
on your knees

The Wolf woke the next morning to the house going mad downstairs, there was yelling, there was cursing and worst of all there was the pitter patter of tiny feet followed by shrill

screams of laughter.

it looked like lil Flamez had struck again but this time Valentina wasn't having it. I strolled down the stairs quiet and invisible as a shadow. I snatched up lil Flamez into my arm's tickling her, as she giggled and squirmed I asked.

"Okay you Lil turd, what did you do to upset my Queen and bring down the wrath of succubus upon your tiny head?"

"Me do nuffing bad wolfy me good girl"

She gives me her signature smile. Now most ppl find it to be a creepy or a sadistic smile but I find it cute as hell.

"OH you little....ahhhhh you just wait till my king puts you down, then I'll..put..you..down"

"Hewp big scawy demon wady gonna kew me doggy"

The Wolf snarls growling slightly

"I'm a wolf not a dogo"

"This Little brat took something She shouldn't have I want it back before her nasty little hand's defile all the memories"

Bjórn looks at the the tiny flame haired girl with a warning in his gaze opening his palm.

"Fork over the goods squirt you know your not supposed to play with your big sisters thing's they are not your toy's"

She grunts and hand's over a small delicate ring that looks like it's made of...

The Wolf snarls eye's flashing with pain as the flesh of his palm slowly burns..


He tosses it to Valentina trying to hide his hand from her view. Lil Flamez looks up at him with a hurt gaze her eye's brimming with fresh tears.

"Thanks Wolfie this ring means alot to me it's the one my Popi put on my mother's finger when he popped the question"

Bjórn just nodded not saying anything and carried the tiny troublemaker to the kitchen to help wash her hand's and give her a snack.

Little Flamez kisses his hand and looks sad.

"Der awe bettew now"

He chuckles making her a grilled cheese sandwich and using a cookie cutter to shape them like mermaids.

Taking sissys important thing's is not nice Flamey.

She looks hurt then raises her index finger and says ahah. As if she has the best idea and I can't help but grimace this won't be a fun morning.

"Dat wing make sissy sad if yous givs hers a bettew wing sissy wew be sooooo happy"

He stares at this little hellian with wide eye's

"Uh I don't think that's how thing's work in your tiny world she might be happy but in mine I'm gonna be rejected"

She looks at him with her head cocked to the side blowing on her sandwich.

"What's wejegged?"

"That's when a guy gives a girl a ring but she throws it back in his face and says harsh thing's he will never forget"

She seems to think about it as she nibbles her sandwich like a mouse and has strings of cheese all down her chin.

"Me can hewp yous me knows what she wikes so she wew make kissy face wen yous gives hers wing"

"Thanks Flamey your the best"

Later that day the Wolf was thinking hard about it and he really wanted this to be special and the family had member's getting married like every day he'd never gone to so many weddings in his life like he had the past 3 month's

Bjórn went out to the old shed looking around and found some alloy ingots laying around. One of Nordic gold and one of pure gold he took out his grans wedding ring and took out the stone's then took it all to a jeweler and looked at a book of custom rings.

Lil Flamez kept picking out things like fairies and princesses like Frozen and snow white. He shook his head he should have known she'd pick only what she wanted. He settled on a design of the claddogh an irish design. With Nordic runes on both side's.

After the order had been made and was ready to go..He took Valentina to a special place in the forest where magic seemed to be in every rock and tree. Leaping to a cave overlooking a waterfall there were butterflies everywhere in the mud puddles..

He got down on one knee in this special place and proposed.

"My Queen I fear nothing but in this moment I fear what your answer may be. All my life it has been hard to trust a female but I trust you. I Love everything you do from the way you move to the way you act. Your cunning, kind, loving, fierce at time's when it counts, lethal in ways that excite me. I've never wanted anyone the way I want you. VALENTINA....Will..you.. do me the honor of being my bride?"

The look on her face I could tell she was speechless she was nodding her head yes but I needed the word's so I stayed on one knee. Then finally she said it.

"Of course I will marry you Wolfie you make me so happy"

It was alot like the first time we made love kind of awkward cause minds had been blown and excitement was so high it broke the measure. Word's just refused to come. I grabbed her spinning her in my arm's and kissed her. My pulse still racing I confessed.

"To be quite fair I've tested this a thousand time's trying to Guage if you wanted me in this way or not but I decided to take the chan....."

Not even able to finish my sentence she had her tongue in my mouth and a death grip on my man hood then did the cutest fucking thing ever she growled at me.

It was like a cute quiet sound but still made me shiver from the power coming from her chest.

"Now that's sexy your so damn cute My Love"

She snorted at me I guess she wasn't trying to be cute but thing's that scare ordinary ppl I find fascinating. That growl of hers may have been able to force another female to back step afraid but to me it made me hot and I don't mean my 101.6 f core temp. She had me hard instantly and she knew it.

The way home was interesting I bet we pulled over the car 4 times just to make love.

She was insatiable and I loved it.