
The Wonderful World of Emmariel

Aurinus von Goldrute is the firstborn child of the Goldrute Family which rules over the Magic Kingdom as royalty. After his ignoble death in his previous world- Earth, he is reborn in a new world called Emmariel with his memories intact- even though he did not ask for it. Just after gaining consciousness, dozens of floating notification windows assault his vision leaving him utterly confused. It turns out he has been blessed by not only his circumstances but by the very world as well. So, he decides to leave his previous life behind and start anew or maybe not...?

CureToBoredom · Fantasy
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10 Chs

6 months later

It had been six months since the last system message.

Today, I received a system message once more.

[Your physical body has reached completion.]

[Your mother has entered labour.]

[Your thought functions will temporarily cease at the time of the delivery.]

[Your bodily activities could be automated during the delivery. Do you accept?]


I have no desire to experience what it's like to be born. I have heard that for a baby, it's an extremely agonising process.

I absolutely hate pain.

It had been 9 months since I gained consciousness as a fertilised egg. With this, I could also safely assume that a Titan female delivers in a similar manner as that of a Human female.

That can only suggest that I will also go through the same pain if I don't automate the process. Well, I am not even sure whether or not automating the process will allow me to escape the pain that follows.

Birth really is an awfully difficult time for both the mother and the child. It's imaginable for the mother but lots of people seem to overlook just how harsh childbirth is for the baby as well.

For example, imagine you are floating in a comfortably warm fluid where you don't really have to do much of anything. You are being effortlessly fed and also feel no need to excrete.

Then, suddenly your source of nourishment is cut off and you are now being pushed out of an extremely tight area.

It's actually tight enough to deform a baby's head. No wonder newborns have funny looking heads. Their skulls are assiduously squeezed during delivery.

It is an absolutely necessary process though.

But, I just couldn't fathom how painful and uncomfortable it would be. I don't want to go through it.

Childbirth is a joyous event, I couldn't help but agree with that.

But it's apparent torture for the baby.

Well, for now, I could just hope that I don't feel any pain during the whole ordeal.

A human female's labour lasts 6-8 hours.

When my little brother was born in my previous life, my mother gave birth in about 6 hours since when her contractions started.

Why do I know of this? Of course, I overheard my mother talking about it with my father. I wasn't able to interpret their conversation at that time though.

In fact, I was only reminded of it due to my eidetic memory.

Well, I could presume that it will take about an equal amount of time for my new mother to give birth.

Ah, yes. I did also have a little brother. I don't wish to talk about him because he was an ass to me but he was a decent human being, all in all, he will definitely take care of mother on my behalf.

Because I'm sure she must have been really shaken from my death.

Well, for now, I couldn't do much but wait.

I still have a few hours to spare so I should talk about what I did in these last six months.

It was actually extremely boring. I didn't really have much of anything to do.

I did gain tons of levels though. I was also able to figure out the number of experience points needed to level up. It's fairly simple.

It took me 100 experience points to level up from Level 0. To level up to Level 2, it took me 120 experience points then once again it took me 144 experience points to level up to Level 3.

Therefore, the experience points required to level up multiplies by 1.2 times after every level up.

I am presently at level 82. I levelled up 46 times in these last six months.

However, what was an oddity was the experience gain rate. It fluctuated an awful lot and was very inconsistent.

Due to the variations which occurred constantly, I was above all unable to accurately gauge the experience gain rate.

I couldn't talk with conviction over what caused these fluctuations but I have a few ideas.

Well, I need not worry about it so much now.

I'm quite certain that whatever caused it only assisted in accelerating the experience gain rate. So, it's nothing I have to give much heed to.

Moreover, I have inherited plenty of Spells and Skills from my parents. Unfortunately, although I could study them, by no means I could use them.

Any ability which had whatsoever to do with the outside world had been particularly restricted. I do not know whether or not they were sealed deliberately though.

I am unable to make myself to believe that my mother is aware that she's giving birth to a child- that is, in fact, a reincarnated adult man who had already been cognisant since nine months ago.

But since my mother must undeniably be a mighty being, it couldn't be impossible that she is aware of me.

I had already propped myself for whatever obscurities I must face in this world. Nothing will surprise me. For sure.

Aside from that, provided that my mother had been aware of me all along then would she not have tried talking to me?

Bearing in mind that she kept me alive inside her for nine months then I am compelled to believe that she must hold at least some affection for me, right?

She definitely must possess the Telepathy skill. After all, even I have it and I'm yet to even be born.

Overall, I think it's more credible to assume that she's oblivious of my existence.

That also implies that my skills are being unintentionally restricted... Maybe, there is a sort of Magic resistance existing in my mother's body which makes it impossible for me to activate Mana. That can only be so.

At the end of the day, I'm still level 82. Meanwhile, my mother is without a doubt at least level 3000.

Nevertheless, I don't intend to say that I'm unable to use all abilities.

Only abilities which influence the outside world or my mother's body in any way are absolutely nullified.

There are some abilities which do not do so.

I had inherited two abilities from each of my parents which incorporated oodles of know-how on whatever expertise my parents specialised in. There was no trivial information about the world in them. They were similar to a Tome of Magic or if it's easier to understand, a Mathematics textbook.

Unfortunately, they were both rendered in two distinct languages- different for both my mother's and father's abilities. They were languages that I did not understand. I assumed them to be the languages of this world.

Rather, these languages appeared to be, more or less- fairly earthly...

They did carry many discrepancies here and there but they still somewhat resembled two earthly languages- specifically German and Greek.

With my enhanced intelligence, I was able to decipher the languages. I had become completely proficient in them in less than two days.

The ability I inherited from my mother was simply called, 'Omorfia's Inheritance'- Omorfia being the honourable name of my mother, which included copious and comprehensive amounts of information on everything associated with the night.

Maybe, it was an attribute of sorts...?

My mother's ability granted me with understanding on precise inner workings of Necromancy and Magic, anatomy of many races including various fantasy races as well, Darkness Magic, Astrology, Lunar Magic and also creepy research on how to more efficiently 'harness' and 'manipulate' the Night itself- which I would rather not talk about.

I don't want to esteem my new mother as some sort of edgy villain.

It had numerous detailed illustrations on the heavenly bodies of this world as well. These stars and constellations closely resembled those of Earth's night sky.

I could only make the assumption that maybe this planet is in the same cosmic neighbourhood as Earth?

But that implies that I am still in the same universe as Earth. It's really odd.

In any case, I will have a lot of time to contemplate on all the suspicions I have on it later. So, I will let it be for the meantime.

About my father's ability, it provided me with an even more in-depth understanding of Magic than my mother's ability. It was literally stuffed with profound knowledge on Magic and Spells.

It didn't emphasise any particular branch of Magic but had in the sense, wisdom on all forms of Magic from Alchemy to Necromancy.

It was significantly broader than the knowledge comprised therein the previous ability.

So much more, that even with my enhanced intelligence, it would still take me more than a year to revise it all.

In these last six months, I spent most of my time indiscriminately absorbing all the knowledge from those abilities. It was somewhat boring but better than just dilly-dallying around doing nothing.

Ah! enough of that, I should also talk about the Magic system while I still have the ti...me? Huh?

[A Great Magic has substantially advanced the process of your birth!]

[Your thought processes will now cease.]

[Entering automation as per previously given instructions.]

... Wow, what a great magic inde-

And with that, without being able to complete my retort, my consciousness sank into darkness.

Happy late New year's. Have fun if you read it.

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