
The Wolf of Aragnar

Aragnar is a world of Sword and Magic. Here, the different Races live in their respective domains, protecting the legacies their ancestors build with blood and sweat. But still, the world of Aragnar had not yet been fully explored, and the powerful races contest much of its unexplored land and untapped resources. Ivan Jaeger, an ordinary boy from planet earth with extraordinary dreams, woke up one day in a young body on the verge of starvation and death. No one had known at that instant except the rats killed for the experience that with an exceptional aide, a bigger wolf had arrived in the world of Aragnar, who would make others feel like sheep. But that's not the reason for his acknowledgment to be known and feared as the Wolf of Aragnar. To know that, you need to follow Ivan Jaegar's journey throughout his famed adventures. You need to know in detail about his daily life and his Pursuits after Wealth, Power, Ambition, Military Glory, Eternal life and the greatest of all his goals 'Conquering the Beauties' *Wink* ------------------------------------------- Support the Author: https://ko-fi.com/rollingpandaa https://paypal.me/Rollingpandaa ------------------------------------------- 2 Chapter Per Day (0.00 am GMT+8) Time Approx) Bonus Chapters as per power stones donated by the end of the week. Vote with power stones. Give review. Suggestions and encouragement in the comment box. Also, read my other Novel 'The Pleasure Lord' Happy reading. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Weak to Strong, Comedy, Reincarnated, Shameless, Harem, Adventure, Beast Companions, Politics, GameElements, Magic&Swords, FantasyRaces ------------------------------------------- Discord-->Rollingpandaa#8813 Discord group for 'The Pleasure Lord'--https://discord.gg/8Xbe3qJ

Rollingpandaa · Fantasy
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35 Chs

You Can Speak?

<<Name: Ivan Jaeger

Race: Human

Level: 2 (Exp: 0)

Status: Apprentice Warrior

Strength -16

Dexterity - 14

Defense - 12

Intelligence - 14

Vitality -14

Charisma - 3

Class: Freeman

Adventurer Class: None

HP(Health Points): 28/28

MP(Mana Points): 26(Locked)

BSP:(Battle Skill Points): None

AP:(Ability Points): None

Battle Skills: None

Ability: Appraise, ??(Dormant)>>

Ivan wanted to remove his shirt and see what happened to the wound on his back, which had only stopped bleeding but not fully healed.

Ivan was sure it should be healed because of the Light healing. That's because he stopped feeling even a tiny bit of pain on his back.

Magic sure is interesting.

<<Name: Naina Wheelbarrow

Race: Human

Level: 1

Status: Apprentice Mage

Strength -9

Dexterity - 10

Defense - 8

Intelligence - 15

Vitality -10

Charisma - 5

Attribute: Light

Class: Freeman

Adventurer Class: Rank F

HP(Health Points): 17/20

MP(Mana Points): 22/30

Spell: Light Healing, Illuminate

Ability: None>>

Naina had to use four points of mana to utilize that light magic spell.

"Thank you!" Ivan said after he stopped feeling any discomfort inside his body.

"Don't mention it! You also saved me from falling from the cliff... only to jump again." Naina's voice when she said the last four words were too low to be heard by Ivan.

"Come again?"

"Ah, nothing, I also wanted to say thank you for saving me," Naina became flustered. But seeing that the young man had not heard her, she felt relieved.

"Are you really not a Bandit?"

"Didn't I say that to you before? I was also captured some weeks ago by them. The bandits thought I died, so two of them picked my body to dispose of my corpse in a cave inside that tunnel you first saw me standing outside of. I just used an opportunity to knock the bandits out when they came back again and wore one of their clothes to escape. Everything after that happened in front of you, so you should be familiar with the story." Ivan explained, trying to get rid of any confusion between them, so there's no misunderstanding. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were one of them... That's why you weren't making an effort to catch me." Naina said after finally understanding the whole gist of the event.

"By the way, my name is Naina Wheelbarrow." Naina greeted as she bowed her head slightly in greeting formally.

"Ivan Jeager! Nice to meet you!" Ivan greeted back casually. Talking with people made him not think about his transmigration. He was still trying to adjust to this world; getting back to his usual self would need some time.

Naina was surprised to see his casual attitude when greeting.

"What?" Ivan asked when he saw the look of confusion on her face.

