
The Wolf Moon Girl and Extraordinary Guy

There was a girl descended from the wolf moon family. She took over to inherit the power of the fire moon. She already has that power inside her but not completely. To collect her full fire moon power, she needs to disguise as a human and go to a human being's place. She must pass her test so that she can get her power completely. She didn't know that actually, her family has an enemy from other bad wolves that want to take their power and their land. But, when she pretends to be a human, she suddenly meets someone that will change her fate. The someone she will meet was an extraordinary guy. She really has to face many obstacles to passed her test at a human place there. Will, she passed her test to get her full power? What will happens between her and that extraordinary guy?? Can she even come back to her own place from that human place? Can she protect their family power from bad wolves??

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 16: Am I Dying?

'Someone... saves me...!' Delilah slowly talks inside her heart. She felt down at that battle and her body was feeling weak. Her vision grew blurry at that time.

Alaska was taking his chance when he saw Delilah didn't fight back. He continued to make Delilah felt down and take her power. He finally can take the power of fire from Delilah.

"Good-bye, Delilah! Your power will become mine!!" Alaska was roughly taking Delilah's power and he strongly pounding Delilah into the big stones there. Delilah was moaned in pain. She was taken back for a little when Alaska attacked her vigorously.

As Dylan was looking at them from far away, he can't control himself to see Delilah like that. He decided to go there and save her. "Leah, wait for me! I come for you!" Dylan quickly running to there and want to save Delilah.

"Come on kids! Why you stopped your fighting? Didn't you want to beat me? Hahaha..." Alaska was proudly happy said that to her. He knows that Delilah was looking so weak.

"I will kill you!!" Delilah still trying to lift up and want to fight Alaska but she still feels weak. She can't ever stand up firmly!

"So, you want to give your power to me or you want us to continue our fighting? But I don't think you have that strength anymore." Alaska mocking her condition. Delilah only gives her sharp glares to him. She really wants to kill him at that time.

"Well, I know your family has been saved but for your information, I have given your parents poisoned into their body!" He said to Delilah.

"What?? Why you do that??" Delilah feels angry to hear about that.

"But you don't have to worried dear as I have the antidote for that."

"Give it to me!!" She shouted at Alaska loudly.

"Give it to you?? Of course, I want dear but with a condition! I think you know what I want from you!"

"Okay, I give you all my power but you must promise to give me the antidote." She begging to him.

"Relax dear, I will give it to you but what can I guarantee for that?

"You show to me first the antidote in front of me now. I will give you all my power right now!'' Delilah said to him while holding back the pain in her body.

"Woah! That's was a good idea. So, here your antidote! " He throws it to her roughly.

Then after Alaska gives the antidote to her, Delilah was giving her all power to Alaska. Alaska was happy to receive the power and he laughs happily. After the recital of the power transfer, Delilah's body becomes very weak! She not ever can stand up by herself.

Alaska going out from there after he received the power and finally, he gets what he wants after a long time. Now, he can do what he wants to do after severely waiting for this time to come.

Delilah was lying there and her vision was weak. She only hopes someone can save her at that time and of course the one she waiting for was Dylan!

As Dylan the only one to see what happened to Delilah and Alaska, he knows that Delilah needs his help. He can feel that Delilah was calling for him.

Dylan running to at there place quickly as possible. He must help Delilah on his own before it too late. When he arrived at their place, he was shocked and worried to saw Delilah was lying weakly there. He goes to Delilah and tries to lift her up.

"Leah... Leah... can you hear me?? " Dylan asks Delilah with his worried voice.

But she still didn't answer him. She didn't have the energy to talk to Dylan but she only gives to him the signal with her hand.

Dylan pulls her closer to his chest and she hugs Delilah tightly. He can feel that her body was too weak and she really needs treatment as soon as possible. At that time, he can't even think anything and he feels anxious by looking at her condition. But, whatever he will treat Delilah with care. He doesn't want Delilah to die like this!

