
The Wolf's Mate - BL

The extraordinary life of Ivy, a half-breed born from a witch mother and a vampire dad, takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is not only a vampire-witch but also a werewolf. To his dismay, he is an omega wolf, an outcast among his kind. This revelation shatters his world and sets him on a path of self-discovery. Read Ivy’s story on his thrilling journey as he navigates love, betrayal, and the weight of his destiny; As I laid down to rest, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The darkness of the night seemed to be closing in on me, and I felt as though I was at the mercy of the unknown. So, I made the decision to sleep with one eye open, to keep watch over my surroundings even as I closed my eyes to rest. The dim light from the moon cast shadows across the room, and I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. But by keeping that one eye open, I felt a sense of control, a sense of security that helped me drift off to sleep. I was in an urgent situation, desperately trying to escape the clutches of blood-thirsty vampires and ferocious wolves who were targeting my innocent baby! Thankfully, the remarkable witches had taken an oath to shield us from harm's way! With my loving and devoted mate standing right by my side, our mission was to ensure the safe and secure arrival of our precious little one. “To all the witches, vampires, and wolves! Brace yourselves for the dawn of a new era! The prophecy of Agrippa has chosen Ivy’s womb to carry the next ruler who will reunite our extraordinary realms!” This was the statement that had put me under fire. Neither of the Kingdoms wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled. They had to get rid of me, only the witches stood with me!

Jae_Ivy · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Nine - Origins 2 Queen Martha saves the witches 2

After her parents returned from honeymoon, Martha realized that life was a little bit different. She had to share her dad with this woman, Cassandra! She always thought Cassandra was fake because she was only nice to her when her dad was around. Martha found that odd and never trusted her again. 

Things escalated when she overhead her dad speaking to Cassandra about a new baby on the way. This did not sit well with her, the whole family was celebrating, except for her of course.

      "This woman, not only did she come to steal my daddy, now she wants to replace me, with a new baby. I wish dad had not met her. Why is this happening to me? I wish my real mother was here with me, why did she leave me?!" Martha cried in her sheets, cursing the day she met this woman. Suddenly she felt someone patting her back. She opened the sheets to see who that was, but there was no one in the room she was completely alone. 

That was odd, she thought, and out of the blue all her sorrows were gone, not the stepmother and the coming baby, she was still around but she didn't feel bothered about it. She found that odd as well, this was not the first time something like this happened, she recalled a few similar events in the past, she was not lucky, but she was blessed, she thought!

The new baby finally arrived, according to Martha, he was there to steal her spot in the family. Mr Edward had finally got his heir, he didn't consider Martha as heir, despite being a female, he did not want a black girl to inherit all his fortune, never! At that point he did not bother hiding the fact that he disliked Martha. He wasn't the only one who disliked poor girl, including his new daughter in law. 

Time flew, Martha knew that her dad, grandmother, and aunt were never going to abandoned her. She only knew that some of the family members did not like her. On her twelfth birthday, someone at school started a circulating rumour that claimed she was black, unbelievable! 

She left the school early, at home she found her lazy stepmother laying on the couch, nibbling, that glutton never stopped eating, Martha wondered why she was not yet fat! 

      "What are you doing here, rascal? You are skipping school now?" She imprudently asked with a mouth full of nuts. 

      "Everyone was making fun of me at school, saying I am black." Poor girl, she cried in pain.

      "Oh that… Your father didn't tell you? Your mother was a slave, and you are a slave that is also black, you might not look black, but that doesn't mean you aren't black. Look at your hair, everyone here is brunette, except for your black slave mom. Don't look at my hair, I'm blonde and I'm white! If you don't believe me, go investigate that cupboard over there." Who does that to a child, in my opinion, that woman should have been the one hanged to death a long time ago, she was evil.

Martha ran to the old cupboard that was filled with old books, new paper articles, and letter. She saw a few articles about her mom's court case, she took them locked herself in her room and cried as she read them, Cassandra had spoken very harsh to her. She finally saw pictures of her mom, she was not mad because her mom was black instead, she found her very pretty. She looked just like her mom! She smiled at the picture of her, kissed and then placed in her chest, heart! 

      "I hate seeing you like this your highness," a voice spoke behind her, wait she recognised that voice, it was the same lady that had read her bedtime story that night when she felt lonely. She turned to finally see her face; this time she was sure it was not a dream. She could not believe her eyes.

      "You are real?" She questioned the woman in her eyes. "I always thought I was imagining you. I remember you used change my diapers when I was little, the lullabies you sung me to sleep when I woke up at night, you are my guardian angel." 

      "Yes… I am your guardian angel, and your mother. I used to watch you every day, wishing to reveal myself to you but I was afraid you were going to tell people and you will be accused of witchcraft as well, and killed!" Atika explain.

      "But mother, were you really a witch?" She asked. 

      "Yes… but a white witch, meaning a good one, we don't use our powers for sinister intentions but for protection of course. You will get to know most of the things when you grow up."

      "Then why did you not save yourself, are you really dead?"

      "I did it for you, I did not want to risk your life, its complicated. I will have to explain it to you, someday. Now is not the right time."

      "Why did you let my father get married to this evil woman?"

      "He was still loyal to me, so I let him go as he also deserves to be happy, but I knew that woman was not good for you! But don't worry about them, we will leave soon, your people still need you."

      "My people?"

      "Yes, the witches, all the witches, the good and the bad. You are next in line to be queen. Queen Martha I" 

She could hear the words but did not know what all that meant, Martha was delighted to hear that she was the queen of the witches, meaning that she was originally a witch, she had a kingdom waiting for her, she no longer cared about her mean grandfather's inheritance. 

She was no longer lonely as her mother was always with her, guiding her in every step she took. She had proudly announced at school that she was black and who ever had problem with should just go to hell, with her mom by her side, she was untouchable.

      "So long, master!" Atika greeted her former master. Mr Edwards turned to see the moron who was playing a prank on him. He could not believe his eyes; it was really her! His heart was beating so fast that he had a heart attack, due to shock. He was quickly rushed to the hospital where he remained unconscious. By the time he woke up, his family had left. Except for Atika, her late slave.