
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

"You've got one more time to yank my hair" i sneered back at lily,

"Just be still I'm almost done" she yelled before giving my curls in the back a bounce.

"There all done, now look" she said spinning me around to face the mirror, she had managed to do my hair in a up-down style, while also leaving my long curls natural and shiny.

I hated to say it but i looked beautiful she didn't even add any make up just light lip gloss and some mascara to make everything pop.

"Thank you lily" i said turning to crush her into a hug, "you are truly amazing" i said warmly

"It's no problem" she said awkwardly patting my back, before stepping to grab me the wrapped package off the dresser.

"This is your dress don't ask me how I managed to get one but it's beautiful" she said gently before leaving.

"Thank you again lily " i said offering her another smile,

"It was no issue trust me just have fun seriously" she said kindly shocking me,

"Who are you and what the hell did you do to lily " i laughed causing her to look away.

"you deserve it" she said before closing the door behind herself,

I opened the card on the package before reading the note,

Hmm well you did say no pink but what about peach ? :)

I laughed and started opening the package, pulling out the dress i could see exactly why lily brought this one to me it went beautiful with my hair and my complexion, the peach complemented me amazing.

Before i could continue on gushing over the dress i hurriedly started to slip it on, before i could be any more later than I already was.

Doing a once over in the mirror i was definitely satisfied with the outcome, I slipped on the heels she gave me then begin applying a little perfume to finish it off.

If this didn't whoo him i don't know what would i thought causing myself to snort out loud, before i could spend any more time admiring myself i heard a knock on the door, instantly sending my nerves into a frenzy.

Not wasting any time i opened the door regretting wearing heels instantly, just seeing my mate in a suit and tie was beyond breathtaking any moment now i was afraid i would faint, He was enough to drive me crazy.

"You look beautiful" he said breathlessly, before grabbing my hand to walk me out the house.

"Me ? You almost took my breath away" i said bluntly causing him to smirk at me,

"Sometimes i just say what comes to mind" i waved apologetically.

"I love that" he said before i could say anything more.

"Don't worry where we are going isn't to far, i had a few of the mated wolves help me prepare a dinner for us at the pack house plus it's about time i show you your room inside the pack house, lily already agreed to move y'all things" he spoke to me as we walked down the path,

After being alone for so long it felt great to finally have a place that i could possibly call home, plus just knowing that Zekiel did all this for our first dinner was enough to win me over.

We continued to chat about small things whilst we made our way to the pack house, it wasn't my first time seeing the house but every time it managed to wow me with how beautifully built it was. It would be my first time seeing the inside though.

"You first" he said opening the door for me,

the moment I entered the house I definitely felt as if the outside gave it no justice at all. The inside was beyond beautiful everything was immaculate, it fit so perfectly for a entire pack especially being right on the lake buried deep inside the forest.

"This is beautiful" i said looking around the pack house, "it's almost as big as a castle" i whispered to myself knowing Zekiel still could hear me.

"Well know it's your home as well, let me show you to your room first and give you a quick tour before we have dinner" he suggested continuing to grab my hand to guide me.

"That would be amazing" i said already following after him up the flight of stairs,

He showed me the different floors which held the children, families, young teens and also young adults. He also informed me of the private homes for families, who requested a more private location especially newly mated couples.

"The bathrooms are on each floor towards the end, we have a gym in the basement and you know where the training area is. My room is on the  top floor right across from my office" he explained before looking at me nervously " and actually there is a spare room next to it, that room will be yours I'm sorry if that invades your privacy but that room is the Luna's head quarters so it was kind of made for you" he continued sheepishly.

"It's perfect" i said smiling up at him

I was grateful for everything he had done, i could only hope the rest of the night would be just as perfect.

"Now how about that dinner my queen" he said holding his arm out for me to grab.

"Show me the way king" i said looping my arm with his.


"So you mean to tell me that this is the first time you've ever eaten actual roast" he asked me with the most shocked face ever,

"What can i say i was locked in my room most of my life , and forced to eat whatever that was served to me, which usually consisted of scraps of days old food. Fruit's here and there as well" i said nonchalantly, trying to not let the conversation bum me

"Well here you can have as much roast as you can eat" he replied sincerely. I could tell he wanted to ask more, but wanted to be respectful to how i felt which touched me more than he could ever know.

"So tell me about your child hood" i said changing the subject, i wanted to know more about the person who was destined for me.

"I haven't thought about my childhood in a very long time" he said looking off to the distance,

"i grew up in a place where everything was always so good. My dad would make time outside of the training to play games he would make up just to make sure i had fun, sometimes my mother would bake us muffins to take with us cause she knew they were my favorite." He said smiling at the memory,

"But after the war all i knew was Alpha training , i never got a chance to enjoy my teenage years" he said not to fond of that memory.

"It's okay I understand" i said sadly ,

"Tell me about yours" he said taking a bite of his roast and potatoes.

"Well mines was reserved, for most of my life i worked as a peasant in the castle under the queens understudy the madam, she's a powerful sorcerer she does all the queens bad deeds for her.

For awhile my mother took care of most of the work but for a moment in my life i thought she was dead" i said willing the tears not to come.

The last thing i wanted was to cry on our first date,

"Turns out the queen never had her killed she instead used her as bait to get me to come here" i said letting the tears fall,

"Why didn't you tell me" he said trying to comfort me,

"I couldn't risk you hating me or thinking i would betray or harm innocents just for my own selfish reasons" i said wiping at my eyes.

"I trust you" he said caressing my face warmly,

"I'll do everything in my power to see you happy including helping you save your mother" he said staring at me passionately.

"Thank you!" I said throwing my arms around his neck to hug him,

"Thank you so much" i repeated, nothing could ruin the way  i was feeling right now, i wad finally starting to feel at ease.

"You don't have to thank me you're my mate and as early as it is i love you" he said causing me to look at him in shock, he loved me? I don't know he could love someone like me, i never thought i would ever find my soul mate especially in a moment like this. For the first time ever i was sure of how i felt , nothing could overpower this feeling of love.

"And I Love You" i spoke passionately,

Before i could overthink this moment any more,  he reached over to kiss me in the most beautiful way i ever thought possible. This was my first kiss and as cliche as it sounded it was breathtaking, words could hardly describe the sparks i felt let alone the energy coursing between us, If things got any hotter i think we could start a explosion. After tonight everything would be different, i couldn't wait to begin this new chapter with my mate and most of all finally saving my mother so that she could have the happiness she also deserved to have.

"That was amazing" i said when we broke apart,

"You're amazing" he said grabbing my hand,

"Now lets get you in for the night, I don't know how much longer i can control myself" he said causing me to start blushing.