
The woman and the son

Seun_bobo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Suddenly, the lights of the theater came on.

Sue jumped as if an electric shock had hit her. She quickly pulled the hand from her top. She was trembling as she sat in her seat waiting for the few people in the theater to leave. Finally, she stood on shaking legs and moved to the isle.

As they left the theater, Tommy had to walk behind his mother in hopes that no one could see his erection.

Sue took a deep breath and sighed as she walked up the aisle in front of Tommy. She wondered why he lagged behind her. She glanced back and realized the problem that her young date had. She had to restrain herself from looking back at her son a second time. Suddenly, it was like she was in high school again. It brought back so many fond memories with Tommy's father.

The ride home was very quiet. Tommy couldn't believe what had happened in the theater. It was like a dream. Damn, he practically had his hand on his mother's bare breast and she didn't stop him. Yet, he still felt embarrassed and like a cad. His mom had been nice enough to take him out and this is how he repaid her.

Sue couldn't believe what she had allowed to happen either. Again, she told herself that it was just innocent fun. After all, her son did need some confidence building, she reasoned.

Tommy unlocked the door of their house, then stopped and turned to his mom.

"Thanks Mom... uh Sue, I... I... I... had a great time," a little nervous stutter showing up in his voice.

"I did too Tommy, you are a great date," Sue said sincerely.

Tommy stood nervously in front of his mom, his hand's fidgeting at his sides. He almost had an overpowering urge to grab her and kiss her. He got control of himself and asked, "Uh... does... does... a guy get a kiss on the first... first date," Tommy blurted nervously. His heart was beating wildly again. His knees felt like they were going to collapse. When his mother didn't answer right away, he thought that he had blown it.

"Well, probably not on the first date, but because you were so nice I guess one kiss couldn't hurt," Sue said, her mind screaming No! No! The beautiful evening, the date and the wine were all working on Sue's resistance.

Tommy's heart skipped a beat. God, he was going to do it he thought. He was really going to kiss her. Suddenly, he was petrified.

"Well?" Sue said, her eyes closed, and her heart pounding now. This was so wrong, she told herself.

"I really... uh... you know, I... I... don't know how."

"Here," Sue said, bringing her lips to her son's.

His arms automatically went around her back. His lips were hard and pressed harshly into his mom's soft lips.

"Wait," she said and pulled back. "You don't kiss with your lips like that. Wet your lips and let them relax," Sue said in a motherly tone. Yet, this wasn't a motherly act.

Tommy did as his mother asked. He felt her bring her lips to his again. This time he relaxed his and pressed into her soft mouth. Suddenly, he was very much aware of her breasts on his chest, her soft lips, and the smell her sweet perfume. His head began to spin.

Sue moaned as her tongue slid into her son's warm mouth. It was a reflex action and automatic. She felt his tongue touch hers and a tremor ran through her. For a moment, she was lost in the sweet taste of her son's mouth. Suddenly, she pulled her tongue out of his mouth. She had totally lost control for just a moment. She pulled her head back and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Now that was better wasn't it?" Sue said, as innocently as possible, an uncontrollable quiver in her voice.

"Great, let's do it again," Tommy said boldly, pulling his mother to him again.

Suddenly, Sue could feel her son's hard penis pressing into her stomach. She shivered with excitement at the thought that she could still turn on a young man. Wait, her mind screamed, this is my own son. She knew that she had to stop this before it got out of hand.

"No! Stop!" Sue almost screamed. Then she realized it sounded harsh and, her tone softened. "One kiss on the first date. Don't get greedy," Sue said pushing her son away playfully.

"Au shucks," Tommy said, with his innocent smile, trying to cover his excitement and disappointment. Then he turned serious. "God Mom, I had fun tonight. Can... uh... can we go on a date again sometime, please?"

"Well, I guess so, if you treat me real nice," Sue said, pecking her son on the lips one more time before entering the house.

That night, Tommy lay in bed with his hard penis in his hand, thinking of his mom. All his fantasizes until now had been about girls at school. Now his mom dominated his thoughts. He could still feel her soft breasts on his chest and her soft skin under his fingers. If he could have only moved his hand a fraction of an inch lower in the theater, he would have touched the nub of her nipple. Even now, he could still taste her lips on his and feel her tongue in his mouth. It took only minutes for him to squirt his juice all over his stomach. He jerked off three times that night.

