
The world apart

Summer Raye Levigne, a 26-year-old unemployed individual, is left homeless and struggling to pay her bills. She pleads with her landlady for an extra month to pay off her debts but is denied. She struggles to find a job and finds herself in a car, driven through the dark and slippery road to the city. As she drives, she witnesses a human-like object moving in the middle of the road. Her car tripped and rolled, causing her to fall to the ground. A woman offers to stay with her, but she panics and calls 911. She wakes up in an unfamiliar room with a tube pinned to her wrist and feels pain. The woman tells her that Summer is at the hospital and that she found her in the woods with her car. She explains that there is no one there, but Summer is confused by the situation. She asks why there is no snow anymore, as it is Christmas. The woman reveals that she and Summer had decided to buy a house and live together three years ago in the Philippines, and the Philippines is a tropical country and it doesn't snow. Gabrielle is a 25-year-old woman who migrated with her younger Spanish stepsister to the small city of Tacloban in the Philippines with their grandparents. After her mother and her stepfather were killed at their home in Spain when she was still in high school, she and her stepsister were the only survivors. She came home from school as a graduating high school student. She often got home late, never thinking she'd come home to such a devastating tragedy. The loss of her parents left Gabrielle and her stepsister feeling lost and alone, prompting their grandparents to make the difficult decision to move to Tacloban for a fresh start. Despite the challenges they faced, Gabrielle remained determined to pursue her dreams and create a better future for herself and her stepsister. But a few years later, she and her stepsister had to live again on their own when their grandparents passed. But at the time, she already had a stable job and was able to provide for her little sister, who is now in high school. Gabrielle's resilience and determination continued to shine as she took on the responsibility of being the sole provider for her stepsister. With her stable job, she ensured that her stepsister had access to quality education and a nurturing environment, allowing her to thrive academically and personally. Despite the hardships they faced, Gabrielle's unwavering love and dedication towards her stepsister became the foundation for their new chapter in life. But one extra ordinary night while driving home, Gabrielle experienced an extra ordinary phenomenon as the road suddenly became covered in snow and a fast-moving car suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The car was heading straight towards Gabrielle's, causing her heart to race with fear. She was immobilized and just accepted her fate of being hit by the car, but the car's escape caused it to stumble and fly over her head. She saw how the driver got thrown out of the car as it kept rolling on the road. Gabrielle's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the car crash unfold before her eyes. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she quickly dialed emergency services and rushed to check on the driver, hoping they were okay. But suddenly a force pulled the driver onto the void and disappeared, leaving Gabrielle shocked and dumbfounded on the middle of the road.

Maryflor_Pantonial · Fantasy
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5 Chs

No where to go


Time is the only evidence that we exist; if our time stops, then we don't exist anymore.

And in order to feel your existence in your time, you need to live your life, because when your time stops, your life also stops.

But what if your time is still running but your existence is gone?

What if you could live a life where time didn't exist?

A life where time is just an illusion for the people who believe there is an end to everything.

What if there is a way for us to escape getting older and dying?

Where you can no longer worry that time has already passed and you no longer exist.

Hi, I'm Summer Raye Levigne. I'm 26 years old, unemployed, and now I might be kicked out of my apartment because I wasn't able to pay my bills anymore.

Yes,my name is Summer, and I just hope my life will shine like my name.

How I wish my name would be replaced by Winter.😒

Cold, as the snow that falls from the sky together with my tears in my face that are freezing because of the wind that blows in my face.

'' Please, Mrs. Davis, just give me one more month and I'll pay you all my debts.'' I cried while I pleaded for another chance.

"No..there is no other chance. I already gave you two months, and I'm tired of your reasons now, '' said Mrs. Davis.

"Please." I said, crying, my shoulders going up and down while I sobbed.

"I'm sorry, summer, but I've already decided. I also have bills to pay and a stomach to feed, and now's not the time to make charities."Mrs. Davis said with a disappointed face before she closed her door and left me here standing outside her apartment with snow falling from the sky and a cold wind blowing in my face.

"Where am I going now? I ask myself in a low voice.

I looked in my car's direction and sighed. At least I still have my car. I pick all my things, carried them all, and put them inside my car.

"Now what? I ask myself again. That kind of became my habit since everybody left me and all that I have is myself.

I get my wallet and see if there is still a penny that I can get.

Well, thank God! I still have a few dollars.

I'm lucky to have been able to eat for about a couple of weeks; I really thought I wouldn't be able to have one.😔

I need to find a job immediately, or else I'll starve to death.

I look at the gas tank of my car. I'm really lucky today that my tank is full.Well, except for the fact that I've just been kicked out of my apartment.

I started my car and drove through the highway. I'm going to the city to find a diner and eat. I got hungry, thinking I'd be living on the streets now.

The long road to the city is getting darker and slippery.

I can't see anything but still go on driving in order to get there as soon as possible.

But my eyes caught something moving in the middle of the road; it was a human-like object that came from nowhere. I tried to stop, but it was too late, so I decided to escape and go to the side, but my car tripped and rolled, and it keeps on rolling until it stops upside down.

I was so shocked, I hadn't even noticed I was already out of my car.

What the f**k just happened? I look around, and there's a car coming in my direction.

What did I just see?

How did I manage to get out of my car?

And my head's aching.

My vision starts to spin.

And my nose bleeds.

And all is getting blurry.

And my body gives in and falls to the ground.

I can see a person running in my direction.

"Please stay with me, says a woman's voice.

"Oh my god."

"I don't know what to do; I'm going to call 911, says the woman now with a panicked voice.

And I blacked out.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a tube pinned to my wrist. My body hurts like hell.

I got up and sat down and saw a woman on my side sitting in a chair.

"Thanks God you're awake, says the woman with blond braided hair and a lot of peircing.

"Where am I?" I ask.

You're at the hospital. I found you in the woods along with your car, she explained.

"Oh my god.. I tried to escape, but it was too late. What happened to the person I bumped with my car anyway? I panicked and asked, hoping I didn't kill anybody.

"What person? she said with a confused look.

"What do you mean? I asked, a little bit unsure of what she meant.

"What I mean is, there's nobody there, she said.

"Like there is no one there? I ask, just making sure.

"Yes, like there is no one or anybody there but you. She said a little bit confused by my questions.

"You know, I think you're just still confused because of the accident; you have to rest, she said, smiling, and motioned for me to lay down again.

"No, I'm fine. It's just didn't know what to say, actually.

I look down and up and look out the window.

Wait, why does it look like there's no snow anymore?

"No snow? How come there is no snow? It's Christmas! I said out loud.

"What do you mean snow? There is no snow in the Philippines, the woman says while laughing.

"What d'you mean, Philippines? When did I get here in the Philippines? I said in shock.

"Hmmm...three years ago? when you and I decided to buy a house and live here together? says the woman in front of me.
