
The Wonderful Spider-web

Who is experiment 64? And why does he have the abilities of a spider?

Crazycat694 · Others
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9 Chs

Break Free

I woke up in a cold, metal room. 

I was hooked up to an IV.

"Where am I?" I muttered quietly and rubbed the back of my head.

"shktshkt." answered blu.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. island then? Great." I stood and stretched and my senses went crazy once more.

Alright, I must have hit my head. My spider senses never do this.

I looked at the one way mirror in front of me. There was a layer of an electric field in front of it. 

I was being watched

"𐌃𐌄𐌕Ꝋ𐌍𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌍Ᏽ 𐌉𐌍 ᙣ 𐌌𐌉𐌍𐌵𐌕𐌄𐌔..." Said my mask, (If I could have taken it off I would have.)




I slammed my hands against the wall and focused.

I told blu some instructions.

He complied.

He ran up into the vents and I clicked open my stasis watch.

Blue holographic screens hovered above the watch.

I scrolled until I found "Abilities" then I clicked the button.


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I wonder what Illumination means.

I clicked the watch closed.

"Are you in position?" I whispered in Spidernese.


Alright, lets do this.

I focused and imagined myself vanishing into a speck of dust.

I closed my eyes.

And watched them enter the room, shocked and shouting.

I ran beneath them and dashed off the platform.

The alarms went off. In cages beside me, there were villains, brooding and losing there fucking minds.

I landed swiftly, tuck and rolled, then went under a series of doors to find the exit.

I looked under the 32nd  door and found sunlight seeping through a window.

I transformed into my normal size and crawled through the open window.


"𐌃𐌄𐌕Ꝋ𐌍𐌀𐌕𐌉𐌍Ᏽ 𐌉𐌍 ᛑ 𐌌𐌉𐌍𐌵𐌕𐌄...."

"Oh Shit. One minute."

Suddenly he was in caged in two large hands.

"I GOT HIM!" I loud voice boomed.

"Oh no you don't."

I Spider-striked him,  hard.