At the same time, Sue lay in bed with one hand squeezing the same breast Tommy had touched. Her other hand was forcing three fingers into her sopping hole. She climaxed over and over until her fingers and the sheets were soaked with her juice. Then, suddenly she burst into tears. God, what have I done? she thought.

Susan Ritter cried herself to sleep that night.

Chapter 2

The following morning Tommy saw his mother sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. There was a very uncomfortable silence as he got himself a cup of coffee and sat down. The light of a new day made everything seem different. They each blamed themselves for what had happened.


"Tommy..." they both spoke at the same time, then laughed nervously.

"Sorry," Tommy said.

"Tommy... uh... we uh... what... happened last night was..." Sue said, struggling with her words.

"I... I... know Mom," Tommy interrupted. "I'm sorry, I spoiled everything," he said, almost in tears, waiting for her anger.

Sue looked at him in surprise. "It wasn't your fault sweetheart. It was mine. Let's just forget it. It was probably just the wine," Sue lied. "I shouldn't have drunk so much."

"Can... can we uh... go out again?" Tommy asked hopefully.

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"I knew it," Tommy said in an angry tone. However, he was angry with himself. He arose from the table with tears in his eyes and rushed out of the room.

"Tommy!" Sue called after him. However, he was already out of the house. Now Sue was heartbroken. She was the one that had messed everything up, she thought as her tears began to flow.

Later that evening, Sue tapped on Tommy's door. She pushed the door open gently when she heard Tommy tell her to come in. He was lying on the bed looking at a sports magazine. "Tommy, can we talk?" she asked, sitting on the bed, her face tense with thinly veiled emotions.

"Sure," he answered, rolling over and looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

"I'm sorry Tommy... sorry about... about everything," Sue said struggling with her words. "God Tommy, I was the one that suggested the date. I've thought all day about it and I know it's entirely my fault. We're both lonely and we both miss Dad so much." Suddenly, Sue stopped talking as her voice choked up. Then she began to sob.

Tommy sat up quickly and moved closer to his mother. He carefully put his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, tears streaming down his own cheeks.

Although Sue felt comfort in his arms, she sobbed even harder. All of her pent up emotions seemed to come out of her at once. Two years of loneliness, a new job, struggling to make the bills and now this. It was all too much.

Tommy held her for a long time until her sobs turned to sniffles. "Mom, I love you so much," Tommy said sincerely.

Sue sat back and dried her eyes. "God Tommy, I feel the same way about you. We need each other, maybe more now than ever."

"Can we just be honest with each other for a minute?" Tommy asked, acting more grown up than he felt.

"Absolutely! We have to be honest with each other," Sue said, wondering what he was getting at.

"You... You are a beautiful and very sexy woman," Tommy said, trying hard not to stutter. "I... you... uh.... Oh hell, I'm just a horny teenager, and I'm sorry I got out of line," he blurted and then laughed self-consciously.

Sue looked at him with raised eyebrows then a smile came to her lips. Suddenly, they both burst out laughing. They laughed so hard that they nearly fell off the bed. The situation now seemed so ridiculous. They were making a big deal out of nothing.

When they had composed themselves, Sue turned to Tommy and said, "You can take me on a date anytime you want to." Then she kissed his lips briefly.

"Good because there's a football team picnic next Sunday and I need a date," Tommy said hopefully.

"It's a deal."

Tommy sighed with relief. Everything was going to be okay.

Tommy's high school football team was hosting a farewell picnic for the graduating seniors, their parents, and girlfriends. Tommy wasn't planning on attending, because he didn't have a date. He knew that all of the boys would bring a date. He didn't expect any of them to come with their parents. Suddenly, that didn't matter to him anymore. His mom would be his date.

Chapter 3

Several days later, Tommy was home alone. It was a warm afternoon and he had just finished cutting the grass so he decided to take a cool shower. He went into the bathroom, leaving the door carelessly open and undressed, then stepped into the clear glass shower stall. He flipped on the shower, gasping as the cool water hit him. Soon, he was enjoying the refreshing feeling of the cold water. As he began to soap himself, he began to think of his mom. Suddenly, he had a raging hard on. He soaped his hand and worked up a lather on his long shaft. His eyes were closed as he leaned back on the tile of the shower stall, with a vision of his beautiful mom in his mind. Just an inch more, he thought excitedly of the nipple he had almost touched.

