
The Women in the black

One day Rishita was waiting for her boyfriend in a park she was new to that place as she has shifted in that city few days ago only . Actually she has transfered her job only for her boyfriend. She was alone there . And she was thinking only about him .

Suddenly a letter came near her feet she picked it up and she saw there were two words in the letter "Go Away" .

"What ? Is there anybody who is kidding with me?" She was thinking all these when Nishant came there.

"O Darling! Are you waiting here for long?"

"No only for half an hour . How can you be so late? "

"Sorry please forgive me".

Then Rishita said ,"Darling see this letter . What it may mean ?"

Nishant saw the letter and he grew pale.

Nishant terribly said," No No Rishu that's not possible ". Rishita was completely unaware of the fact she was going to pass. She said,"What Happen? Tell it to me Nishant".

Nishant said ,"We should go home now. I will tell it to you later . Hurry . Come on. "

In the car they didn't talk to each other when they reached in the flat . Nishant said ,"Darling today please take some rest I will talk to you again tommorow".

"But what happen Nishant ?" She asked.

But he didn't wait for a moment also. Rishita confused . What may happen. But she was also very tired so she took a shower and went to bed. Next day at the wee hours she received a phone from Nishant .

"Hello Baby I was just thinking about you ." she said in a cheerful manner.

But in the phone the voice was not of nishant .

A another male voice said," Are you Rishita?The last call from this phone has gone to you."

"Yes I am Rishita but who are you and where is Nishant". She said

"Mam Mr Nishant has died" Said the voice.

"What ? When How Noo how it may possible?"

She exclaimed.

"It has happened Mam please come to his home ". Without Waiting a moment she reached there. The scene was beyond her idea . Nishant's Body parts were left here and there. She was too shocked to talk in the begining. Then a police officer came there and give her a glass of water . " I was at phone Miss Rishita . I know that it's hard to talk in this situation but have you any idea why it happened?"

"Sir please allow me a few minites!"--Rishita

"Yea sure Sorry"------Police Inspector

"Are you feeling better now?" Police inspector asked after some times

"Yes now you can ask me questions" She replied

"Miss Rishita Desai Mr Nishant was your boyfriend am I right?" ....police inspector

"Yes you are"...Rishita

"Then what the reason he is murdered?"...pI

Then a constable called him so he went after sometimes he came back and said to Rishita "Mam you may leave for today we have to send the body for post martum ".

Rishita left

When she reached home she was utterly confused then also. She went to have a bath and in the basin of the bathroom "Oh my God! "She exclaimed there was the same letter she had found in the park and was written in the same handwriting 'LEAVE AWAY'.

"What it may be? "---She thought.

She had nothing to do but she could only wait for the post martum.

"Is there any Relation between Nishant's death and this paper? He was looking surprised then when he saw the paper and now how it came here? " She was thinking all these when Renuka and Amanda came there.

"Rishu we are really feeling very sorry for you but you have nothing to do! Try to recover soon " Said Amanda. They had lack of words to make Rishita comfortable.

Rishita was also thinking, "Shall I say them about the letter? "

"What are you thinking " asked Renuka.

"Actually Yesterday I had gone to a park there I found a letter... "

"Oh my GOD was it near salina bridge " asked Renuka.

"Yes that is".

"O my God forget about it. "

"Today also I found a letter with same handwriting .I think someone is kidding with me but.."

"WHERE"....asked Amanda

"In my basin..."

They stopped her middle her talks. And asked her to go with them.

She became confused but Amanda and Renuka forbade her to wait there for a moment also. They took her away to the car. She left as she was also not comfortable alone in the flat.

While being in the car Amanda said to her, "O darling we have saved you".

Rishita became confused !

"But from whom? " she asked.

Amanda replied "from Angelina "

"Who is Angelina? ".....Rishita.

"The holy spirit that had become a devil !!!"...Renuka.

"WHAT!!!? I don't believe these nonsense. "...Rishita.

"But that's true Darling! "...Amanda.