
The wood goddess favoured me too much in my reincarnation

Haruki was going about his day. When he suddenly gets reincarnated by the goddess of wood for her amusement. But it seems that she isn’t on very good terms with with the other gods.

_BoiledMilk_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Y'know most people die in normal ways. Like hit by a truck or drowning." Haruki said to himself, laying down an the pure white floor beneath him.

"I was just minding my own business sitting on a bench eating lunch. When out of nowhere BAM! I get crushed by a god damn tree! Like how does that even happen?… " He sat up wondering where he even was.

"And now I'm in this weird place… Who am I even talking to? Is this what happens after death? You get stuck in a weird white room talking to yourself?" He mumbled.

Suddenly a white light beamed down from the ceiling. Haruki covered his eyes "G-god is that you?! I-I didn't mean to say your name in vain I promise!" Haruki puts his hands together and starts to pray desperately.

A woman dressed in white emerged from the white light. She is wearing a crown of flowers on her head. More flowers decorate her clothes and her shiny and green hair stands out in the pure white room. "Welcome my child" She speaks in a soft soothing voice as she looks down at Haruki

"I have brou-" Haruki suddenly cuts her off "WHO ARE YOU WHY AM I HERE?!" The woman seems quite annoyed but manages to hold herself together. "Let. Me. Finish." She says in a annoyed threatening voice.

"Y-yes mam" Haruki quickly shuts himself up "As I was saying…" She starts speaking in a soft soothing voice once again "I am the goddess of wood Akari and I have brought you here for a very important purpose. You have been chosen to be reincarnated into another world with skills levels monsters and more"

Haruki's face lit up. "W-wait so you mean I'll be reincarnated with like op skills and stuff?!"

Akari smiled softly and said "You seem to already know the basics" Haruki laughed awkwardly and looked away "W-well I liked reading books about this sort of thing when I was alive…"

Haruki smile dropped as he realised something "Wait… You said you brought me here… Did you kill me?…" Haruki said in a menacing voice glaring at her.

Akari broke out in a cold sweat "W-well I couldn't just suck your soul out of your body and leave you dead in the street…"


Akari looked away "S-sorry…" Haruki sighed and calmed down "Well no use worrying about it now I guess…"

Akari turned her head to look at him again "S-so are you ready?" Haruki got all excited once again "Yeah! Just make sure to give me some op skills!"

Akari smiled "Alright then have fun in your next life Haruki!" Haruki's body suddenly began to glow a bright white. He smiled back "will do!" Akari

began to speak again just as Haruki was about to be reincarnated "Oh right I'm not on good terms with the other gods so look out for that"

A confused look spread across Haruki's face "Wait wha-?" He was suddenly cut off as he was reincarnated

I have dyslexia so sorry for any spelling mistakes or bad writing. Please add to library if you enjoy

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