"Nothing." Naina didn't know if she should ask or not. He had a last name, which means he is either the son of a Noble or a knight or a family who had just fallen down and became freemen. But why didn't he follow the ethics of greeting? Is he the black seed of family or just illiterate.

Ivan thought they might have to sleep on the tree under his ass for the whole night or at least till the wolf does not leave.

With nothing to do, Ivan finally checked the store, which was right beside the inventory.

When Ivan opened it, a long list appeared with some pictures of the product right beside it.

The list was group into different classification. Weapons, Spells, Battle skills, Clothes, Potion, and everything you could think, the index had it all. Of course, it did not sell any spacecraft or a gun or things well ahead of this medieval world.

Ivan had thirty-four copper coins with him. He checked the list to find something which can help him kill or scare away the wolf.

Ivan had a bow, but he didn't know how to use it. Also, he wasn't in a comfortable position to fire the bow, nor was he confident in hitting his target.

"Luma Curatio~!" Naina whispered in a low voice and used the Light healing spell on herself.

Ivan saw her health points rising from seventeen to twenty, which was the cap of her health points.

Naina felt uncomfortable being stared at continuously by a man, and Ivan became aware of it too, so he closed his eyes to rest.

"Um... Are you fine? I mean, I'm sitting on your lap. Your legs must be hurting." Naina asked after sitting for a while. She asked not only for Ivan's sake but also for herself. No women would want to keep sitting on a stranger man's lap that they only know by name and met not long ago.

"It is indeed uncomfortable for me, and I understand its also uncomfortable for you, but there's no space for two people to sit side by side. If you want, you can rest your head on my shoulder to sleep. I will stay awake, so we don't fall off the tree branch. Please, bear with it for tonight or at least till the wolf goes away. I will find another place for us to rest." Ivan said after opening his eyes. Sleeping on the tree is very unbearable, but he can't do anything to remedy their situation.

The store had some ropes and also tents, but that's only to be installed on the ground and not on a branch of a tree.

Naina nodded in understanding. She hesitated but then rested her head on Ivan's right shoulder.

The sound of Ivan's heartbeat worked like a lullaby. Naina's eyes dropped down; she fell to sleep after some ten minutes. Ivan would have been happy to be in a situation like this with a woman if it was back on earth. But now, he had to stay awake because if fall asleep, then he might lose balance dropdown with Naina, and become a food falling down from the sky.

After half an hour, the system suddenly rang with a chime, and a string of texts appeared before Ivan's drooping eyes.


<<Quest Board has been updated. Check the Quest Board for missions. The Host can get Exp, Treasures, and much more as a reward if he completes the task on time and with a good rating. Don't take it lightly and waste time flirting with girls. Host will be punished for not completing some of the Quests on time.>>

All the drowsiness vanished from Ivan's eyes. When he read the description of the Quest Board, Ivan became happy seeing the reward list.

'Hmph, why do you care if I flirt with girls or not? I will do what I want to do with my life. As for completing the mission, if it's doable, then I have no problem, but if it's against my conscience, then you can't force me even if I have to face punishment for it.' Ivan thought in his mind.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice spoke in Ivan's ears.

<< Host need not worry. All Quests given by the system are well within the limits of the Host ability. Please give your all in every mission because the rewards for completing the Quests depend upon Host efforts, wits, and some other small factors. With an excellent or perfect rating, Host can get much better rewards. If the Host does not complete the mission on time, the Host will have to face the consequences. >>

<<Note: Every task is generated only after it matches your true character and real thinking. No Quest will be given against the Host conscience. If Host thinks it's not true upon facing one of the more difficult tasks in the future, then Host doesn't know himself as accurately as the 'System' >>

Ivan: "OoO...You can speak?"

He felt the system was making the famous 'Dab' pose after all that long speech about being fair and all.


Authors Note: Do read my first novel 'The Pleasure Lord' that has more than 250 chapters uploaded. Please do give it a read after finishing this chapter. You can find the above Novel's link in the synopsis or just search the name. Be sure to add it to your library. Its updated every day with 3CHP/day.

Hope you all read it, like, and add to your library.

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2 CHP/DAY and bonus chapters every Monday after achieving stone goals. Also, don't forget to try 'The Pleasure Lord'. Link is in the Synopsis

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