
The World's Greatest Mastermind

In the year 2100, Masterminds rule the criminal underworld. For the past three years, Kim Seong-huk, the leader of the greatest team of Masterminds known as the Sharks, stood at the highest position of the Hierarchy of Masterminds. But now, there is a new name in the list. The Dark Fox. With the AI he possesses, he soon realizes the potential he has. And so – the greatest rivalry begins. Will the World’s Greatest Mastermind win this battle too, or shall a new king sit on the throne. Update schedule: 7 chaps/week Genres: Sci-fi, Action, Romance, Villain, Crime, Harem, Revenge, Comedy, Dark, Cyberpunk [Warning: Contains sexual content and gore!] It is a new concept for everyone, but trust. The story is BANGERS.

Dream_2100 · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

C1: The Number One

[Skyfall City. Year: 2100]

Cities never sleep.

Everyone's always working. The traffic only slows down when the clock hits midnight. Shops rarely close, if not for the blizzards.

Maybe sleep deprivation is why people are so misled these days.

Maybe that's the reason why guys like us, stand at the top of this world now.

Standing in the highest room in one of the tallest buildings in Skyfall, I gazed upon the sleepless city. Humans weren't even visible to my eyes from up there. Cars looked like dots, trains like little centipedes crawling through the city.

I shifted my eyes from the city back to my room.

The virtual image of my shark AI, Meg, was swimming around my room like it was the most natural thing to do. I allowed her to project herself there. She liked to be around me.

On my table before the couch was an empty line of the blue shit I had just snorted. It made my head feel empty. All my problems simply floated away. Nothing comes into my head; nothing goes out.

I'm just me for a moment.

[Are you feeling alright, Kim? If you feel like your head's gonna blow, I'd rather call in a medic bot.] Meg's AI voice resonated in the room.

"Shut up, Meg. I'm not a 14-year-old. I can handle it." I replied to her, falling face-first on the bed.

My head wasn't gonna straight up explode, but my brain felt like all the neurons were collectively feeding on it. Maybe it's because I did it for the first time.

First time's always a brainfuck.

[Ok, if you say so, Mr. Number 1.]

"That's it, babe. Call me, Number 1." I smiled, gradually sinking myself into the mattress. The last thing I heard was Meg's giggling, and I was cold out.

The next thing I heard was also Meg, though. But a more alert one than before.

[Kim! Wake up!]

I groaned and rolled over in my bed, my eyes shifting back to reality.

"What is it?"

[You didn't tell me you were accepting visitors today. Jenni's at the door. Should I let her in? Why's she here at a time like this?]

"The fuck are you saying? Jenni's always invited."

[Ugh, fine.]

I sat up on my bed, still in my underwear, brushing up my hair with one hand.

It was Jenni, after all. She'd walk in here even if I was naked.

The door slid open, and in came a stunning Jenni wearing a 20k-worth dress.

Long black gloves, a dark dress with a cut-up thigh, and matching high heels. Her hair gradually covered her left eye and fell all the way down to her shoulders. She was simply stunning.

"Jenni, darling. What brings you here to the king's palace?" I asked, not taking my eyes off her stunning image.

"Hey hey, world's greatest mastermind, my king," she smirked, taking a seat right beside my bed and falling on it. It was a king-size bed, and of all people, she knew how comfortable it was there.

"The world's greatest mastermind," I repeated the words, everything coming to my head all at once.

I was the world's greatest mastermind. The No.1, the lead shark of the best team of Masterminds… The SHARKS. One can also say the most genius criminal mastermind to ever exist. And – it was all because I knew where to hit the jackpot.

Megalodon. The world's most intelligent AI stolen from the ultra-secured deep cave that is called 'NASA.'

Just remembering that mission brought a grin to my face, always.

And now – it has been three years since I became the world's greatest mastermind. And I'm working my ass off more than ever before.

Jenni smiled at me as I was frozen, recollecting the Meg Project. "Yup, the world's greatest mastermind," she repeated my words, grabbing my shoulder and helping herself back up.

"So, what brings a beauty like you here at a time like this?"

"What? You don't remember?" she asked, furrowing her brows. "The goddamn mission you've told me to look into – oh, you smoked the blue shit. Ok, I understand." She paused midway as she spotted the table beside the couch.

I massaged my forehead with my fingers, trying to remember what I had told her. I had some sleep, so the effect of the drugs had faded somewhat.

"Oh yeah, tell me about it."

"So, the mission is held at this place near the beach called 'Urchin Palace.' Highly secured, loads of bots, and a lot of people are invited. And the new AI they are going introduce is called 'Juno,' if I'm correct." She explained.

"Hm, project Juno then? Kinda sus, but we can break the palace. Meg is hungry, after all. Isn't she?"

[Fuck yeah.]

"So, the Pool tomorrow?" Jenni asked, getting her phone, ready to send the text to the Sharks.

"Yup. We're going to the pool."

"Good, good. Then, see you at the round table, my king." Jenni rubbed my shoulder as she stood up from the bed, ready to take her leave.

I grabbed her arm right at that moment, tightly.

She turned around with a confused expression. "Hm? What is it?"

I gazed up and down her body. "You know… I've been under a lot of pressure these days. Hence, the blue shit." I said, gazing at the bedside watch. The time was 4.00 am.

"...it's almost morning, so. You know. If you can call the taxi and tell him to go home, 'cause it's gonna take you a while to come out from here…"

She narrowed her eyes with a sly smirk, sliding her cut-up thigh onto my lap.

"You… Tall and handsome, blue eyes, sexy white hair," Jenni said, brushing back my hair with her soft hand. "...and a buff body. Why can't you get a wife already? Why do you level yourself down to us?"

"Cause beauties like you always come into my life," I replied, sliding my fingers across her thigh. "So, how much?"

"Mmmm… right for the price, huh?" she said, leaning close to my ear. "But – just this time, because I already told the taxi to leave… and you're under a lot of pressure, just this time. For free. Or you know – because I love Kim Seong-hyuk's big cock juicing my pussy."

"Wow, straightforward as fuck."

"I should be straightforward with my boss."

[Oh for fuck's sake, I'm switching my system off in your room, Kim!] Meg screamed, switching off her shark projection in our room.

And for the 1000th time, I grinned and said: "Wow, Meg has feelings."

///To be continued///

<W/N> Like the book? Drop a stone. Flood the comment sections. Shower me with reviews. See you in the pages, beasts.