
The wolf of Borderlands

In the winter-stricken city of Borderlands , nestled in the eerie silence of the '90s era, Zayn Wolfe, a resilient 20-year-old with a chiseled physique, endured the harsh reality of orphan hood. Living in the squalor of the slums, he navigated a life of poverty, resorting to stealing and participating in gritty gang fights to survive. Zayn's existence took an unexpected turn when his adept fighting skills caught the eye of a powerful gang leader. Recognizing Zayn's potential, the gang leader presented him with an ominous opportunity—a job that promised escape from the slums. The task: to assassinate the baron of Scarestown, a figure synonymous with oppression and wealth. As he went on a journey to kill the baron , he began to face against something he never believed before . Questioning his own sanity , the wolf began his journey of death ! Will he kill the baron and get free from poverty ? or will he fall and choose to be a street thug again ? See for yourself!

Drunkenstories · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

The task of death ; Will he accept or decline?

[ Arc - journey to Scarestown ]

The fight between three gangs ...no it was two gangs against one gang was not that intense since Collins men had number disadvantage so it was like 2 vs 1 for each .

Collins men were seasoned criminals unlike Gary men who are all nothing but simple thugs. Even though they had huge advantage over the numbers , some of them began to die too .

Noticing this , Gary eyes were dark . He knew that this wasn't easy but even after sufficient preparing and sudden ambush , he still couldn't do it easily .

As expected of the old gang ! Collins was truly a monster .

Gary thought in his mind as he began to exchange moves with Collins. They were evenly matched so neither of them could hurt each other .

As they were fighting fiercely, Someone ambushed Collin from behind.

Shing !

A blade pierced Collin back and it wasn't from Gary , but it was from Oliver .!

"F$ck you cowards...!"

Spitting out blood from his mouth by the deep satb from his wounds , Collins was going mad . He was about to turn back and fight Oliver but Gary took the chance and delivered a fatal blow .

Stabbing his long knife to the Collins undefended neck .

Looking at Gary and Oliver in hatred , Collin finally fell to the ground .

Seeing their leader death , the men from Sharp blade gang ran away in fear but they were all chased and killed by the rest of the gang members .

Oliver clapped his hands and said to Gary

"Well done Gary ! Now your enemy is finally gone forever ."

Gary kicked Collins corpse and responded smiling

"Boss isn't it because of your help ? Or else It wouldn't be this easy to kill these bastard ."

Oliver laughed and threw his weapon to the ground , he patted Gary shoulder and responded happily

"Now you can finally rule the west side of the Borderland happily!"

Gary smiled and said

"Of course I'm still your subordinate, Boss. !"

As Oliver was about to say something, a guy from his gang rushed towards him in hurry .

"What happened?"

Seeing his hurry , Oliver asked in puzzling tone

That guy was panting heavily and his voice was hoarse

"B-Boss ... someone is ... killing our men ... outside!"

Both Oliver and Gary was surprised hearing his words .But before they could ask what's really going on , a slow footsteps sound was heard .

Everyone tensed when they saw a guy carrying a blade was walking towards them .

His eyes cold , a face with no emotions when he looked at the corpse of his leader , his face changed a little bit it was back to normal .

He stopped when he was ten feet away from Oliver and Gary.

The atmosphere was very tense and everyone was feeling a chill from their back when they made eye contact with the youth.

Gary eyes narrowed and whispered something softly to Oliver . After few seconds, Oliver had a intersting expression on his face.

Oliver clapped his hands and asked the youth

"Are you Zayn Wolfe?"

Hearing the name , the men all had change in their expression and some even took a step back in fear.

Noticing their behaviour, Oliver smiled widely and said

"Now I can confirm you are really the famous Zayn Wolfe of the Borderland!"

Zayn Wolfe was silent . He didn't say anything but he was looking coldly at Oliver .

Seeing his lack of response, Oliver was about to say something else but Gary spoke to Zayn

"Zayn Wolfe ! I know you have no relationship with Collin ! You are just working under him for his money , but since he is dead ! What will you do next?"

Zayn Wolfe thought for a while and said coldly

"What are you trying to say?"

