
famous game

Valentina watched me while blushing hard and though I was comfortable pretty much naked infront of her I just tossed a rock in the water and said.

*so 20 questions I'll go first ask me something and I have to answer though if you expect me to keep track of the questions don't cause I flunked math*

She giggles and I can't help but lean a bit closer to listen to her voice it's pretty damn amazing.

*um OK how about what's your favorite color*

Well that made my mouth drop a bit I expected her to make her escape by now I just answered.

*well if it could be classified as a color I'd say black but it's not and if I was romantic I'd say mahogany brown cause your eyes are epic I can write many poems just as them being subject matter but imma go with Blue you know like Electric Blue. Your turn now you say your color and I'll ask a new one*

*same if black was a color but I guess it would be between purple and Red but mostly black and red*

Combo colors? Well that's cheating this female is so not fair.

I take my time to think of an answer but to be perfectly honest I'm now distracted I don't think this woman knows just how beautiful she really is. I stand up and start walking to the big house that always gives me a headache since the decorator has a thing for unicorns and rainbows in that order.

I know she is following me I don't even have to look I can feel her presence.

When we reach the house I go to my room to change and Valentina stands outside my open door waiting and blushing

*Okay favorite flavor of ice cream*

*it's ice cream what flavor is bad just not chocolate*

*well I like Butter pecan or Strawberry cheesecake*

*those sound yum....*

I stumbled on my way out bumping into her and quickly pressed her gently against the wall my hands on the wall bracing myself my body pressed to hers.

*sorry about that I promise I'm not making moves on you*

Her blush is at epic levels now but man is her mouth just as quick as her Whitt.

*well why not? I don't mind infact how long till you kiss me?*

I'm a wolf has she never met one? I guess there's no harm in having fun now is there?

I lean in as if I will then growl and simply lick her neck and walk away. Yeah I'm such a player but I'm no ass hole. I need to know her more. Not long after she has to leave and I end up spending the rest of the day with my friend's.

You may be thinking woah just hold up he's a werewolf that changes outside the moon cycle yes..yes I can I am a special breed and besides that I'm from a place that's dark 24/7 half the year the arctic is a harsh place besides that I'm a King. So what's a Werewolf King well it's an Alpha of many Alphas I don't just rule a pack I rule a country. My Wolf is pushing 9 feet tall and my Grandfather was tall as mountains the Aesir/Nordic God's were like tooth pics compared to Fenrir. I didn't see Valentina again till the next day so I spent some time playing with the kid's in the family.

It's not everyday you see some muscled guy with a barrel chest playing tea time with kid's I'm sure it was funny me in a chair I could barely balance one butt cheek on drinking from a cup small enough to give Tinkerbelle a hard time with my face painted up in layers of make up, hair that was pink and green with glued on fake lashes and enough glitter to find it's way in my butt Crack for week's no matter how much I bathe.

Just so you know I hate glitter I hate it like I hate Clowns both are so damn annoying but for a child yeah my weakness in a nut shell.

I had to bribe them with candy just so I could retire for the night, come morning I still had glitter in my Crack, traces of green hair and now a face full of tiny star stickers and that was mostly from tiny Flamez girl was a menace an adorably cute but sadistic menace.