
Ouroboros (3) - Epilogue

In the same year, Sirwen announced a new theory about the Tree of Imagery.

"So, you saying that maybe the Nightmare of the Beginning is located at the Roots?"

"Yeah, in summary."

"Ugh, that's nonsense!"

Nightmares still studied the Tree of Imagery even after it disappeared. The Tree of Imagery held every secret behind birth. It was a motive for every tower and allowed 'Cultivation' to give Nightmares a purpose. They still were clinging onto that tree.

"There's no way. If the Nightmare of the Beginning was located at the roots, we would have found it a long time ago."

"No. We do not know what the Nightmare of the Beginning looks like. We might've even visited the place and didn't even realize it."

But even those Nightmares didn't seem to be convinced by the new theory. It wasn't because Sirwen's theory was complicated. The theory itself was simple. It just said the Tree of Imagery didn't grow in one direction.