
Chapter 2: It's not what you think

After that I stayed away from Charles as much as possible, not that hard to do considering he was always busy with work. As the days went by the whole household staff were busy planning a party. Not being the type to lay around all day, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work helping with the chores. Charles didn't think it was proper to make me work, but I still did it anyways. Soon after arriving at this strange new house I got used to the rules. I wasn't allowed to go into Charles office nor the basement, which made me want to even more. I knew I had to plan to run away from this place, but while I'm here at least I can do a little searching. What seemed the most weird of all things was that I saw no pictures of my dad. Even when he supposedly grew up at this family home. I was enrolled in school quickly after I arrived. My school uniform was preppy looking, so guessing easily that I wouldn't fit in. I wasn't accustomed to living a life of luxury. If I wanted something done, I did it myself and worked my way up to achieve my goals. My parents told me that working to earn something made you appreciate the little things and take nothing for granite. Knowing I wasn't staying here long I didn't want to draw attention to myself so when I left, it would be awhile before anyone would notice I'm gone. As the party grew closer, I was fitted for a new dress. It was absolutely beautiful with red roses all around the light pink glittering skirt. Finally it was the night of the party. I was making my way through the crowd of guests. The ballroom was massive with glass lining the whole side of the room with doors leading out into the garden. It was early spring so the flowers were just starting to bloom. It was breathtaking the sight of such a beautiful garden. Charles waved me over to the spot he was standing.

"You look beautiful Alicen, meet Mr. William Smith and his son Liam" Charles says introducing me to a tall older man and his son who looked a bit older than me.

"Hello" I say, nervous at them staring at me like a rare animal at the zoo.

"It is my honor to meet you my lady" Liam says, bowing and offering my hand to dance. "May I have your first dance." I was taken aback by how clingy Liam seemed. I blushed madly as I took his hand.

"Sure" I mumble, somehow having a bad feeling about this. All my instincts told me something was wrong. Taking his hand we made our way to the middle of the ballroom. Liam was considerably taller than me, being only five-foot I was considered short. I danced along with Liam, reminding me of when my mother taught me how to dance. As the music stopped, I told Liam that I would like to have some fresh air alone outside. He looked a bit happy before I hurried off outside into the garden. Everyday I felt more lost and alone without my family, I knew I couldn't go home so I can only move forward and be happy and thankful for what I have. I bent down to smell the roses that just bloomed, before I heard the sound of voices above me from the balcony above. Not anyone could hear voices from that far away, but being half werewolf has its benefits. Since my hearing was a thousand times better than humans, I easily listened in.

"Do you think she likes you" Liam's father asks Liam.

"Yes, she seems nice and quiet, which is suitable to be my wife" Liam says happily.

"That's wonderful news. The territory will thrive if we work together, and with my niece she will be a beautiful CEO's wife. I can't wait to plan the wedding" Charles states happily, taking a sip of champagne.

"To a future of expanding our power and to the future weds" Liam's father says toasting and taking a sip of his champagne. I stood there speechless. Wow the audacity of Charles to try marrying me off to some complete stranger. I hardly even been here for a week and a half. I was furious and about ready to give him a piece of my mind. Hearing a rustling in the bushes I turn my head to see a girl who looked my same age sneaking through the garden. She lifts her head up looking me right in the eye.

"It's not what you think" she whispers at me like I caught her in the act of doing a crime.

"Don't worry I don't care what you did" I say sighing.

"What's wrong" the girl asks, sensing my anger. Not that hard to see with my fist clenched and wanting to deck someone.

"I haven't even been here for a week and my uncle is already trying to marry me off to a complete stranger" I fume to her. I pick up a rock and throw it as hard as I can into the dark garden. She looks at me with total understanding.

"I know how you feel, my father is marrying me off to this complete jerk and I already have someone I love" She says patting me on the back. "By the way my name's Isla" Isla says sitting down on a bench, her dress catching on the thorns from the roses.

"I'm Alicen," I reply, sitting down beside her. "But you can call me Alice."

"It's nice to finally find someone like you, who doesn't just bow their head and obey your family's burdens" Isla states.

"How can you tell?" I ask, only knowing Isla for a little time, I could quickly tell she could read people easily and she knew I could also.

"You seem different like somebody I know and because of that I feel like I can trust you" Isla says. Isla was different, she was smarter than most I've known. "Can I tell you a secret." Before I could reply she whispered in my ear.

"I'm in love with a vampire and we have been seeing each other for a while now" Isla whispers to me. I look at her appalled that she told me something so forbidden in human society.

"Why'd you tell me that" I ask, questioning her motives.

"Because I know you won't tell, you have more darker secrets than me. I can tell by your actions and the scars that cover your arms. I know that you can help me" Isla whispers. I don't know how she could read me so well, I was somewhat scared of her, but the look in her eyes told me she was a good ally to have. The moon glowed above luminating the crimson roses. "I'll see you around and be careful, time is running short" Isla says walking away back into the crowd of people inside. I stood up watching her leave. Her words echoed in my head. She knew something. A strong breeze blew, blowing rose petals everywhere. A wolf howled in the distance of night. Things are going to change. I could feel it, but I never could have imagined what's to come.