
Chapter 07: Lived in wife’s house

- Eh, my older brother! What are you doing here? I think you just like to stay at home and play with your pets. Why are you here with sister Anna?

Kathy William is the only granddaughter of the William family, who was sent abroad from a young age. Her family wants her to receive the best education. Except for her relatives, few people know this girl. Although she comes from a noble family, Kathy is not conceited, nor too arrogant, instead she is a bright student.

Kathy William is 23 years old this year, with great academic achievement, after graduating, she pursued a job as a fashion designer. Her famous fashion brand is "Spirit". Her industry name is DY.

- I'm asking you, why are you standing in front of Anna's house? Why do you know I'm here?

Listening to her brother's questioning, Kathy hummed for a long time, then she looked at her brother again, with a serious face, and asked:

- Eh? That's not right, why are you here? Why do you know Anna? Old man, why do you call Anna so dearly?

- Don't play drums, I'll come over here!

Kathy William stuck out her tongue to tease her brother, then hid behind Anna Brian's back, making Aron angry:

- Huh, old man... Come here if you dare!.

- This kid, get out of here! Why did you return to your home country without telling your brother or parents? Also, why am I here? Kathy William, if you don't make it clear today, don't leave here!

- Report the beep! Tell my parents to drag me home? I'm beautiful but I'm not stupid!

Aron William was furious. But wait, does this kid know your Anna? Aaron asked amicably:

- You and her know each other?

- We know each other, when she is abroad she is very helpful to me! Isn't that right, sister?

Anna nodded, but inside she was screaming, knowing that she didn't save this girl. While abroad, Kathy always considered Anna as a mother. Kathy likes to

lean on Anna. When Anna returned home, Kathy cried a lot, she even stopped eating for two days, but then she was so hungry that she had to eat...

- You two go home.

Hearing Anna's words, the two of them ran over and clung to her legs. Their faces were trying to look pitiful. Kathy says:

- Sister Anna, do you love me?

- No.

Kathy William: "..." Huh! A stab through the heart.

- Baby, when I got into an argument with my family... There was no place to live... I asked for support.

- Joshua, arrange for the young master William the best hotel. Anna Brian will pay!

Aron William: "..." Huh, my heart hurts!

Anna understood, these two had genetic mental illness. She was sure it was a genetic disease! The two of them firmly refused to go home, they kept clinging to her legs - rich lady Anna Brian. Both of them wanted to be "raised" by her. Anna disagreed, but the two kept clinging to her and begging, so she nodded.

This afternoon Aron thought that his grandfather would announce the will, but he did not expect that he not only did not publish the will but also indirectly announced the annulment of the engagement. Bella Swara is dead, and The Swara is doesn't have any girl!

Bella Swara is dead, Lily Brian is engaged, Jerry Brian has never met... Now that Charles William also knows Anna is the lady in the legend, his grandfather's gaze will surely change. However, when they met for the first time, and Grandpa called her a "damn woman", it was certain that their relationship would be difficult to mend. Now that Brian Corporation has completely dominated the Commercial segment in Las Vegas, it doesn't matter to her whether the William family continues to invest or not. In the end, Aron William has only one way…

Using his grandson to seduce her…

That evening, he told Kathy the whole thing that happened at William's house today, this little girl heard her old brother say that Anna would be the sister-in-

law, she immediately cheered up, her eyes even brighter. . Making Aron twitch his lips, she liked his Anna.

- Big brother, is Bella dead? But...

- But what?

Aron confusedly looked at his sister, she looked around once, her face was very alert, he looked at her in confusion, not knowing what she was doing... Kathy felt safe and then dropped in. his brother's ear whispered:

- Don't you know, the Swara family still has a daughter, Diana Swara... I heard she's married... And has a daughter too.

- Why do I know?

- I overheard Anna talking to Steven while abroad.

Hearing this, he was silent, he asked Anna: Did she know the Swara family after all? Or does she have a grudge against their family? How does she know Bella is dead? Does Bella's death and Diana Swara's disappearance have anything to do with Brian's house, or rather Anna Brian?

Looking at her sister, she certainly won't cheat him, this kid knows Anna longer than he knows each other, her understanding of Anna will definitely be a bit more than him, maybe even more? What's the secret?

- Oh yes, old man, why are you here?

- I'm chasing my wife. What's your opinion?

- I told you. Chasing girls is like playing a game. But many people think that Hell level is already scary. But I am here to tell you with great compassion, Anna belongs to LEVEL - GREAT - HELL. Game over soon!

