
Fallen star (1)

Episode. Fallen Star

[The fall of one star will not change the world.]

-4th Captain of Rupture. Kashim.

Lieutenant Adel looked up to the sky. Dark clouds loomed the borders of the sites. It seemed like it was going to rain soon.

The small particles began to drop. The rain in <Depth> consisted of small particles of world power. It was so small that it didn't make one get soaked in it to increase in the world power, but it had restorative abilities. Because of that, the rain slowed down the war. Rain did not discriminate. All Vicegerents and Followers alike stopped fighting to enjoy the rain.

The peace was short while the rain was upon them.

"It's the raining season, Adel," Mirel said from the side. Adel looked at her long blonde hair becoming wet from the rain and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"We will have peace for a while."

"A deceiving peace at that."
