
The Wolf king

In the middle of a large, vast forest coated with snow a intruder foreign of this world was born. We turn to see a wolf under a greater pine tree. A snow wolf it name was, a wolf with the element prowess of a ice and snow. A native species of this world. However, the soul don’t belong here. Where did it come from? We don’t know. But what it does next will be a site to see.

Boots_ups_your_ass · Fantasy
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3 Chs



'Brrrrrr, Who opened the window? It's chilly in here.'

I shifted my head over to my right to look out the window, opening my eyes only to see a winter wonderland.

'What the…' I start to look around the area still seeing the snow covered forest everywhere I looked.

"Where am I?" I asked myself before noticing some blue fur on me. I tried to move it off me when a dog leg springing in front of me. My leg or (my arm)!

"What the F..."

'What happened to me, what kind of witchcraft is this.' Before I can go into further a state of denial, a blue screen enter my view.

(Hello host)

'What the…'

(I am your system here to guide you through the world and to ensure your safety.)

'This must be a dream'

(This is not a dream, you have been reincarnated to another world)

'Reincarnated? Just like that? No meetings or a option for consent'

(Sadly, you didn't have enough karma to chosen your next ideal life, maybe in the next life)

'That sucks, so I'm just a dog now?'

(A snow wolf to be exact, chosen due to your sprit animal based on the Arctic and Northwestern wolf)

'Ok… What is my purpose here?'

(Whatever you would like to do)

'But I'm just a wolf tho'

(There are many things to do in this world but as your current form you wouldn't be able to enjoy them)

(But there is was to gain a demi-human form through a ritual, high magic ranking crystals or leveling up)

(Recommended leveling to received the full benefit)

'Wait, so there is magic in this world'

(Yes, there is magic within this world)

'Why didn't you say that before?'

(I was answering your question)

'O-oh yeah. So do I only have a system?'

(No, it is a world feature gifted to all intelligent beings)

'So I'm not special.' I lowered my head.

(You are special, most monster don't have a system due to lack of brainpower) The system explained.

' Really! May I see the system now.' I ask before noticing something moving behind me. I look behind me quickly only to see nothing there. That was until I saw it moving behind me yet again. I turned my head to look at it but it kept on moving behind me. I spent at quite a while chasing this thing around only to stop when I heard a burst of laugh.

(Pffft, Maybe you sprit animal was a dog, hahahahaha)

I stopped at my chase looking at the message front of me in confusion. Tilting my head, I asked 'What's so funny?'

(You don't know what your chasing?)

'What is it?'


I look behind me slowly to see a bushy tail behind me. I felt embarrassed as well as somewhat betrayed. Is it weird that I feel this tail is going to causes me a lot of problems.

I looked down to the ground before asking 'System please'


Lvl 1 ( 0/50) [1/10]


Unnamed snow wolf cub


1 day


Snow wolf




Hp. 35/35

Stamina. 35/35

Mana. 100/100

INT: 10

END: 7(-3 developing body)-> 4

STR:9(-3 developing body)->6

AGI:8(-3 developing body)->5

< condition>

/developing body:-3 to all physical aspect of body until age of maturity. (Maturity: 2 human years)

Stats can still be increase.


Bite- A powerful bite

-10 stamina

Dash- A burst of speed

-10 stamina

Howl- Assert dominance

-20 mana


<Canidae speak> grants the ability to speak to other canidaes

Status points:0

'Ok, my stats looks pretty good'

(It's ok but no where near the advance species)

'Really, what's the average'

( A average human strength is around 200 and their one of the more weaker race)

'I see… How strong am I compared to those in the area.'

(Average strength is are 50-100)

(Recommended that host hunting before it gets too dark)

I raise my head to the sky to see it's near midday. 'Hunt? How do I hunt?'