Sue had decided to take off work early that day. When she came into the house, she called out to Tommy. When she didn't hear him answer, she figured he might be taking a nap. She went upstairs to ask him if he wanted to get a movie for them tonight. As she walked down the hall, she turned and looked into the open bathroom. Suddenly, she stopped in shock. Her eyes were as big around as saucers when she saw her son in the shower, his eyes closed and his hand working up and down on the longest penis she had ever seen. While she didn't have much to compare it to, she knew it was much longer than Bob's.

Sue shook her head, and tried to pull herself away but her legs wouldn't move. She felt excitement in the pit of her stomach and a quivering in her groin as her eyes stared transfixed on Tommy's long penis.

"Oh God, suck me," Tommy whispered to himself as he stroked his penis. His breath was coming in short gasps as he neared his climax. Soon, his hand was flying up and down, splattering the soapy froth to the tile below. "Oh yes, yes, suck my cock Mom," he groaned. His long penis throbbed and a stream of cum shot from the head, spattering all the way out of the shower stall and onto the tile on the bathroom floor.

Sue felt like she was going to pass out as she watched her son climax. She could feel her sex lips throbbing and juice was pouring into her panties. One hand absently moved up to her breast and began to squeeze it as her legs rubbed together.

For some reason, Tommy opened his eyes. He gasped when his eyes met his mother's. However, it was too late to stop his climax. His hand continued to move on his penis until there was nothing left in his balls.

Sue gasped and hurried from the doorway.

An hour or so later, Tommy came downstairs to dinner wearing a pair of shorts and tank top. He was very nervous about his mother's reaction to what she had obviously seen. He felt like such an idiot again.

Sue was at the sink when she heard Tommy come into the kitchen. She had also been agonizing over the embarrassing mistake as well. She knew that what Tommy was doing was perfectly normal. Every young boy masturbated. However, his words kept running through her head: 'Oh yes, yes, suck my cock Mom'. A little shiver ran through her as she turned around and smiled at Tommy.

"Hi sweetie. Dinner will be ready in a minute." The smile on her face belied the turmoil inside. When she saw what her son was wearing, her eyes lingered. God, he looks good, she thought. Then her face turned hot as she remembered the vision of him standing in the shower with his hard penis in his hand.

The smile on his mother's face surprised Tommy. He was prepared for her to rant and rage. The tension drained from him when he saw her bright smile. He sat down at the table. "So what are we going to do tonight?"

"How about you go out and pick out a movie for us tonight? But not one of those 'shootum up' things," she added.

"Sounds great."

Sue brought the food over to the table and sat down to eat. She knew that she couldn't just forget the incident in the shower. Something like that could have a very negative impact on a kid, she thought. They ate in silence until Sue thought of something to say. She decided that humor had worked before so she said, "So how was your shower?" A smile crossed her face.

"Huh!" Tommy said in shock.

"Come on Tommy, I thought we were going to be honest with each other. I saw you and I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were in the shower."

"Uh... uh... but I was..." Tommy stuttered.

"I know you were masturbating. All boys do that. Let's not make a big deal out of it. Okay?" Sue kept a smile on her face but getting the words out was one of the most difficult things she had ever done. However, she felt great relief that it was out in the open. She didn't think it was necessary to tell him that she had heard what he said.

"Uh... sure Mom. Uh... I'm sorry too. Next time I'll close the door."

"Don't worry about it. It's our home and we should be able to feel free," Sue said. "You're just a 'horny teenager' anyway, right?" Sue laughed.

Tommy had to smile at the repeat of his words. He laughed too.

Then she added, "You did clean up the floor didn't you?"

"Mommmmm!!!" Tommy said and his face turned bright red.

"Just checking."

Chapter 4

Tommy and his mother finished eating, continuing to talk about their day as if nothing had happened.

"Let me clean up the dishes and then get a shower. You go to the video store and get something good."

"Okay," Tommy said and got up and took the car keys. Then he walked over and kissed his mother's lips lightly and said, "I might stop over Shawn's first. I'll be back in a little while. Love you Mom."