Aron William: "..." Is he that bad at flirting with girls?

- Oh, there's more. Dear Aron William, I have to warn you about one little thing... You mustn't tell your parents I'm back! If not, I will speak ill of you to Anna!

After saying that, Kathy blinked once and then dashed back to her room. Leave him alone. He doesn't know if it's his sister or his mother, just scares him all the time. Kathy turned her head and said again:

- Remember it!

- Shut up you damn kid!

The next morning, Aron Willam received a call from his father, he wanted to ask him to ask Anna to have a meal as an apology to her. But before Aron himself could answer, Ryder William hung up. He brushed his teeth and went downstairs, Kathy said that Anna had come to work early in the morning. Aaron sighed quietly. Kathy:

- How are you today, old man?

- Dad wants me to invite her to dinner.

Hearing that, Kathy shook her head, then seriously said:

- I told my father to wait until next year, maybe there is still time to eat. You know, Anna is very busy... Meeting her is very difficult. Anna's appointment schedule is very busy!

Anna is the president of Brian Corporation, Aaron gets it! A lot of people want to cooperate with Anna, even if they can't cooperate, it is a pleasure to sit and dine with her, because she is very beautiful. Anyway, the other two are also his grandfather and father, if the relationship between Anna and the two of them is not good, then Aaron will feel very awkward!

But wait...

Why does he feel awkward? He is living with Anna in her own house. He is Anna's, even if he dies, he will be a ghost by her side. Aaron feels sorry for his father, but for him Anna is number one right now.

- Old man, how do you see the design of this wedding dress for me?

- Design for whom?

- For my future sister-in-law. I want to personally design a wedding dress for my sister-in-law.

- She will definitely be my sister-in-law!

The author: "..." Strong-mouthed!

At Brian Corporation, after finishing the shareholder meeting, she returned to her room. Joshua immediately said:

- Chairman, Helen Group currently holds 30% of the shares, equal to Jackson Helen.

- As for Scott Corporation, I bought most of the shares of small shareholders. Just tomorrow, the Scott Corporation will be ours.

Anna nodded, okay... Helen's family harmed my mother, Scott Brian wrongly joined me in overthrowing me? If they wanted to play like that, let me play with you.

Joshua and Steven saw Anna's smile and panicked. This girl is not a simple person, her destiny is the Queen. As long as she wants it, everything will be hers. From Helen Corporation to Scott Corporation will be hers. She didn't even need to respect the William family anymore!

- President... There's one more thing.

- Say.

Joshua hesitated for a moment, then softly said:

- Charles William, Ryder William and Mrs. Milan William would like to invite you to a meal. As an apology...

- Aron's mother? You said... his mother's name is Milan?

- Yes, a lady of the Brown family.

Anna didn't reply, just waved them out. After the two of them had gone out, she remembered what her mother said before she died. Mom told her that she was from the Swara family. However her mother didn't like that family, so her mother went to stay with a friend named Milan Brown, who was her mother's best friend. Milan Brown gave Anna's mother a piece of jade. In this day and age, to still use pieces of jade as a piece of jewelry is outdated! But the Browns specialize in the jade jewelry trade. The Brown family is well known in the jewelry business in Chicago. That piece of jade is a token of the friendship between Milan and her mother.

It's also very clever, the person her mother wants to find is the biological mother of two people living in her house. Apparently, she knew where the two brothers' craziness came from.

- Joshua!

She called out loudly, he heard it and quickly went in. Bow down to listen to instructions.

- Report to William's family, I agree to the meal. Ask them to schedule a time. I'll come!

- Clear, madam!

After that, Joshua also retreated out. She closed her eyes for a moment, then suddenly the phone rang. Her personal phone number is very little known, almost no one!

Anna frowned slightly, then picked up the phone. When she picked up the phone on the other end of the phone, she heard an old but warm sound.

- [Diana, is that you?]

Anna remained silent. She had guessed that this was her grandfather, Henry Swara.

- [Diana, that year you were harmed, I already know. You've been gone for 26 years too.... Can you... come back home? I accept... I accept that scum... I accept my niece... Diana... you go home, okay?]

Anna heard his urgent voice. Perhaps that year he knew that Michael Brian was not a good man, so he refused to let her mother marry him. Perhaps her mother understood that, but the two of them were pregnant together. Besides, her mother really loved Michael Brian anyway, everything he did to her was good. It's just a pity that her mother was...

Anna took a deep breath, then exhaled softly. Responding to:

- Wrong number!
