
The Wonderwood Magic

In a world where magic is a gift and it decides your place in the world. What will happen to our protagonist?

DumbNuke · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The impassive watch. Ep : 1

It was already morning and there I was sleeping in my bed calmly trying to regain the hours of sleep that I lacked, when suddenly my little sister Luna comes slamming the door and jumping on top of me. -Ion, breakfast is ready! - She said with a big smile, I grunted in response as Luna got off me and ran out of the room laughing.

With some slowness, I got up from my bed and then got dressed in a gray shirt with black and white lines, some jean, and my black sneakers. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I look in the mirror seeing my tired brown eyes and my gray hair all messed up, I comb my hair and go down to the living-dining room and there were my 4 siblings, Luna, the youngest, eating toast with jam; Felix, Luna's twin, playing on a portable console; Kayla, my older sister, having coffee and Orion, the oldest, was finishing cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

-Good morning Ion, breakfast is ready, I made your favorite, scrambled eggs and bacon- Orion told me as he saw me coming down the stairs. Kayla and Félix bid me a good morning to which I reply the same and sit in my place at the table. Then Orion came from the kitchen with 2 plates full of food and 2 cups of coffee, and sat next to me, giving me one of each, and then, we started eating. -AND? How do you feel about your test? - Kayla asked with a concerned and enthusiastic tone. - We know that you are very excited but no sleeping is not going to help you - Orion said while eating his scrambled eggs. - Don´t worry, I slept enough, plus I was too excited! - I said enthusiastically, - I was? - asked Orion sarcastically. - Well, I´m very excited about the test! Who wouldn't? If I pass I can do magic like you Kayla or you Orion, I can't wait! - And like that, I started imagining what kind of magic I could have, - "will I have ice magic like Orion? Or maybe gravity magic like Kayla?" - So while I was rambling in my fantasies, Kayla and Orion finished their breakfast - Hay Ian! - Kayla shouted taking me out of my fantasies - Stop wasting time and finish your breakfast and do the laundry, today´s your turn - and with that, they went to work.

- Today´s gonna be a hard one, isn't it? - I said to myself while taking the dirty clothes bin to the washing machine. I paused in fear, yeah I feared a washing machine, but for a good reason. Last time it took all the clean clothes and sent them flying into the neighbor´s roof.

Oh god, here we go, I thought to myself. After laundry and 4 possible fires, it was over. With a bit of fatigue, I went to the living room and sat on the sofa to watch television. The newscast was on when I turned it on, and out of boredom, I ended up watching it.

Most of the news would be the usual, an actor being accused, a murder discovered, a random report, etc... Until a huge noise came, so loud that it made the house itself shake. Alerted and panicked I told Luna and Felix to go up and hide in their room, then i went out onto the street to see what had happened. In the middle of the street there was a man in a black formal suit with gold details holding a silver pocket watch in front of us -Is this the Worderwood house?- Asked the man while checking the time on his watch. I took a moment to examine him. He had neat long black hair, very pale skin, he was wearing a mask so I couldn´t see his face. -Sorry, but do you have any idea what happened? I heard a tremendous noise and...- I was asking the man, but suddenly he interrupted and asked again in a louder and imponent voice -Is this the Wonderwood house?- He startled me a little -...yes, it is. What can I help you with?- I answered him tryng to mantain my composture. I could see though the mas a big grin -It´s a pleasure young man, I´m Siliph, and I´m here to deliver the invitation to your test to Ion Wonderwood- He handed me a letter signed in golden ink and sealed with the academy's stamp. He watched as my confusion turned into joy as I took the letter from his hands -It's always funny to confuse this kids- said the man to himself while laughing. And then with a clap, a blinding flash , and a golden door appeared out of thin air behind Siliph. -It´s been a pleasure young man, now I have to get going, these letters won´t hand themselves to the participants. Sayonara and remember, never trust the Sun.- He said while walking through the golden door. And like that, the door disappeared with another flash. -Well, that was ominous- I said to myslef without giving much importance to the strange man's last comment as I entered the house and put the letter down on the table in the middle of the Livingroom. I will tell Kaila and Orion about the letter when they come back from work. With a smile on my face I told Luna and Felix to come down, I saw that they were pretty scared, on the verge of crying. They came running and hugged me tightly.

When they calmed down they bombarded me with questions and complaints of how much I scared them, thinking i was the one to blame for the noise. I told them I had no idea what it was and that it scare me too. -You´re such a bully Ian!!!- Luna told me while running to her room. Felix looked at me and started pouting about how much I scared him and to never do that again. -I promise, I promise, don´t worry!- then I went to Luna´s Bedroom and knock on the door, to which I hear Luna saying from the other side -I´m not forgiving you, Ian!- -Then how about a visit to the park and we buy some ice cream- I only heard a hmm from the other side -I will if the ice cream has 3 cups and has chocolate cover!- I agreed feeling bad because the money which Kayla left for me would only be enough for 2 ice creams so I wouldn´t have one. I called Felix while I was giving Luna her hat. When the two of them were ready I took the money and the keys from over the table and opened the door starting our trip.

It was a sunny day with a gentle breeze, it was the perfect day for a walk to the park. We started making our way towards the park, on the old cobbled street. Luna and Felix were walking each holding one of my hands until they saw the park and they let go of me to started running towards it -Don´t run, you might trip and hurt yourselves- I warned them, but not only did they ignore what I said but Felix fell and hurt his knee. I ran towards him to check on him. It was only a scratch so I boght a bottle of watwr and some napkins to clean it and then Feliz went back to play with his sister.

Hours passe and as we were going back home I bogth the both of the and Ice cream. They were happily enjoying it when we gor home and Kayla was waiting in the door with a deadly look in her eyes. -Where were you?- she asked to which I aswered -We were at the park, this morning there was a big noise so I took Felix and Luna to calm them down.- she sighs -Ok you two go to your rooms, and Ion go to the livingroom we have to talk- We nodded and went our ways.

In the livingroom Orion was waiting with a serious face -Come, take a sit, we need to talk-

Thank you for pasing by and enjoy this story. If you liked thid storie and want to follow it´s progress add it to your library. See ya!

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