

Alexan is a 28 years old guy that one day in a visit to his grandmother's house he meets with the son of an alfa wolf. That day he encounters Jason the beta of the pack and found out that he is Jason's mate but Alexan already has a mate, what this all means? Did the moon goddess have a plan for these three?

Alcaxius · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: The Request

Alen POV

Finally is the day I meet the dragon-shifters and with the confirmation of my grandma about my Granpa being the dragon king. I was curious about what they will say, I'm in Jason's room with Kelaiah and the baby. we are waiting for Jason to go and meet the shifters that Jason provides me with their names one is called Leo and the other is Julius and for the form that Jason mentions this Julius, he sounds like a pain in the ass. Supposedly Leo was my Granpa advisor and Julius we don't know his role but I think is Leo's bodyguard.

After a while we hear a knock on the door and an omega enter the room "Sir Beta Jason is waiting for you in the Alfa's office" he explains, I look at him and nods my head "Oh okay thanks, let's go" I say and follow the omega to Jack office. We arrive in Jack's office and I knock on the door and wait for a response "Come in" I hear Jack said and proceed to enter. The office is spacious, it has a bookshelf on one side a desk in the back, and two couches in front of the desk with a small table in the middle. I see two persons on my left and Jack at his desk with Jason by his side. I go to the right with Kelaiah by my side that when Jack talks to me "Alexan is good to see you, how are you feeling?" Jack asks with a smile, I look at him and return the smile " I'm good thanks" I answer.

I look at Jason who is smiling at me "Hey Jay" I greet him, "Hey babe" he greets back. then I look at the two males in front of me "So they are the ones that want to talk to me?" I ask and one of them takes a step forward and speaks "Yes my Lord" he answers and makes a small bow. I look at him and then at the other that was doing the same. "No need to bow and my name is Alexan you can call me that," I say to him and he just looks at me and shakes his head "No my Lord that would be rude of me to call you by your name" he responds politely declining to call me by my name. I sigh knowing that this will no go anywhere and just let him call me however he felt more comfortable. "Okay, I'm here what you need to discuss with me," I ask going directly to the point. He looks at me and nods his head "Of course my Lord, we are here to discuss with you the possibility of you coming with us to your kingdom and reclaim your throne my Lord" he says while he talks I study his face and look at his eyes for any notion of a lie and to find the true intention of his visit but not find anything only sincerity. "Okay let me get this right, you want me to go with you and claim a throne that supposedly is mine?" I ask him, he looks at me and then to the floor. After discussing things with the floor he looks at me and responds "Yes my Lord you are the rightful king of our land" he responds, I look at him and laugh "Well I'm sorry but I not interested in that" I respond to him to what he just gasp in shock to my answer "Please my Lord could you reconsider your decision?" he pleads I just look at him and shake my head "Look right now I'm not interested in being a king and you already have one right so you not need me" I respond he just looks at me still in shock than the other male talk "Yes we have a king but he does not care about his people and only think in himself and steal the money of his people with high taxes" he says I look at him "I understand what are you saying but I'm not interested in the throne and I'm very sorry that you people have this situation but dont you think you need to do something yourselves and not depend in someone else?" I ask them. The first male talks again "My Lord I understand your point but a revolution only will bring more pain and loss to our people that is why we are looking for you" he responds.

I look at them and then sit in the cough "Still that will not change my point" I say to them the second male talks again but I see that he is getting piss with my answers "So you will abandon your people?" he said with anger purring out in his voice the other male looks at him and scold him "Julius! that is not the way to talk to our Lord!" Leo says to Julius to what he just looks away from him " You hear him he just will abandon our people to that tyrant" he argues with Leo. I see Leo just shake his head "I understand how you feel Julius but still he is our Lord and you can't be disrespectful to him" Leo says to him. I look at them then to Kelaiah "What you think of this situation?" I ask her she just looks at me and shakes her head " I don't know Alen they just come out of nowhere and request you to go with them I don't trust them" she answers and then I look at Jason "And Jay what your input here?" I ask him he looks at me "I'm with Kelaiah I don't trust them" he responds. Just then Julius looks at Kelaiah and Jason "And what you two have to do with this discussion, why our Lord need to consult a human and a mutt?" Julius asks them, I just see Kelaiah and Jason tense themself with his question "Alright I can get your tone with me but YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO MY MATES AGAIN AND THIS CONVERSATION ENDS!" I say standing up from the couch and glaring at Julius who flinch when see my eyes. Leo is shaken from my outburst but more for the information, I reveal " Mates my Lord? you have two Mates?" he asks to what I direct my eyes to him and he flinches "Yes they are my mates and no one talk to them like that YOU UNDERSTAND!" I say more to Julius than to Leo.

