
The Wolf and Dragons

Thousands of years ago two dragons were fighting for supremacy, destroying everything in their path until they were stopped by a powerful wolf. Now thousands of years later, the wolf disappeared and the dragons are restless. Where did the wolf go? Will the dragons return to their battle? Where does our protagonist fit into all this?

exial_31 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 1

-Paul gets up, it's almost time- Erika speaks while gently shaking Paul's shoulder to wake him up.

-Arghh ten more minutes please, I want to continue sleeping- Paul speaks half sleepy before going back to sleep.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to do the ceremony quickly? Well, keep sleeping, but then don't complain when you can't do it because you don't arrive on time," Erika said as she waited for her son's reaction.

-Ceremony? THE CEREMONY!! - Paul shouted before jumping out of bed and running to the shower. As he left he turned his head and shouted -Thanks, mom! -

- * Sigh * never changes- shook his head amused at his son's reaction.


Meanwhile, a child could be seen getting ready to take a shower, the boy has hair as black as coal and electric blue eyes that expressed all the emotion he had at the moment, that boy is Paul who, while taking a shower, also remembered what he had done in the last 6 months.

During all this time his father had trained him with the sword, although the training had been very difficult he lasted and did his best to learn, after all, he knew that the training would be very beneficial for his future no matter what kind of wizard be.

If he was a body wizard, he has the bases on the sword, if he was a summoning wizard or a spiritual wizard who were mostly distant attackers then he already had a form of defense until he could get away in case the short-distance attack.

Leaving his reflections and deciding that he was already clean enough, he came out of the shower to get dressed and go to the ceremony.


arrived in the living room already dressed to observe his mother how is serving breakfast quietly while waiting for him.

"Mom, I'm ready," Paul declared as he approached his mother.

-very good, but first sit down and come you can not go to something so important on an empty stomach - said Erika with an affectionate smile on her face.

-Of course mom- Paul exclaimed happily before sitting at the table and starting to eat.

-Mom, will my father come to see my discovery ceremony? - Paul asked not seeing his father in close.

- Sadly, he can't son, he was called from his job for something important - Erika replied, who had a sad smile on her face - but still I leave you the best of luck and a small gift - her mother finished before taking out a box.

Although a little disappointed not to have his father with him could not help but be excited about the gift, so he quickly opened it to see its contents.

-Wow great !! - I exclaim happily while pulling a sword out of the box.

The sword was perfectly matched to its size, its blade was silver and its hilt had a wolf's head at the tip. While holding in his hands the swinging a few times to test his weight, and while making him feel that the sword was neither too heavy and too light, it was perfectly balanced for him.

Paul quickly turned to his mother and hugged her - Thank you! - thanked a happy mind while hugging his mother.

-hehe you have to thank your father when you see him- said Erika while hugging her son.

-Yes! - Paul nodded happily.

-Well, now quickly finish your breakfast so we can go to your ceremony - softly claiming his mother.

"Yes ma'am," Paul replied before happily finishing his breakfast.


Paul and his mother Erika were approaching their destination to perform the ceremony, the place where they were going was a large building that perfectly combined the black and white colors on its facade, on the top of this one could see a sign with the name of "The company of the dragon", but most impressive of all were the two dragons that decorated its entrance. The dragons were almost equal, the only difference was their colors, each dragon had its wings extended creating an impressive vision and both stared at each other as at any moment the statues would come alive and start a battle.

-Wow that building is great- Paul exclaimed in a surprising way, although when he saw the dragons in detail a small pressure on his chest quickly dismisses him dictating that they were only nerves.

-Truth? There are hundreds of these buildings on both continents. The dragon company has long helped the children of both continents with their ceremony in a safe way - his mother responded and informs with a little admiration for them.

- Impressive, now let's go mom - after saying that Paul quickly ran to the entrance.

-very good- replied his mother and followed him with a smile.


