
The World After The Beginning

*Boom* a sudden wave affecting the whole universe changing common sense upside down (This is my first serious story and this is not fanfiction of any verse I just thought posting it here is better than in the novels section) (No hero or villain, a fight for survival)

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


World(before the awakening):

Name: Earth

Dominant species: humans

The maximum power level of pre-humans(before awakening):

Strength: 10( in comparision a polar bear's is max 30)

This includes the max force they could muster up and the force their body could survive without any life-threatening damage.

speed: 45 km/h ( in comparison a polar bear's is max 40 kn/h)

It only includes the maximum attainable speed and does not include the reaction speed and instant acceleration.

Reaction speed: 200ms ( in comparison a fly's is 20 ms )

The time taken for a human to react to something

Instant acceleration: 3m/s ( in comparison a cheetah's is 20 m/s)

Time taken for a human to accelerate within a second when the said subject is filled with adrenaline

Life span: 100


Mana : 0

E-gene ( Esper gene)

A dormant gene found in most of the species currently present on Earth was awakened because of the spread of unknown energy throughout the universe whose cause is still unknown.

Provides the possessor a unique ability ranging from nail growth to metal manipulation, the reason for this phenomenon is still unknown to the general populace while some theorize that it provides an individual a blessing from some god who took pity on them.

An individual possessing an E-gene has a high survival rate when compared with those without one.

E-genes can be divided into categories based on what they do and how they function. Some E-genes cause a permanent physical abnormality to the user's body, known as Mutant-type. Some cause the user's body to undergo a temporary physical abnormality when the power is used, known as Transformation-type. Some Quirks, known as Emitter-type, don't cause any abnormalities to the user's physical body. Some that don't fall under any of the above-mentioned types, are the unique ones.


Unknown type of energy that offset the predicted human development in a completely different direction. This energy doesn't follow most of the phenomena humans termed as the "laws of physics", some even claimed that this is dark matter, a hypothetical form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. This energy is extremely volatile and unstable yet very stable, as an individual could turn this energy to any form that he could 'grasp' and 'comprehend' to believe it.

An individual could only convert mana into energy with which they have experience, affinity, or could synchronize. For example, a firefighter could convert their mana into hotness or coldness much more easily when compared to an electrician who would do the same with moving electrons.

Every 'living' individual can manipulate, produce, gather, store, convert, and release mana.

World(before the awakening):

Name: Earth

Dominant species: unknown

The maximum power level of post-humans(before awakening):

Strength: Unknown

This includes the max force they could muster up and the force their body could survive without any life-threatening damage.

speed: unknown

It only includes the maximum attainable speed and does not include the reaction speed and instant acceleration.

Reaction speed: unknown

The time taken for a human to react to something

Instant acceleration: unknown

Time taken for a human to accelerate within a second when the said subject is filled with adrenaline

Life span: unknown


Mana : unknown

(I didn't include intelligence and wisdom in this because it varies according to situations, luck, and experience of each individual as even a satellite tech guy could struggle to win a chess game with an average guy)

World Summary (After Awakening):

One day after the 'awakening', the world was no longer the same. Everything that could have possibly gone wrong, went wrong. The world had been abruptly covert into something out of fantasy novels. Humans were no longer at the top of the food chain. The instinct to survive in every living creature except humans and some pets took over them, which caused all the human countries to join up together after seeing the destruction of North Korea, China, and the small countries surrounding them. The UG, the United Government led by all the combined governments after seeing China's destruction finally realized the severity of the situation and issued a kill-on-sight order when confronted with those animals, no monsters, But they severely underestimated the evolution rate of insects which nearly wiped out the whole army which was sent to capture back China. The monsters had very durable skin and were strong enough to chew on a missile and be unharmed.

These monsters started to gather in places with high concentrations of mana, Dengeons.

Mana and E-gene(Esper gene) came when all hope seemed lost. The only reason humans survived. Mana was energy all living beings currently possessed after awakening, even plants. Mana was very versatile and strong but it will take a long time to be on the same level as an apex, the strongest monster of its species. E-gene, a special gene possessed only by humans considered to be a gift from god, gave people supernatural powers which were very random. Some gave even more than one ability.