
she was simply theirs (various pov)

 "In two or three suns the competition will continue, the remaining students will be re-categorised based on the points they had accumulated during the first battle. The emperor has already began discussing this through his aides with the inter-school committee. As for the tragedy which had occurred implicating my future wife! My brother and I will solve this issue," the crown prince said those words slowly, taking another sip of the freshly brewed tea presented to him by the servant Hua.

The other males present had various expressions, especially the young Urbo master.

The young Urbo master, in particular, felt as if he had suffered a blow of which he could never recover from, but he quickly composed himself nonetheless.

He had no choice in this matter, after drinking that vial to gain strength where he can stand by her side he had changed in ways that he is no longer sure he is only a skinwalker.