
The World’s King Slayer

Deep in the Void a universe that is next plane of reality. A dimension all those cultivating and wanting to ascend into Cosmic God status. Inside the Void is a galaxy called the Dream Galaxy. Here is governed by a Cosmic being known simply as the World. Over seeing planets called Realms the World crowns kings to rule and chooses only those with the potential to join the Primordial regime. Every hundred years each who are crowned are given something called the King's Test. Since the World does not personally take part in this test they summon a champion from the Realms with the same potentials as the Kings. They are King Slayer warriors with strong power and skill are chosen to either die showing a king's potential, or kill the king to make way for a new one. This particular test is different. This is a eradication of King's who have abused power and caused strife among the realms erupting into a civil war. The newest King Slayer is one who is not only powerful, but carries a Thread of Necessity with a destiny to bring great change to the Realms. All the World wants is for the wicked Kings to fall and clean the slate. The King Slayer wants power and freedom.

Salvatore_LeVota · Fantasy
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60 Chs


Slayer dashed down the stairs attacking the Colonol maiming him taking his left arm. He kicked him to the side as he was swarmed by guards. He slashed through them all with his element powered blades. He kept running and fighting each who came at him. Till he found a pause in their numbers. He bent down draining the nearest corpses taking their chi. He started running till he came to an alley that cut between towers. He ran down swinging around he heard movement behind him only to find the child being chased when he came in.

He lowered his blade and approached the boy bending down to his level. "You should hide kid" he told him. "Why! There is no where for me to go!" He told him. Slayer didn't argue, "could you just kill me? Just end it for me. They took my wings, my home, my family. I have nothing" he said wifh clenched fists and tears coming down his face.

"Your alive?" Slayer simply said. "Why do I live and they don't then?" Tears flowed down his cheeks. "Is there land in this place?" Slayer asked. The boy looked taken aback by his random question. "I've heard there is. Never seen it…" Slayer nodded. He reached into his belt pulling out two pills one blue, and one yellow. "Blue will regenerate limbs. May be possible you could use this to regrow them. What's your element?" Slayer asked. "Bolt" the boy told him. Slayer shook his head, "Its fate we should meet. My master also wields lightning. This place is truly madness thinking Flame and Light are superior" he seemed annoyed by that. "Yellow will help push your core to rank one. Maybe then you can find a way to become strong and take revenge. I can't promise my escape will be fruitful but you may have a chance to escape unseen during the chaos" Slayer told them. Guards could be heard shouting throughout the city. Slayer began to walk away, "mister! I'm sorry but I need two more of these my friend is hurt bad and I can't leave him here. He was once a warrior, but since he was a Terra Element they did to him what they did to me. I'm sorry, but I can't leave him here" the boy told him. Slayer nodded and handed four pills. "Go the effects will take more than ten minutes and it will be painful so push through. They were made that way for me" Slayer told him. The boy nodded and ran back down the alleyway. Slayer went the opposite way and met up with guards. He cut them down and kept moving. He came upon nobles who held weapons women and men alike. He cut them down and kept moving.

He was indiscriminate with who he killed. He did not kill children that distinction he kept to. Only hitting them unconscious, 'they can eventually change maybe' he thought. He ran up the wall of a building to get a better view to his path. Up ahead he could see rhe outskirts, but he had along way to go.


Guards brought ballistae's that could be wheeled positioning them all through the main road to gate. Others moved cannons into the city to shoot him on sight. Archers with crossbows took positions on the roofs of buildings and flying in the air.

Angels flew over the city to find and pinpoint his movements. Slayer moved through the shadows keeping out of sight. Explosions came in his directions as bombs fell out of the sky by flying angels. Legions moved through the streets searching for him.

The red head boy hid from a passing troop searching for the alley his friends was in, "Waik!" He yelled down the alley. The black haired injured angel crawled out from behind debris. He was weak looking, his green eyes devoid of spirit. He was covered in bruises. "Frey you should go! This whole city is coming down. They finally lost it!" He said propping up with his back against a building wall. "No! We escape to the ground!" Frey told him. Waik looked at him dumbfounded. And how the hell do we do that genius?" He said with annoyance at the thought. Frey held out a hand in his palm was four pills. He pointed to them explaining their uses. Waik looked surprised. Hope some how ignited dimly in his eyes. "What do we have to lose right?" He said taking two and swallowing them. Frey did the same. Then they were both hit with tremendous pain causing Frey to fall to the ground, 'PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN HE SAID!' The boy thought. Their bodies started to heal and wings started to grow back. Waik looked invigorated as his muscles regained weight and life to them. Rocks of earth and debris started to float around him. The chi flowed through him. Frey had the same sensation.

Electricity danced on his palms and eyes. "We can escape!" Frey said excited checking out his wings. He floated off the ground as he gave them a flap. "No!" Waik said standing up rocks twisted and formed spikes. One elongated form a spear. "We save some and we leave. There are others like us that need to get out of here. Some who have been clipped. We go to the dungeon free them and then make for the gate! And we kill every bastard blonde we set eyes on!" Waik had glowing green eyes. They saw a guard running past as Waik released his swarm of rock spikes killing the guard. He dragged him into the alley quickly began stripping him of mail, clothes, some armor, and weapons.

After that Waik and Frey fled towards the middle tower.


Slayer dodged arrows as he shot into the air activating the flight function of the greaves. Bottom of his boots lit up creating a gold circle that caused him to spring into the air. He cut down all angels flying. He grabbed one using them as a shield as arrows came at him from the angels on the roofs. He made a B-line to them tackling one stabbing him. Cutting arrows mid air before dispatching the archers with a quick slash. Cannons exploded the roof he was standing on causing him to fall into a room inside the building. He dropped down seeing a family hiding out. They all had brown hair with full sets of wings. Two blonde angels came in with weapons. "DONT HURT THEM!" They shouted at Slayer. The brown hair father stood in front of his family ready to help defend. "If your protecting these people then we don't have a problem. Let me pass tell me the exit. Never see me again!" Slayer explained. The blonde couple that were protectors of the brown hair family slackened their stance and stepped aside. Slayer gave them a nod. "I'd go for the ground while this going on. If all goes well you'll have a exit clear if you prepare now. I would assume anywhere is better than here?" Slayer said leaving the family in peace. The group of angels gave eachother a look and began packing. He ran to their front door opening it rushing into the hall. A blonde angel came out of the apartment and began to attack him with a meat cleaver. He dodged the old man's attempts. He wife rushed out with two carving knives. They were old but strong and looked insane with rage. He head butted the old woman. Taking her carving knife and stabbing her in the gut. The old man laughed maniacally as he swung the cleaver. He paid his dying wife no mind. Slayer grabbed his ear twisted making him groan in pain. He slammed his head into the wall three times before throwing at the other wall.

Slayer kept moving as more tenants came out with make shift weapons. Slayer sighed. "I don't have time for this shit!" He yelled. Shadows came out from under his feet moving like a snake through the hall engulfing it in darkness. With a quick motion all tenants were killed with spikes. They all dropped at once as Slayer ran past. The hallway went back to normal.

Slayer found stairs jumped down then as he ran. He finally kicked a door open to an alleyway. He kept running till he hit the street to quickly dodge a cannon ball. That exploded at the very spot he was moments ago. He formed a fire ball in his hand and flung it at the cannons they exploded. Killing all the soldiers. He jumped over their bodies and dodged a giant arrow that whizzed past him. He took cover and was distracted as he heard screaming groans coming from down the street back the way he came. He then saw pieces of buildings rise over the roofs crashing into a ballistae on the roof.

'Huh?' Slayer thought.