

I died, that was it, just nothing. let me explain, I had just lost my family in a car accident, and it felt like everything was over. I decided to do something stupid. I killed myself. it wasn't a thought out plan, I hadn't been thinking about it for long. it was just an impulsive action.

so now here I am, in a pitch black place. I can't explain where I am or why I'm here, nor can I say how.

then out of nowhere, this bright blinding light comes out of nowhere. it slowly forms into the outline of a person. then it speaks in a very neutral voice, I can't tell if its male or female. "hello, you are here for the cycle of reincarnation.". it almost sounds like a robot. I'm stunned, I don't know how to respond, or if I even can. it says "don't worry you can speak, you are going to be given a second chance at life"

I'm stunned, why would I be given a second chance at life. I start to speak, "w-why?, I've done nothing in my life to deserve it?!". the figure looks at me for a second then responds, "that's where you are wrong, you have done a number of acts of kindness and accumulated a decent amount of Karma.". it paused for a few seconds. "it might not have been a lot, it was barely enough to let you reincarnate with 3 wish's and 4 perks. depending on what the wish is it could activate when your born or later in life". the figure stares at me for a second then says, " just remember, everything comes at a price."

I become overjoyed at the thought of going to another world. then I ask, "do I also get to choose the world of which I'm sent!?". it looks at me and shakes it's head. then it starts "you have enough to reincarnate with the wishes and perks, but not enough to choose the world. so it will be decided for you.".

I get scared at the thought of it being decided for me the world of which I will be reincarnated into. I just hope it's not one too dangerous. the being then tells me that the world I'll be going to will be a variation of the MCU.

so I started with my wishes, "for my first wish I would like perfect adaptability to anything, like if I were to be put in a place that is freezing, I would adapt in at most a couple of hours." I look at the being for confirmation and it nods. "for my second wish I want wolverines anatomy, that includes his regeneration, senses, physiology, and most importantly the claws. except I want the claws to be like dakens.". "for the third wish, I want a blank x-gene"

the being looks at me then starts to speak, " it is possible but the claws won't be active until your 15th birthday. the rest will be active a year after your born. but the blank x-gene will activate at random."

I said, "yeah, that's fine.". "now for your perks." the being said. that's when I remembered about the perks, I look at the being then ask, "can I change the perks into wishes?". the being stares down at me for a moment. it began, "that is acceptable, you can sacrifice 2 perks for 1 wish."

"I want the iq of peter parker and Tony Stark combined". the being just nods it's head.

then I began to think, this last wish needed to be perfect. since I was going to the MCU there's bound to be some high tech stuff. then I said, "I want the abilities of a technomancer."

the being stares at me then nods. and I know no more.