When they entered, they quickly went to the receptionist and Erika asked - good morning, can my son perform the discovery ceremony today? A few days ago he turned 10 -

-Of course, you arrived just in time, now there is a group of children that will enhance the ceremony and there is only one place left - the receptionist quickly replied with a smile always on her face.

-Seriously? It's a relief, so Erika responded cheerfully and Paul who is right next to her escaped a sigh of relief.

-Only 1000 gold and your child can pass the room with the other children - said the receptionist without letting his smile fall.

-Well, here you go- Erika delivered a small purse are gold coins.

The receptionist received the coins and put them in a machine that quickly counted them and made them disappear somewhere.

-That will be enough, the little one can go to that room and meets the rest of the ceremony participants- the receptionist said as he pointed towards a door on the left side of the building.

-Thank you very much- thanked Erika before addressing her son and saying - now go where I told you, you have to go, I'll just wait for you here - Erika sent her son.

Paul nodded and walked where they pointed.

Upon entering the first thing he saw was a group of children his age, counting them had had 19 of them. Without thinking too much they were treated towards them and sat in the last empty seat.

He waited quietly for a while until he got bored and asked the boy next to him - hello, do you know when the ceremony will begin? - Paul asked.

The boy only looked at him once before answering - I don't know, the supervisor just told us that we were sent and we hope they are all there for the ceremony, now that you arrived I guess it doesn't take too long - the boy replied slowly.

Paul nodded thanked - thank you, by the way, what's your name? I am Paul Salazar- Paul requested and introduced himself enthusiastically.

-I'm Luis Ortega gladly- the now known as Luis responded before saying - now be silent the supervisor is approaching- without waiting for an answer he simply answered his gaze towards the supervisor.

Paul nodded and also changed his gaze to the supervisor.

He was an old man in his 50s or 60s, he was bald, he had a big beard and he was wearing a robe.

He looked at everyone until he stopped at Paul and said - I see that they are now complete, then we can start with the ceremony - you could see all the children visibly happy about it.

-but first, we will have to do the written test- he said with a smile seeing how everyone seemed discouraged at his words.

-jajajaja do not be discouraged, the test is very easy… .probably- he said as he handed the exams to each of the children in the room –they have 30 minutes to complete.

Paul looked nervously at the paper in front of him, honestly, he had completely forgotten about this after his mother's test. I just hope that helps you pass this exam.

After seeing the exam, he was able to relax, most of the questions he already knew and he was confident in answering most of the questions correctly.

After half an hour, the supervisor picked up the exams and graded them quickly.

After qualifying them, the supervisor nodded satisfied with the results before saying - Congratulations most of your answer most of the exam successfully - the supervisor delivered their exams and everyone saw their grades.

Paul seeing that 85% of his correct exam relaxed and looked to his side to ask Luis about his grade.

-Hey Luis, did you win the exam? - Luis looked at him and answered - of course, this was just the basics it would be difficult to lose it - Luis said showing his exam with all the correct answers.

-wow, you are very intellig- Paul could not continue since the supervisor interrupted them saying –Well now that they missed the exam they are out of where we can start their ceremony- said the supervisor.

-Yeeeeees !! - Everyone celebrated - well now calm down - when everyone reassured the continuous supervisor - now I will call them in order of arrival so wait patiently -

The supervisor began calling one by one until he arrived in Luis.

-Luis Ortega- called the supervisor.

Luis approached walking calmly until he was in front of him, the supervisor just looked at him and put a man on his head before singing some strange words.

When he finished singing a kind of aura went on in Luis's body, this caused some minor changes in Luis, his muscles grew a little and he also got taller.

When it was all over, a symbol appeared above his head, representing a man and a woman having a strong hand-to-hand battle.

With that, Luis has officially declared a body wizard in training.

Luis returned to his seat and sat happily.

The supervisor looked at everyone and called the last one missing.

-Paul Salazar ... -