Zayn knew that he can't fight against the two gang leader all by himself! So he choose to hear what the other party has to say.

Gary smiled widely seeing that Zayn Wolfe was talking instead of fighting. Even though he knew that they had huge advantage in numbers but he deeply knew what he was against.

He was facing against a wolf ! One wrong choice and they are doomed. As for the men he had behind him , they are all just sheeps . No matter how many they are , they are all just sheeps.

A hundred of ships against the wolf !

He didn't want to fight recklessly as long as the other party has the patience to listen to his words . As long as one listen to my words , Gary can easily subdue them .

Thinking to this point , Gary showed a bright smile and said slowly

"I know you can't live well with the little money that Collin gave you ! So I will give you a better choice ."

Zayn Wolfe eyes narrowed and he asked coldly

"I'm listening!"

Gary smile never faded away from his face

"Work for me ! I will give you double ...no triple the amount of whatever Collin used to give you !"

Hearing this the rest of the men eyes were filled with envy . These people all are working hard to escape the poverty and everyday they have to face danger .

They knew if they got enough money , they can leave these godamm town and move to another city .

That's why they were envious of Zayn Wolfe but they knew they can't compare to a madmen like him . Zayn Wolfe used to train crazily and no one can face against his fierce attacks .

So they all cursed him in his mind .

Zayn Wolfe eyes flashed lightly , he also had the same dream like others . To escape the poverty and live his life without risking his life ever again.

Seeing him pondering, Gary winked at Oliver and waited patiently for Zayn answer . He already knew weakness of every men in these town ! They all want to leave these poverty filled land and escape to some cities .

For that they need is Money !

And anyone who has desire it , He can control them easily . That's how he made many men follow him.

A few seconds later, Zayn Wolfe said in deadpan expression

"Very well i will agree !"

Oliver and Gary looked at each other , smilingly. They had exactly the same thought in their mind .

Oliver clapped his hands and said with bright smile

"Very well Zayn Wolfe, since you are one of us then you have to do a work for me !"

Zayn Wolfe frowned hearing his words .

"What work?"

Oliver looked at Gary and the later nodded his head before speaking in low voice

"You have to kill someone!"

Zayn Wolfe narrowed his eyes and asked before agreeing


Gary smile was down , his voice cold

"The baron of the Scarcetown! You have to go there and kill him ."

Zayn Wolfe frowned , he never heard of these town and he didn't know the identity of that person! So he asked them

"Need more details and what will be the reward ?"

Gary took out a potrait and a old map from his pocket . He threw it at Zayn Wolfe while saying

"That's the baron potrait and the map to the town ...If you bring me the head of the baron ! We won't give you money ...."

But Oliver was the one who spoke

"We will send you to the Newland city and a 1000 gold coins . What do you say ?"

Hearing this everyone breathing became uneven and some men even clenched their fist tightly.

This was their dream ! Everyone wanted to go the Scarcetown and kill the baron themselves to claim the reward.

Noticing them , Gary snorted and said coldly

"But I must warn you , Killing the baron is not that simple . He had hundred guards around him and they are nothing like the street thugs you meet daily . Each of these guards can take ten men like us easily ...so you should be aware of your own limits!"

Hearing this , everyone face changed and their mood became downcast. That's right , they forgot those baron and nobles always have elites guards with them at every time .

So assassinating the baron was impossible even for someone like Zayn Wolfe. They all expected him to reject it but who knew they would be very surprised.

Not even few seconds passed , Zayn Wolfe said in calm voice.

"Very well, You keep the reward ready . I will complete the mission."

Gary and Oliver was surprised for a moment. They thought he would reject it and atleast even if he accept the task , he would atleast take some times but who knew he accepted without even thinking.

Before Gary could say anything, Zayn Wolfe began to head out . Oliver stopped Gary from saying anything else .

Gary silently shook his head and began to head out . He knew that the mission was very tough even for Zayn , so he tried to earn him but the other party didn't even listen to his words .

Oliver eyes narrowed and thought in his mind

'I hope he can complete these mission....even if he dies , i will just lose a capable chess piece !'

To be continued....