"Love you too sweetie. Be careful."

Sue cleaned up the dishes and went to take a shower. When she walked into the bathroom, she felt a little thrill at what had happened. She stood in the same shower that her son had been in. A strange feeling came over her. It was almost like she was feeling the excitement that Tommy had felt. She resisted the urge to masturbate, forcing herself to just take a shower.

Tommy decided not to stop over Shawn's. He got a movie--a 'chick flick' as the teenagers called it--and headed back home. When he went upstairs, he passed his mother's bedroom. The door was opened just a crack. When he had passed the door, he stopped. He saw his mother sitting on the bed, painting her fingernails. She had a towel around her body and one wrapped around her head. Tommy started to peek in and say hi, but he saw her get up and walk over to the dresser, looking into the mirror. He was surprised to see that the bath towel barely covered the cheeks of her buttocks. Her legs look so long and smooth. He stood quietly and watched as she took the towel from around her head and began to dry her hair. Tommy knew that he shouldn't be spying, but he couldn't help himself.

Sue used the towel to partially dry her hair then plugged in the electric dryer. As the warm air surrounded her, she looked into the mirror. She saw movement outside the door. For a second she was frightened but realized that Tommy must have come home early. When he didn't move, it occurred to her that he was spying. She considered closing the door but knew that she would embarrass him. Besides, after the talk about freedom in the house, that would be hypocritical. It was only fair since she had watched him. Sue continued to dry her hair, letting her son look at her scantily covered body.

Tommy was about to leave when he saw his mother put the dryer down. Then he saw her reach for the towel that was tucked between her breasts.

Suddenly Sue could feel excitement rippling through her. Her hands trembled as she grasped the towel at her breasts. This is crazy, she thought. Still, her hands moved and she opened the towel, holding it wide for a second or two. Her eyes glanced into the mirror and she knew that Tommy could see the naked front of her body. She could feel her nipples harden as she slowly let it drop behind her. She thought she heard a gasp.

Tommy had gasped. He stood frozen, looking at his mother's naked body. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her large breasts were still firm and sat up with very little sag. His eyes traveled to her pubic area. He saw her soft blond hair and just a hint of the pink inner lips. Inside his pants, Tommy's penis was pulsing with life.

Then Sue did something that astounded her, maybe more than Tommy. She reached down and opened the bottom drawer, bending over at the waist. Her buttocks pushed back and she moved her legs slightly apart.

"Oh God," Tommy moaned as he stared at his mother's beautiful ass. He looked between her legs and could see the pouch of her vagina staring back at him. He could even see the lips shining wetly. It didn't occur to him that his mother was just as turned on as he was.

Sue felt like she was bent over for a very long time, but it was more like several seconds. She knew that she had to straighten up when she felt her juice begin to trickle out. Slowly she stood up, holding a pair of skimpy red panties in her hand. Then she bent again and stepped into the panties, pulling them to her waist. She could feel the silky material caress her buttocks sensuously and pull tightly to her swollen sex lips.

Somehow, Tommy pulled himself together and moved away from the door.

Sue sighed and let out a deep breath. I must be losing my mind she thought as she began to dress. She put on a short summer frock that came to the middle of her thighs. When she started to walk out of the room, she stopped. Her hands were shaking when she lifted her dress and pulled her panties off and threw them on the bed.

A few minutes later Sue joined Tommy in the living room. He already had the movie in and some popcorn made.

"Just in time," he said as he watched her walk into the room.

"Popcorn! Great!"

"I brought you some wine," Tommy said proudly as he pointed to a bottle cooling in an ice bucket.

"Thank you sweetie!"

The lights were dimmed as the two settled down to watch "Fried Green Tomatoes."

Tommy hated the movie but he knew that his mom would like it.

Sue sat on the couch and Tommy sat on the floor leaning against the couch. About an hour into the movie, Tommy excused himself and went upstairs to the bathroom. As he passed his mother's room, he stopped. He saw a pair of little red panties lying on the bed. My God, has she taken her panties off? he said to himself.

When Tommy returned to the living room, he was on a mission. He had to know if she had taken her panties off.

As he sat back on the floor, he turned slightly sideways so that he could see his mother's legs. However, try as he might, he couldn't get a view up her dress. Finally, he sighed in frustration and gave up.