
The Wolf's rise (Dragon Age)

This book is starts at the beginning of Dragon age Origins and will span past the events of Inquisition. I appeared out of the darkness, a metallic and cold voice guides me in this unfamiliar land, from an unknown being I must rise from the shadows. An unnatural drive to conquer propels me forwards, Castles must fall at my feet, kingdoms must become ash under my shoes. From nothing I will rise until nothing stands above me, they say that Dragons rule the sky, that is indeed true, I do.

Soul_Snatcher · Video Games
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11 Chs

Hatchling's Appearance.

At the beginning there was nothing but darkness,it remained this way for what felt like an eternity, eventually a voice spoke to me "It is time for you to go my champion, you will bring my judgement and wrath to the world. A voice will appear to you on your 16th birthday, you will be assisted by the voice in your head, help it and it will help you. Walk towards the light my child your rise will begin now."

The day I walked into the light was the day I was born, I remember that day quite clearly, the room of the castle my mother was in was quite dusty, instantly I was aware that my family were not that well off. As I was pulled off of the bed and shown to my mother, she let out a small gurgling sound as what I assumed was blood leaked out of the corner's of her mouth, I was thrust into the hands of a nurse. Looking around the room, I saw an older man shouting in panic as he walked towards my mother, he gently shook her as the colour on her face faded into nothingness.

I instantly felt the atmosphere change as the older gentlemen walked towards the nurse carrying me and said" Get this bastard child out of here, I do not care what happens to him,. He is what 4th in line? Send him out to become a knight in some far off country of feed him to the fucking wolves, it matters not. Send out the news to my darling Morgana's family, tell them of her death and try to appease them in anyway we can."

That is all I can remember of the day I was born, following that I was actually kept in that castle although my life was a living hell, I was often beaten by my father and brothers. I was the 'Failure' of the Maxim family, unable to use any magic, I couldn't escape to the circle, not skilled enough with the sword to become a Templar, not charismatic enough to become a noble. Beating after beating followed, nothing changed, on my 14th birthday, my father broke my arm and offered my soul to a god in order to get his wife back.

In a spout of rage, I pulled my broken arm from out of my father's grasp and struck out at him with my un-harmed left hand, catching by surprise I manged to strike him in the chest with a lot of strength, forcing him to the ground, I snarled"This is the final time you hurt me bastard as of now I no longer want anything to do with this bastard family and the next time we meet, I will be cutting your head off with a sword."

I turned around and went to leave the room, my father shouted" You will never be able to make it Ferelden on your own, you have been brought up by the family, without us you are nothing. How will you eat, how will you sleep safely? Hmm little peasant, get back here and accept your beating, then go to your room."

I aggressively returned to my father, he rose to his feet however as he went to hit me, I struck him in his weakest point, bringing him to his knees once more, i then kicked him in the skull while he was down, moving on I quickly looted whatever money he had on him and took his sword and sheath and ran as fast as I could, I had to get of South Reach, heading west into the Brecilian Forest.

I had heard that other than potentially the Dalish clans appearing that there would be no one else in the forest, this was the best outcome for me as i'm now a wanted criminal in the South Reach Arling. Days passed as I walked down the beaten stone path, passing views that I could only imagine form my prison, the flowery hills looked majestic in contrast to the stone floors i was used to. The open plans gave me a sense of freedom that I had never had before, I moved swiftly however, not getting caught was the main goal after all.

As I slowly approached the forest I was immediately overwhelmed by the mass of trees in front of me, the path disappeared, all that remained was a small opening between the giant oak tress. I gingerly walked into the forest, instantly my nose was assaulted with smells that I had never smelt before, some extremely bad others extremely good, my mind was overwhelmed, the desire to explore this unknown land exploded within me, alongside a darker feeling that I needed to control this land, make it mine.

However this second feeling died down, stepping further into the forest, the flowers looked beautiful, the amazing red contrast of them against the dark oak trees brought a smile to my face, However the feelings of joy ended almost as soon as they began, as I was inspecting the flower, I heard a howl come from behind me, turning around I saw a silver wolf looking at me with clear hunger in its eyes.

With my sword arm broken, I had no chance but to run, sprinting deeper and deeper into the unknown forest, running for my life, I eventually came to a river, as I turned to look behind me I was surrounded by countless wolves, then to my surprise a humanoid looking wolf appeared before me and snarled"What are you doing in our forest Human?"

Confused, scared and in pain, I unconsciously took a step backwards when the wolf got closer to me, falling into the river. I was trapped in the river for just under a day, surprised that I hadn't died, I climbed out of the river in a location where the under current had died down, long grass littered the surrounding area, bushes were scattered around near the river bed. The berries on the bushes looked tasty, I took one and ate it, it did indeed taste good and luckily for me they were not poisonous either.

Two years have passed and I'm still sitting in this small clearing waiting, tommorow will be my 16th birthday and according to the voice from the darkness, that is when my guide will find me. I should claify that I haven't been sitting here idly, I have learn't the basics of hunting (Made myself a crude bow), should also say my arm healed (Mostly) it still causes me pain occasionally however I can use it now. If a skeleton is found by this diary entry then it is safe to assume that my guide didn't come however if you simply find this lying on the ground then count yourself luck to find the start of my legend, the Silver Wolf's legend.

The first chapter will be in first person, from the next chapter on wards it will be a third person novel, it seemed better to describe the earlier years of his life through his own eyes.

Hope you enjoy and have a good day!

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