with lightning arcing along the walls. Floating along the tunnel as it zigs and zags, tossing and jolting me around each turn. My stomach reaches my throat and chunks fly out.

The end appears ahead, with darkness hiding behind, as I am propelled straight in.

The new scenery is filled with fog, as it slowly dissipates, and the sun shining behind pierces my eyes, forcing them shut. Slowly squinting open, the blurry world comes into view. Towering skyscrapers filled the land, surrounded by an ocean on one side and nature on the other.

I found myself up near the clouds a couple kilometers off the ground. Scores of figures were seen walking below, including vehicles bustling through the streets. What was happening here? This looked like the modern world.

I quickly searched for an alley, and discreetly landed. The sounds of a bustling city rang out, as car horns and sirens echoed in the air, and motors roared as they passed. Walking down the alley, a noise ruffled from inside a cardboard box. Grunting and coughing, as phlegm shoots out. A figure popped out, staring at me with one faintly glowing red eye, his other missing with deep scars in its place. Crawling out of the box, he fumbles around trying to stand up. A glint reflected off his hands, when I noticed he had a knife!

Taking off in full sprint, squealing and rushing towards me, as he swung and flailed his arms in the air.

Quickly extending a beam of plasma from my fist, just as he lunged for me, I thrust it towards his head. Slicing straight through, I felt the vibrations burning through his brain. Motionless, he falls straight down, as the beam slips through the top of his skull.

The gruesome display froze me, as I replayed the scene in my head that just unfolded.

Darkness engulfed my vision.


[Survival Rank has leveled up]

Survival Rank: 6

Soul: 0.1

Conversion Points: 10,814.001

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