
The Wolf With Red Eyes

Just a normal kid in high school, middle of the pack in just about everything he does, but after an encounter in the woods with something he can’t explain, everything seems to start getting better for Jacob, until the night of the full moon, where he realizes how it may just be too good to be true, and realizing maybe being middle of the pack, might’ve been better then then the pack he will be thrust into.

KB_DMV · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Hell Week (1)

As the group stepped into the locker room they were greeted by another forty or so people, a lot more then they had had in any of the previous years, and to Marcus he was happy to see so many people had wanted to come out and play this year, but for Archie and Jacob who were not nearly on his level, they both had one thought going through their minds, "well it's gonna be kind of hard to start this year if we don't even make the team".

But none the less, they went to a corner in the locker room which they had made their own prior to tryouts, and proceeded to get ready, as they took our their cleats, pads, practice jerseys, and helmets which had been provided during summer workouts, and as they started getting ready someone who Jacob had been dreading seeing all day had walked up too them and he was really not in the mood to deal with whatever he had to say.

The person in question was around six foot three, with a chiseled body and golden blonde hair, and if any girls were in the locker room they would probably be swooning over him, and as he walked over everyone recognized his as the star player of Mountain View High, Carson Mooney.

"So Jakey I'm surprised you actually came, cause looking at all the new people here I doubt they even let you stay on the team", he said with his sadistic grin, as coming over and degrading Jacob seemed to be the highlight of his day, and Jacob had remained quiet because he knew if he didn't he was gonna say something he was gonna regret, so Jacob got up and began to walk away, as he already had his football gear on, but like earlier Carson had grabbed him and pushed him against a locker a while his friend Archie sat and watched his friend, knowing there was no chance he could do anything to help.

"oh what's the matter, if you cant face me in here what makes you think you're gonna face me out on the field Jake" Carson said while pressing his arm against Jacobs neck, and after a moment his vision was starting to get fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, but he looked up to see something he would have never expected to happen.

Carson who figured he was free to do as he wished felt someone grab him from behind and slammed him into the locker, and as he tried to utter out something "who the hell you think you are...." he had his head pulled forward and then slammed back into the locker, and after he was thrown down to the floor as he skidded across the white tile of the locker room floor, a trail of red drops leading where he ended up, and as he checked the back of his head was bleeding a bit, not enough to be considered serious, but it filled him with rage as he looked to see who dared to touch him.

In front of him was a kid around six foot tall, who was surprisingly well built, even though nobody who had previously seen him in his hoodie earlier would've known that, and as he walked up too Carson he smiled as he looked him in the face, and replied simply "sorry, that's my friend over there, and I didn't really appreciate you thinking you could fuck with him, but the names Zach".

And as Zach had turned to walk away and go check on his friend he was quickly shoved from behind and as he turned around Carson was back up, ready for a challenge, and the turn had turned and faced each other, and right as they were about to go at it a heavy set man had come in, who sported a grey beard and a grey hat with MVHS stitched on the front, and as he saw the two in front of him he blew his whistle, as this was Mr. Elway, their football coach.

"What the hell is going on in here!" he shouted at the two, and Carson who knew who it was quickly turned around to face his coach, and Zach who could tell by Carson calming down so quick by this person coming in the room, knew it was their coach, so he began to walk over to his friends to make sure Jacob was okay, while Carson came up with some excuse to ensure he didn't get in trouble, which worked as he was the star player, so naturally the coach had it in his best interest to look the other way on certain matters.

"You okay Jacob?" Zach had asked, clearly showing a look of concern for his friend as he held a hand out to help him up as Archie was still standing their with his jaw to the floor, and Jacob, who was still in shock as well over how Zach had been able to seemingly throw Carson around, just said "yeah I'm okay, thank you", as he accepted his help up, and compared to their handshake earlier, he could sense a lot more strength behind his grip this time, and naturally he didn't want to start barraging him with questions like "how could you do that" and "when did you get so strong" after he just helped him out, so he simply thanked his friend again, as after that Zach was no stranger to Jacob anymore, and he was more than happy to say he had Zach's back too after that, and they started to make their way out to the field, but right as they were about to go out the door none other then Carson stood in their way as he acknowledged them, "I may not be able to do anything in here, but just wait till we get on the field" he said, as he stared down Jacob and Zach, and all Jacob could think was "we fucked up" as Carson walked towards the field, with his regular sadistic smile on his face.