
The Wolf's Mate - BL

The extraordinary life of Ivy, a half-breed born from a witch mother and a vampire dad, takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is not only a vampire-witch but also a werewolf. To his dismay, he is an omega wolf, an outcast among his kind. This revelation shatters his world and sets him on a path of self-discovery. Read Ivy’s story on his thrilling journey as he navigates love, betrayal, and the weight of his destiny; As I laid down to rest, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The darkness of the night seemed to be closing in on me, and I felt as though I was at the mercy of the unknown. So, I made the decision to sleep with one eye open, to keep watch over my surroundings even as I closed my eyes to rest. The dim light from the moon cast shadows across the room, and I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. But by keeping that one eye open, I felt a sense of control, a sense of security that helped me drift off to sleep. I was in an urgent situation, desperately trying to escape the clutches of blood-thirsty vampires and ferocious wolves who were targeting my innocent baby! Thankfully, the remarkable witches had taken an oath to shield us from harm's way! With my loving and devoted mate standing right by my side, our mission was to ensure the safe and secure arrival of our precious little one. “To all the witches, vampires, and wolves! Brace yourselves for the dawn of a new era! The prophecy of Agrippa has chosen Ivy’s womb to carry the next ruler who will reunite our extraordinary realms!” This was the statement that had put me under fire. Neither of the Kingdoms wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled. They had to get rid of me, only the witches stood with me!

Jae_Ivy · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Thirteen - One More Round

Eight *beep* *beep*! 

Harry's phone rang, it was the princess calling her, her younger sister was noisy and never liked minding her own business! Earlier that day she had spotted hickeys on my neck and tried to bring it up on the dinner table. Why would anyone do that? She tried to embarrass me Infront of the royal family. 

"Umm... Charli your neck is red, what happened to you?" She asked, funny Harry, he choked and began to cough. Harry almost got us caught what was wrong with him?! Lord Vladimir Laughed and cut in before I opened my mouth to lie. Life saver! Maybe he did because I was a guest, that's how guests should be treated not this lousy princess. 

"Hahaha vampires, somebody decided to celebrate the Full Moon Festival early!" He joked and the whole table was laughing at me, but the Queen wasn't happy though, I only prayed she wasn't suspecting anything. I really could not understand that woman, maybe she didn't like my presence, or dinning with the royal family was a problem, but I was also from the royal family. 

"Harry wake up... Harry...Harry...Babe..."

 "Hmmm... What?!" Harry got up from his deep sleep. 

 "Your sister is calling." I whispered; he was annoyed as much as I was. Why couldn't this girl mind her own business. 

"Damn! What does she want?!" He complained and then ignored the call. It was about 4 a.m. and were still feeling. The twins were fast asleep. We realized that her sister had saved us.

It was time for us to go before we were discovered, and Harry needed the sun protection hence it was better for us to leave early before sunrise. Since I was half witch, I didn't need any sun protection, and nobody knew that, people always thought I also could burn in sunshine. I always kept all these secrets for myself. I think mother knew because almost everything about me because she the one who raised me. Being half witch helped with a lot of things. I didn't need sun protection or whatsoever, vampire poison couldn't kill me. I wasn't afraid of running water, like other vampires, neither was I afraid of the light nor was I allergic to garlic, and of course the darkness was my friend. 

`"What are about these guys?" Harry asked looking concerned, I was too but they were fine.

 "Don't worry they won't remember anything." I said after casting a spell on them. There were going to work up confused but they would surely remember that they fucked some guy they met at a party, this was how I turned straight men to gay! As for the vampire venom, it was not going to affect them in anyway, just a few hickeys from my fangs.

We left together to, I was very tired and feeling great at the same time. We didn't bother for dressing up, Harry carried me, and we flew naked! At four am flying naked, the black witches were confused, there won't sure it they just saw witches or vampires! Witchy wasn't it😜?

We flew to his tower in the Darker Ville palace. I was so tired and all I wanted was to sleep, and my boyfriend wanted more. I wondered how he was still horny after all that sex last night. Well, it was Full Moon Fest, where people were allowed to be themselves! I still had the little strength left, and I allowed him in, it wasn't a big deal, after all what I had to do was to lay on my back and widely open my legs apart, he was going to do all the work. *wink* *wink*

We went for one more round that morning. That was the longest round. I had never in my life celebrated a Full Moon Festival like that one. Honestly I hated blood and that festival was full of blood, sex, sweat and semen! Vampires were something else, I kept wondering how Wolfs celebrated their Full Moon Fest. The boy was riding me like he I was sex doll, I wondered how he was still had much power especially after flying. 

At five in the morning, Harry was still on me. I wondered where he had got all that strength from?! Wasn't he tired, I swear I fell asleep while he was on top of me but then I had to wake up each time I had an orgasm, he was that good! Was he a sex god? The sex continued up to six am, to the point where I could not take it any longer. I had had enough of orgasm and my body was so tired that I was left with no energy for excretion. So, I just passed out just after he cum. 

I wonder what mom was thinking, but I bet she had not even closed her eyes to sleep still worrying about me. I was grown now, they were no reasons for her to worry about me and I had enough power to take care of myself except for that moment when I was at Harry tower, that boy had exhumed all my energy.

I'm glad mother did not call me during my hibernation period. Vampires could hibernation for days without having food, or even the whole season, that was my first time hibernating and I wasn't sure how long I was going to be asleep. 

Mother was going to be pissed if I spent the whole week hibernating. I felt embarrassed each time I thought about how mother new everything I was doing, that meant she could feel my mood and she knew if I had sex.

I remember when I almost had sex with a senior, back then in high school when I was sixteen. My mother already felt it coming, she wanted to fly to school and stop it, but grandma trusted me, and she told her not to do anything. If a witch has sex for the first time a set of new magical powers were unlocked. We didn't have sex though, I only kissed the alpha wolf, which was on rut, but the time he was about to fuck me, I had changed my mind, so I ran away! Mother was pleased and grandma was disappointed! When I got home, mother asked me about the encounter. I tried denying it, but she told me that she was aware of everything that was happening around me.

"Baby there is nothing wrong with having sex, but you should be an adult, that's adult stuff, I know you are just a teen and the hormones, that is natural." She spoke. Well now I'm an adult and I'm not ashamed of it!