Leo looks at me and bows "My apologies my Lord for the way my friend expresses to your mates, but may I ask an explanation on the matter of your mates?" Leo apologizes and pries an explanation. I look at him and think if is a good idea to tell them. In the end, I decide to tell them maybe this way they desist in the idea of me going with them. "Alright that is fair, the reason for having two mates is because of me being a hybrid," I say to them Leo and Julius look at each other confused "What you mean with hybrid my Lord?" Leo asks "I'm a cross between a dragon and a wolf, my mother is a dragon and my father was a wolf" I respond. Leo and Julius look at each other and then at me I see that Leo is surprised but I don't detect rejection of the notion of me being a part wolf but Julius was different his looking at me with eyes that are trying to hide the disgust of his king being a part wolf. I look at Julius and decide to confront him about this "Is something wrong with my face Julius?" I ask him, he just looks away from me "No my Lord everything is okay" he responds while looking at the wall. I continue observing him "Are you sure? there is nothing in your mind?" I ask again and I can see his frustration rising his tail is moving erratically behind him. "No my Lord" is the only thing he said. "Hmm well if you say so," I say sarcastically that when he finally looks at me and I greet him with a smirk. I look at Leo "So anything else you want to ask?" I ask him he looks at me then to the stroller "My Lord may I ask the baby is yours?" he asks politely. I smile and look at my son sleeping in the stroller "Yes that is my son Michael" I respond, he look at me and smile "Oh that is wonderful our Lord has an heir to continue the royal line" he said I look at him and narrow my eyes "He has nothing to do with you and this royal family okay" I respond to his comment. He looks surprised at my response "I'm sorry my Lord that was rude of me my apologies" he says to me bowing his head.

After that last set back we come back to the important point. "Alright like I said I'm not interested in the throne, now if you are telling the truth about the current king then what I can do is help you dethrone him and you people decide who will be the next king" I suggest to Leo. Leo looks at me and shakes his head "Sorry my Lord but not anyone can be the king only someone from the royal family can" he respond, I sigh and look at him "Then I can't do anything to help you" I say to him. Leo looks at me and stand up "Please my Lord reconsider your decision, our people need you" he says with a pleading voice then Julius talks "Drop it, Leo, you can't see that he doesn't care about anyone only himself?" he says with anger in his voice. I stan up "Okay so that is the person you think I am?" I ask. He looks at me "Yes we look for help from our Lord and what we get a child that doesn't care about his kind and only care about himself" he responds, I look at him and laugh "Oh, well sorry to disappoint you but I don't care what you think of me and about your people I did offer to help you dethrone him just that I will not take the throne, that is all" I respond. He just looks at me and walks out of the office "I'm through with this I'm leaving Leo, let's go" he says and walks to the door, while Leo looks at us "Julius stop right there you can't leave" he responds. Julius just looks back to him than to me "Why? You hear him he doesn't want to help in taking the throne" he said to Leo angry. Leo looks at him "I understand how you feel Julius but we need him either way, please my Lord at least think about it before giving us your answer" he says to both of us. I look at him and wanting this conversation to end already I accept to think about it and contact them in the future with my answer "Fine" is all I say and Leo bow and thanks me.

I'm right now with Jason and Kelaiah in the living room at the packhouse discussing what happened today "Are you sure about this babe" Jason ask I look at him and smile "I don't know is true that I say I'm not interested in the throne but what they say about the king and his actions" I respond Kelaiah just put her hand in my thigh "Whatever you decide I will be there for you and I know that Jason too" she says and I smile at her "Thanks babe" I respond.

Right now we are on our way home and Jason decides to come with us to pass some days with us. On the way there I was thinking about what Leo ask me but still, I don't know what to do I'm not interested I the throne but something tells me, in the end, I will need to take it and that worries me. We arrive home and Kelaiah puts Michael in his crib and I help Jason with his thing and explains where he will sleep, I tell him he will sleep in the futon we have in the living. He wanted to sleep with us to fortify the mating bond more but I don't know how Kelaiah will see this I know she accept Jason but I think she still a little apprehensive about this 3-way relationship.