

Mr. Leon Thomas

Leon Pants heavily as he struggled to keep to his feet, he is standing on a huge sports field wearing an advanced sports can and shorts nikka with a white designer singlet sticking to his well-toned body, this view from a distance could have made any girl drowl but not her he mused, he is to run 50 laps on this huge field and the least he had done till now have always been 25 laps but to impress his own bodyguard he made the decision, he even told them not to interrupt him till he is done

But he's just gone 33 laps and he can't even feel his legs,the worst was the girl he was doing it to impress is busy with something else.

How can I get her attention he thought, ahh screw it I will just stop and continue next time he decides and went to meet them.

I didn't realize you have completed your goal Alicia asked, hmph he snorted and returned to his car to relax, though he was tired he still had a smile on his face, he just couldn't help it each time he heard her voice.

This is Leon Thomas, a 25 year old business tycoon who is on his way to the top ten richest world-wide, handsome with his shoulder-lenght blonde hair and lean physique, he is like a god to children, motivation to aspiring businessmen, alpha male the ladies and of course a threat to the old monsters, just 3yrs after he started international business and he already has at least two establishment in 5 different countries and not just businesses but major companies with billions of worth so he been receiving death threats and assassination attempts on his life, infact all three assassination attempts were by snipers, how he manage to survive is still a mystery to everyone, all he knew was that he always happen dodge at last second and end up with light grazes or superficial injuries if he didn't know better he would have thought it was a farce to threaten him but he knew they were out for his life.

That's where he met Alicia he didn't meet Alicia personally though but he met her adopted younger sister Lucy, who loved to brag about how strong her sister is, at first he didn't believe her and just took it as a joke, then she had ran into him but instead of apologizing she blamed him instead for trying take advantage of her.

Before he could correct her she went on to brag about how her would beat me should she meet me, as a healthy guy with pride I scoffed at her and walked past her and left,later that day I caught her eyeing a freshly made barbeque, I smiled evilly and crept at her from behind.

I touched lightly on the shoulder

Ahhhhhh!!!! She shouted and jumped out looking flustered

I laughed loud and she stumped her leg on the ground in annoyance and turned to leave in embarrassment, do you want some? I asked she continued on her way, sigh I was feeling generous thought I should buy some barbeque it's okay if no one wants,I said making a disappointed face.

Are you serious?I heard her say

Are you curious?I asked back,she wanted to leave but I invited her to join me as I bought some,she came back making a grumpy face but the moment she put one into her mouth her face brightened as if the face before was a façade,I nearly laughed after then she started talking to me as if we were old friends,we talked for some time before she left, we continued the routine of meeting everyday and eating some barbecue till one day her sister caught her with me eating barbecue,


She jumped in her seat and slowly turned around as if a beast was watching from behind, she turned stuff when she saw her sister there looking at her with anger blazing in her eyes.

Sis am sorry she pleaded with oil still stain her mouth making a funny sight though her sister wasn't laughing, as her sister drew near and dragged her away by the ear like a typical mum

Hello there strong sis I greeted and she turned and looked at me curiously while Lucy looked at me as if am crazy, who are you Alicia asked as she released Lucy who rubbed her ear painfully with a sorry face.

Am Leon, nice to meet you I replied with a small smile, she narrowed her eyes as she asked again "who are you", are you not supposed to tell me your name first before we move on to the personal details and please do take it easy with my friend Lucy as I was the one who persuaded her to join me, I said but she just turned and went away without sparing me a glance with is quite new.

Sis am sorry... How could you? Have i not tried to satisfy you? Must you go out there and show the world that we are poor? Alicia snapped at Lucy once they returned to their apartment, look am trying so hard to make ends meet and it have not been easy on me but I try to make you as comfortable as i can afford to, do I not give you enough allowance to afford some barbecue?

Am sorr... Knock knock....

They heard coming from the door, Alicia scowled and opened the door irritatedly to see Leon standing there with a smile pardon me for visiting unannounced can I... You can't and leave now Alicia warned, I just..... Leon tried to say as he reached for the closing door


And he saw himself on the floor confused, Lucy tried to stiffle her laughter unsuccessfully, Leon's bodyguard that always followed him everywhere rushed to attack Alicia but Leon stopped them dazed