"Leah, can you hear me? Can you talk?" Dylan asks her slowly with worried.

"Dylan..." She said to him weakly.

"Yes, I'm here. What did Alaska do to you?? What actually happened?"

"I... I... win... but..."


"I give all my power to him."

"What?? Why?? " Dylan was so angry.

"Actually... I have to give it all so that... he can give me the antidote for my parents. He put poison into my parent's bodies. I had to do that to receive the antidote." She said to Dylan while slowly giving the small bottle of antidote to him.

He takes it from her and watches the antidote carefully.

"How sure this was the real antidote? Are you sure he gives you the real one?? " Dylan asks Delilah. He feels that this was only Alaska's trick plan.

Delilah just giving her curious look to Dylan. She really not sure about what Alaska thought, the only she can think was her parents. She needs to save her parents whatever happens.

''What do you mean?''

"Wait! I think he lies to you about your parents being poisoned." Alaska said to her.

Delilah was surprised but her body was in weak condition. She can't move at all. ''How come that be? Where were my parents? Did they have been saved?

"As I know, before I go here I meet with your parents and Abner and my mom already save them. But your parents look fine."

"We must be going back to them. I want to see my parents with my own eyes!"

"Hey, calm down. We will be going back but let me treat you first. Then we can continue our way to them." Dylan said to Delilah softly. He brings Delilah somewhere place to treat her body first.

After that, he finds a place. There was a hut next to the lake. He lay down Delilah under the grass and he starts the treatment on her body. Delilah's face was pale and her body was weak and lifeless.

"Leah... are you feeling better?" Dylan asks her while rubbing her hair gently. He looks at Delilah with his sad eyes.

"I'm okay..." Delilah answered weakly. She wakes up after sleep for an hour.

"I thought I'm dying..." She said to Dylan.

"You not believe in me? You will save as long as I will be with you."

Delilah only gives her a smile after hearing that from him.

"And I will not make anything happen to you without my permission. I will be by your side forever."

"What you mean by that? Are you just want to comfort me by saying all of this? " She stares at Dylan's eyes. Then she lifts up and sits beside Dylan.

"Leah, slowly... you are still weak."

She comes closer to Dylan... "Didn't you say that will be by my side? So I don't afraid to sick or weak in front of you."

Dylan surprised to hear that and he shyly smiles. He forgets a second about what he saying before. He is actually really worried about her.

"Dylan... "

"Hmm... "

"Thank you for saving my life and thank you for coming here even though not for me. I really thankful for that."

"Leah, actually... I... "

"I know you didn't want to come here as you still thinking about your family but Whatever reason you came here I know it really painful to being here, but gladly you willing here with your mother."

"Leah... I came here for you! I was force myself to be braver if I want to go to you. This is not my mother to force me, I willing to come here for you. I really worried about you."

"You don't have to force yourself for me. I understand it. If you didn't come here, I think I can save myself. I still have other people here for me." She said with her sad voice after hear that from Dylan, she sad that Dylan coming here with his forceful feelings.

"No, Leah! I need to say this to you. I admit that I still in pain if I came here because it makes me remember about my family died. But, this time... I can fight with that feeling because of your love. My feeling to you was stronger than all of this. I can't lie to myself anymore. I... I love you, Leah!'' Dylan confesses his feeling to Delilah for the second time.

They were staring at each other for a second. Delilah was surprised to hear that from Dylan because she didn't expect that Dylan will finally confess his true feeling.

Delilah was in teary eyes after hearing the confession from Dylan.

"Why you take this long time to confess it all to me?" Delilah shed in tears.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry to make your heart hurt for me. I'm sorry to make you waiting for me. I'm sorry I make you cry for me... " Dylan hugs Delilah tightly. Then he kisses Delilah's head gently.

''I think...this was your second confession to me,'' Delilah said to him.

''Second? I think this is the third time!'' He gives a wicked smile to her.

''Third?? When is the first time?'' Delilah feels curious.

''Shhhh... it's secret!''

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