
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · Urban
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7 Chs

The Beginning

'Wolfer 1 report...'

'The targets been sighted, heading towards 3 o'clock'

'Wolfer 4, its headed your way... '


'Wolfer 2, assist Wolfer 4...'

'on it'

A mysterious figure, coated in shadows runs from roof to roof in the cover of the night.

'he's almost here, I'm going for the kill'

'No, stop 4 don't jump in yet wait for Wolfer 2...'

Before the voice in the microphone could speak up more,

4 had been beheaded.

A spray of blood coming out of her headless torso.

Her slender figure and beautiful tan-lines were

Shining in the moonlight.

Her own blood showered on her headless body, as it feel down,

She stood on the edge of the roof before her unforseen fate.

Her corpse fell, downwards.

A play of light and dark visible from afar as one would look at her falling from the


Her torso hit the ground with a thump.

On the top of the skyscraper stood a lone shadow.

Now standing in the moon-light, was a monstrosity, almost indescribable.

A blade of silver ran through his chest,

A scrape wound at its neck, seemingly from the same sword.

His ears looked like that of a wolf, coated in silk - like golden fur. His right eye resembled that of a beast.

While the other one seemed human, shining blue.

His nose and mouth were covered with a black cloth. Hiding away his complete face.

His muscle build was something else entirely.

For most part his body seemed human, his chest was the same as of any body building human being. His back on the other hand was covered in more golden fur.

His tail was long and furry, the same color as his fur.

His finger nails and the grip of his paws looked extraordinary. In his left hand was the head of a girl.

Looking lifeless, her eyes were wide open. Here iris were of a unique wooden tint of brown.

Her face was beautiful in a way, the expression on it was that of determination.

The uneven neck shape was the proof of what had happened, it looked as if her neck had been torn apart by something. The blood dripped from the neck. It's sound echoing in the man's ears.

The blade running through his chest was now covered in his blood.

He looked at it.

From his other hand he pulled it out. Slowly and gently.

He was about to fall when suddenly an arrow came his was.

Without a moment of hesitation, he did a back flip, escaping it narrowly.

He looked the direction, it came from.

In front of him stood another woman.

' Remi...no!!!'

'wolfer 4 has been decapitated', she said quickly in her microphone.

Her hairs were a mixed shade of black and pink.

Her eyes glaring at the beast. She had an unsettling aura around her. Filled with rage and sadness she screamed at the wolf.

'you f*cker how dare you do that to Remi, you monster' saying that, she lifted her bow and shot a series of arrows towards the wolf.

He dodged them all with ease, running towards the girl, he almost pounced when 2 more women with bows jumped out of nowhere to her side.

Seeing himself out numbered, the werewolf backend.

He tossed the head mid air and jumped off the building.

The girls all rushed to the edge to kill the beast but they never found his corpse.

Its as if he never touched the ground.

The girl kept on glaring at the moon with anger in her eyes...

'He got away' , said one of the 2 other girls in the microphone, standing there silently.

'fall back for now', said the woman in the microphone.

2 days later...

A lone girl is seated on a table, outside an open cafe.

Her eyes were of a shade of light blue.

Here hairs were of black which were partly dyed pink.

Her skin was fair with her lips being of a dark shade of red.

She kept on gazing at the menu in front of her,

Ignoring the bustling surroundings around her.

The sound of cars, children, footsteps of people all faded to nothing.

She kept on looking at the menu, not ordering anything until a shook to the shoulders from behind had her interrupted.

'Wakey - wakey sleepy head...' said a voice from behind,

'Sarah, you're late by 20 minutes again', the girl said.

'ah cmon Seras chill - chill it's nothing, I just stumbled across this very handsome dude you see...' said Sarah

'oh he was so hot and yet so humble I couldn't help my self '

Sarah seated next to Seras,

'So why did you call me here Sarah, '

'I heard about what happened to Remi, you were there weren't you?

What really happened there, tell me' said Sarah

'it's 7th time this month, It was him, "The Golden death". He appears out of nowhere, he doesn't care about anything else, no restraint, he goes straight in for the kill.'

'Our team encountered him aswell, every time he appears, someone dies. He killed Jeff and Tiller' Sarah looked serious, something she rarely did.

She was dressed in her usual, tight jeans and

Green t-shirt, scented with rosewood perfume.

Her hair were blonde with a tint of silver.

Her eyes were black, she almost seemed sinister if it weren't for her calm nature.

'Good Morning miss what would you 2 like to order today?' asked a waitress

'Oh so sleak, I did not expect someone so ninja like to take our order' said Sarah.

The waitress giggled,

'I would like water, just a glass of it nothing else' interrupted Seras.

'I would like the same', said Sarah.

The waitress up and left.

'that woman looks suspicious', said Seras.

'she is too unguarded to be one of them, why do you suspect her Seras? '

Seras looked at the waitress silently, like a predator glaring at its prey.

'no that's precisely why she'd make a good candidate' replied Seras.

Same night...

'thanks for the food, manager, see you tomorrow',

The waitress gets out of the inner kitchen in changed clothes.

She starts to walk on the pavement with a bag in her hands. 'The city is extra silent today, isn't it', the woman talks to herself.

'alright wolfers, Sarah here, I'll be your navigator today. That woman walking on there pavement you see there is a potential werewolf. They have been killing us humans since year 20XX. We Wolfers exist just so we can eradicate werewolves and keep all our loved ones safe. With this I begin today's hunt,

All of you wolfers,


To be continued~

Chapter 1, END...