
The Womanizing Necromancer

62 people disappear from Earth overnight, Each of them received a game demo on their pc that held the key to their disappearance. They were taken to the shattered world of Almarye, within this world there are 7 continents like Earth that have many different countries and cultures on them. Each of the 62 were randomly placed within a royal family on the planet and are the designated heir to their respective thrones. Once they turn 21 they will not be able to age but can still be killed in combat or at the hands of another member of the 62. The 62 must lead their countries to rule the world or the world will rule them instead.... Expect at least one chapters a week going forwards. This is a re-write of the 62 warlords.

Demonfromdownsouth · Urban
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7 Chs


The 2nd Tuesday of February started the same as any other day, it was the day after the demo of 62 warlords and the day before its full release. Christian awoke and got dressed in his plain suit, grabbed a bland cereal bar for breakfast before dragging himself to work. The train ride into the city centre was the same as always, pushed up against old men, rocking back and forth, hoping not to knock anyone over and have to deal with an insurance claim before work.

The rain started as soon as Christian walked out of the train, he sighed and continued towards the bus station that would take him into the city centre. At this time of day the buses were worse than thee trains, Christian was again packed into a small space with people pushed up against him, this time his mind wondered towards the Demo he had played the night before and how he could perfect his strategy for the full game's release in the morning.

He knew that picking the spear as his main weapon was a mistake, especially for a ranged character like Necromancers, he decided to play the same way again but pick a different skill set to go along with his necromancy, he began toying with the idea of being a thief that used a bow, picking off his targets from range would allow his skeletons to collect large amounts of exp as they would need to engage the enemy. He then thought he could take Knives as his extra proficiency so he had a way to defend himself at close range if it came down to it.

As Christian was deciding what to do, his body on instinct got off on the right stop and he walked into the building that he worked in, walking past the receptionist, he placed his badge on the security gate and walked into the elevator and pushed the button for the second floor, the accounting department. The lights in the elevator began to flicker as it went up before a purple mist descended of the confused Christian, when the doors to the elevator opened on the second floor, the elevator was empty.

Christian awoke, tied down to a metal bar, looking around he saw loads of people in the exact same circumstance, some were crying, others screaming, for some unknown reason Christian was purely calm as things played out. Suddenly a bright white light appeared in the centre of the room, blinding those that were bound, a woman walked out of the light, she had giant angel wings as they flapped an intense wind flew into the room.

An Ethereal voice rang out as the woman said" The 62 of you have been chosen as the heroes of Almarye, each of you excelled in the test for your respective class and will receive bonuses in the real world of Almarye reflecting how well you did. When you get to Almarye, you will given the chance to re-write your skills while you are still a baby, once you turn 1, your skills will be locked in. There is a great darkness coming to Almarye, it is our hope that one of you will stop it, go forth and bring god's will to the heretics."

Before anyone could react the room was once again filled with white light and then everything went dark.

*Starting up the Conqueror system*

*Necromancer class pre-decided. applying class to host.*

*Select main weapon*

Christian assumed the darkness he was in was the womb of his new mother, he decided to play the game of whatever that woman was for now.

'Bow will be my main Weapon'

*Confirmed, the host will use Bows as their main weapon. Select bonus weapon Proficiency as a reward*


*Daggers has been selected as the host's secondary proficiency. Please select three bonus Abilities*

'Unnatural Charisma, Triple Shot and Riding Mastery.'

*Abilities granted, displaying the host's status now*

Host's Status

Name: Christian

Age: 0 (32)

Level: 0

Class: Necromancer

Title: None.

Magic Affinity: Undead

Stats: Endurance: F Strength: F Dexterity: F Charisma: D Willpower : F Magic: F

Weapon Proficiency: Bow: A Daggers: C

Combat Abilities:

Triple Shot - An arrow can split into three and hit multiple targets at a stamina cost.

Riding Master- The host can ride any mount with ease, drawing extra power from the mount they are riding on.

Passive Abilities:

Unnatural Charisma- The host has an unnatural power with words that can talk people into doing whatever he wishes as long as his charisma skill is higher than the opponents will power.

'Interesting, next is to find out if I have been born into the same family or not...'